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The benefits and harms of coffee for the human body

Millions of people around the world start their day with a cup of invigorating, strong coffee. Probably, it is impossible to find an indifferent person to coffee beans, someone is content with one morning cup of drink, and someone pampers themselves throughout the day and does not think at all about what effect coffee has on the body.

Many people sincerely believe that just a cup of very strong brewed drink helps to maintain clarity of mind and think clearly. It's time to understand the effects of coffee on the body and possible side effects.

In ancient times, black coffee beans were not brewed, but eaten, having previously fried in oil. For several centuries in a row, the drink was not at all a drink, but was included in the list of expensive, gourmet dishes. The product was primarily appreciated for its powerful tonic and stimulating effect.

The whole world owes the emergence of a delicious drink to Arab merchants, it was they who first brought grain. Of course, at that time no one thought about the question of whether it is healthy to drink coffee, but simply enjoyed the taste and aroma. However, very soon priests and healers began to talk about the benefits of coffee - the coffee broth helped to overcome the feeling of fatigue, to cope with drowsiness.

A few words about caffeine

Caffeine is the main component of the product, it is its content that determines the effect of coffee on the human body. Caffeine is an alkaloid that has a tonic effect on the nervous system. The substance is very often used as a natural, natural stimulant.

The alkaloid has a direct effect on the nervous processes in the brain, increasing physical and mental activity, relieving fatigue. However, it should be borne in mind that one of its side effects is nervous exhaustion.

The effect of caffeine on each organism is individual and depends on the nature of the reaction of the human nervous system.

Caffeine can neutralize the effects of sleeping pills. But the opinion that an alkaloid is a drug is partially refuted. A strong drink based on coffee beans is physically addictive, but unlike narcotic drugs, it does not cause psychological attachment.

In addition, it has been proven that, with moderate consumption, the beneficial properties of coffee are revealed. The optimal daily volume of a strong drink is no more than two cups in the morning.

Why is coffee useful?

  • Stimulating action. As noted above, this effect of coffee is due to the high content of caffeine in the beans. The alkaloid activates blood flow, which contributes to a better supply of blood and oxygen to the brain, helps a person to concentrate faster.
  • Stress protection. The composition of the grains contains the well-known hormone of happiness - serotonin, it is he who protects against stressful situations and emotional overwork.
  • Natural source of antioxidants. Unlike synthetic dietary supplements, coffee consumption is a natural, safe way to neutralize the effects of dangerous radicals. Note: Two cups of natural black drink contains half the daily value of antioxidants.
  • The medicinal properties of coffee. Regular moderate consumption of coffee prevents the development of many dangerous diseases: diabetes mellitus, liver disease, Alzheimer's disease.
  • The benefits of natural coffee for digestion. The drink stimulates the active secretion of gastric juice, which contributes to more active absorption of food.

Health Benefits of Coffee - Scientifically Proven Facts:

  1. Italian scientists have found that daily consumption of two cups of the drink prevents the development of asthma.
  2. For ten years, more than 60,000 people took part in the research conducted by scientists from the Harvard College of Public Health. The conclusion is clear - if you want to protect yourself from hypertension and diabetes mellitus, drink two cups of a drink from coffee beans daily.
  3. Drinking a drink in the diet prevents the development of urolithiasis - the formation of gallstones.

Harmful properties of coffee for the body

The beneficial properties of coffee are leveled if you do not follow the recommended rules and abuse the drink. So, the danger is this:

  • Frequent drinking of the drink negatively affects the functioning of the nervous system, the body is in an agitated state, and this leads to nervous exhaustion, as a result, attacks of aggression and bad mood appear.
  • With hypertension, tachycardia and coronary heart disease, drinking the drink leads to an increase in heart rate, increased blood pressure. Thus, the normal rhythm of the heart is disrupted.
  • The drink is able to flush out some vitamins and microelements from the body, for example, B6, B1 and calcium. An insufficient amount of nutrients can provoke the development of dangerous pathologies. Lack of calcium leads to natural destruction of bones, teeth, brittle hair, discomfort develops in the back area, which is why drinking coffee is contraindicated for children in adolescence, when the musculoskeletal system is at the stage of formation. An insufficient amount of vitamins B6 and B1 causes disruptions in cerebral circulation. To mitigate this side effect, it is enough to use milk when brewing.
  • Excessive use causes, while the following symptoms appear: fatigue, exposure to stress, drowsiness, depressed mood. Over time, in order to achieve a tonic effect, a person has to drink more and more coffee.
  • In case of disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, drinking a drink can cause serious mental disorders and uncontrolled attacks of aggression.
  • Considering that a drink from coffee beans removes fluid from the body, providing a diuretic effect, experts recommend drinking water with it. This will help maintain normal water balance.

Contraindications to drinking black coffee

Information about coffee is quite contradictory - on the one hand, clinical studies prove the benefits of the drink, and on the other, there are specific contraindications to its use. You should not drink black coffee in the following cases:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • kidney pathology;
  • dysfunction of the nervous system - increased excitability and insomnia;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • gastritis and peptic ulcer;
  • glaucoma.

Also, the drink is contraindicated for children and the elderly.

  • Black . With high blood pressure, the consumption of coffee should be minimal, this will avoid serious side effects from the cardiovascular system. With hypotension - low blood pressure - the effect of coffee is regarded as a medicinal one that can improve well-being.
  • Effects of coffee during pregnancy. There is no unequivocal opinion about the benefits and harms. Modern medicine does not give a clear answer and adheres to a neutral position. It is believed that with moderate use of side effects, the drink does not have any effect on the health of the expectant mother or on the development of the child, but it is allowed to take only a natural drink made from ground grains and only with the approval of a doctor.

However, you should accurately dose your coffee consumption and not get carried away with an invigorating treat. Caffeine has a direct effect on the metabolic processes of calcium, and this is fraught with side effects for the unborn child. In addition, coffee has an exciting effect on the human nervous system, and excessive excitability is useless during pregnancy.

Note: you cannot brew the drink immediately after a meal or drink it on an empty stomach, the best time for a cup of black coffee is in the morning.

  • Little secret: If you want the most energizing effect, just add in. This treat has an original taste, is rich in vitamin C and has a powerful tonic effect. This is the best way to quickly and without consequences wake up in the morning, feel cheerful and overcome fatigue.
  • Summing up the results. The beneficial and harmful properties of coffee are manifested depending on the state of health of a person and his lifestyle. In this case, we are talking only about natural treats made from grains. There are too many synthetic and chemical additives in instant drink that can have side effects on health. Therefore, they differ from the effect of a natural product.

In order for the benefits of natural coffee to manifest in full force, it is important to know when to stop and not to abuse the drink, otherwise caffeine simply will not have time to be excreted from the body, accumulating and having a destructive effect.

photo: background, Serreitor, Valentyn_Volkov, olhaafanasieva, ChamilleWhite