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The benefits and harms of ground coffee

Julia Vern 15 165 0

This drink has been known to the world for more than one century. Some say that its frequent use can cause impotence and insanity, others argue that it is a natural energy drink. All these statements are about ground coffee, the benefits and harms of which are the subject of controversy not only by ordinary consumers, but also by scientists. Research on the drink is still ongoing. What are the objective scientifically proven facts that indicate the advantages and disadvantages of coffee?

Caffeine is one of the most commonly used psychoactive substances in the world. It is he who is the main constituent of coffee beans. Its effect on the human body has been studied quite well. But, in addition to caffeine, beans contain more than a thousand different substances.

It is known for sure that the benefits of ground coffee lie precisely in the combination of caffeine with lipids, organic acids and soluble carbohydrates. At the moment, scientists from around the world have confirmed several facts about the benefits of natural coffee (both in beans and ground). It should be noted that the following facts do not apply to the instant version of the drink.

  • Drinking natural ground coffee increases physical stamina.

If you drink a cup of espresso about an hour before your workout, you will notice that your endurance will increase significantly. Caffeine raises the level of adrenaline in the blood, thereby preparing the body for exercise.

  • Coffee can block hunger and help you lose weight.

Unroasted green beans are high in magnesium and potassium. It is these microelements that help the human body produce insulin, regulate blood sugar levels, thereby reducing hunger and cravings for sweets.

  • Caffeine burns fat.

It has been proven that fat cells are destroyed under the influence of special fatty acids, the production of which provokes caffeine.

  • A coffee drink helps you focus and invigorate.

Moderate consumption of espresso (no more than three cups a day) reduces mental fatigue and improves response.

  • Coffee lovers are less likely to suffer from a variety of diseases.

Drinking natural ground coffee in moderation reduces the risk of cancer. Several studies have proven that a set of unique chemical elements in the composition of coffee beans helps to reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer by 25%, and endometrial cancer by 20%. At the same time, patients in the experimental group consumed four cups of strong coffee a day.

Caffeine is beneficial in the prevention of basal cell carcinoma (the most common type of dermal cancer).

Also, fans of natural coffee can boast that they are less likely to develop stroke and Parkinson's disease.

This is not surprising, since caffeine increases the activity of brain cells. Overall, coffee drinkers have a 25% lower risk of premature death than those who refuse to consume the popular drink.

  • Coffee drinkers age more slowly.

Coffee beans contain many antioxidants that fight free radicals. This means that the aging process of the body slows down significantly.

  • Natural coffee improves mood, helps fight depression and even prevents the development of suicidal thoughts.

Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system and increases the production of mood-lifting neurotransmitters (serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine).

Harm from drinking ground coffee

Before listing the negative aspects of ground coffee, it is necessary to focus on the fact that they appear only when the drink is abused. The lethal dose of caffeine is only 10-15 grams. Of course, it is unrealistic to get poisoned with coffee, because you will have to drink about 80 cups of the drink at a time. But you need to remember that any product can be both a medicine and a poison.

It all depends on the dosage. Also, we must not forget about the quality of the drink. It is best to buy well-known or trusted brands. The danger of cheap ground coffee is that there may be toxic impurities in the pack (except for the directly ground coffee beans). Unscrupulous manufacturers try to increase the total weight of the pack in this way. Regular consumption of low-quality coffee drink can provoke intoxication, headache and even some dangerous diseases.

  • Coffee can cause insomnia.

If a person drinks more than 4 cups of strong espresso in the evening, then it will not be possible to fall asleep quickly and easily. The increased level of adrenaline in the blood and a large amount of released dopamine will not allow the body to relax and calmly go into "sleep" mode.

  • Caffeine raises blood pressure.

If a person with hypertension drinks at least 2 cups of espresso, they will suffer from high blood pressure for the next 2-3 hours. This effect should be taken into account by those who do not experience problems with pressure, but are planning to go diving in the near future. For those suffering from hypertension, it is better to give up caffeine altogether, because 4 cups of the drink can provoke not only an increase in blood pressure, but also a heart attack.

  • Coffee women are more likely to suffer from problems with conceiving and bearing a child.

Caffeine significantly reduces a woman's ability to conceive. And already pregnant women who drank at least two cups of espresso a day are 30% more likely to lose their baby early than those who completely quit caffeine.

  • Coffee triggers vigorous heartbeats.

Anyone who has drunk several cups of strong espresso may notice that the heart begins to beat more vigorously. This is due to the increase in adrenaline levels already described above. Healthy people easily tolerate this side effect, but those who suffer from any diseases of the cardiovascular system are at risk of getting a heart attack.

  • Caffeine flushes calcium out of bones.

Regular consumption of large quantities of ground coffee can lead to the fact that bone tissue becomes fragile and thinned. Doctors have long noticed that the bones of coffee lovers heal much longer than those who prefer to drink plain water.

  • Drinking coffee can damage your hearing.

Of course, those who consume espresso on a daily basis will not go 100% deaf. So far, it has only been scientifically proven that an excess of caffeine does not allow you to quickly restore hearing after aggressive noise exposure.

To drink or not to drink? It all depends on your overall health!

Before brewing another cup of coffee (or, on the contrary, giving up the daily ritual), you need to remind yourself once again that any product is both useful and harmful. One of the best-selling products in the world is ground coffee.

The health benefits and harms of drinking this drink have been studied for decades by independent and highly reputable organizations. Therefore, all of the above facts can be called confirmed.

One cup of espresso a day is unlikely to cause significant damage to health. But drinking even the highest quality coffee in unreasonable quantities will definitely not bring any benefit.