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Social payments to large families per year. What monthly payments are due to large families? Help for pensioners and veterans

Large families in the capital receive different types of support from both the state authorities and the city administration. To receive it, you must meet certain criteria.

What benefits and allowances are provided to large families in 2018 in Moscow

Large families in Moscow are provided with benefits and allowances of a very different nature. But in order to be able to obtain them, you must have complete information.

State assistance to large families in Moscow: what is required

In 2018, on social media. the sphere in Moscow is allocated about 430 billion rubles. This amount is higher than allocated for other purposes. Compared to the previous year, payments increased approximately 2 times. This decision was driven by the desire to provide effective support large families due to the rising cost of living.

Who can receive benefits in the Moscow region and Moscow

Preferences are intended for large families. The difficulty is that there is no definition of such a family at the state level. Therefore, different regions set their own indicators for large families. There are areas where this status is assigned only if there are four or more children raised in a family. However, in most of them, including in the capital and the Moscow Region, a family with three or more children is considered to have many children.

They must all be under sixteen years of age, or from sixteen to eighteen if the children are still in school. It does not matter whether they were born into the family, were adopted, or are under guardianship or care.

In social media parents must obtain a special certificate for protection. It is the basis giving the right to provide benefits. Until recently, a family lost its status of having many children when the eldest child turned eighteen. However, today parents can continue to enjoy all the benefits until the youngest child turns eighteen.

To be able to take advantage of the established exemptions, you must meet the following requirements:

  • family members have permanent residence permits in the mountains. Moscow;
  • children live with their parents.

What benefits are available in 2018 in the Moscow region and Moscow?

Most benefits were doubled by the beginning of 2018. By frequency they are:

  • monthly;
  • annual;
  • one-time.

Monthly payments in 2018

Every month large families receive 1.2 thousand rubles, if they are raising three or four children, 1.5 thousand rubles each. – if there are five or more of them, 1.8 thousand rubles. – if there are 5 or more children and the compensation includes the purchase of things.

Additional support in the amount of 1.5 thousand rubles. provided to families raising ten or more children.

A mother who has given birth to ten or more children receives a pension in the amount of 20 thousand rubles.

Social assistance measures in the Moscow region

Moscow families with the appropriate status receive compensation for the use of utilities in the amount of 1,044 rubles if there are three or four children in the family, or 2,088 rubles if there are five or more children in the family.

Every month they receive compensation of 250 rubles. for using a landline telephone.

For the purchase of clothing every year it is provided cash benefit 10 thousand rubles.

What are the privileges and benefits in the Moscow region if there are 3 children?

In addition to the benefits listed above, they are given the opportunity to enjoy a number of preferences. These include:

  • free riding on public transport (this is the right of both children and parents);
  • receiving free medicines for up to eighteen years, and dairy products for up to seven years;
  • registration of children in kindergarten on an extraordinary basis;
  • free visit to kindergarten;
  • free parking in the capital.

In addition, you are given the right to go to the bathhouse, visit a museum, exhibition or zoo located within the city limits once a month for free.

For one certificate of a parent with many children, you can get 2 tickets to the Bolshoi Theater when submitting a preliminary application.

Also, for one vehicle the parent is exempt from transport tax.

Benefits in 2018: detailed table

It is convenient to express the provided benefits in the following table.

View Size in rubles
Compensation (one-time) for expenses during birth or adoption 5,500 (for 1st child)

14,500 (for the 2nd and subsequent)

Payment (one-time) for the birth of three or more children 50 000
Benefit (one-time) if parents are under thirty years of age 5 living wages – for 1 child

7 – for 2 kids

10 – for 3 and subsequent children

Low income for children until they reach adulthood 4,000 – from 3 to 18 years

10,000 – from 0 to 3 years

For the purchase of children's products (up to three years) 675
For expenses due to increased cost of living (up to sixteen and up to eighteen years) 1,200 (where there are three or four children)

1,500 (where there are five or more children)

In a family raising ten or more children, for each child up to sixteen (twenty-three) years of age 1 500
For housing and communal services 1,044 (where there are three or four children)

2,088 (where there are five or more children)

For using a landline telephone 250
If there are five or more children in a family, for the purchase of children's goods 1 800
If there are ten or more children in a family, where the youngest is less than eighteen years old, the purchase of children's goods 1 800
If a woman has given birth to ten or more children, she is granted a pension 20 000
To buy clothes (for each child) 10 000
TO international day families May 15 20 000
By the first of September 30 000
One time
Payment to parents awarded the “Parental Glory of the Mountains” badge. Moscow" 125 000

When they can refuse

Refusal to provide assistance may be due to: various reasons. It depends on the terms of the preference. If the family does not meet the stipulated conditions, it will receive a reasoned refusal from the authorized bodies.

The same can happen if, during registration, an incomplete package of documents was provided or the information contained in them turned out to be incorrect. Then parents can correct errors and resubmit documents.

If the refusal, in the opinion of the applicants, is illegal, it is recommended to seek legal advice. Experienced lawyers will tell you whether it is possible in this or that specific case count on the help of city authorities.

As can be seen from the above, support for large families in the capital, and by many indicators also in the Moscow Region, is one of the most effective in the country. At the same time, the list of benefits and allowances provided, as well as their size, increases every year.

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Support for large families in Russia is provided at the federal and regional levels. Taking into account its national and cultural characteristics, demographic conditions and budget, each region independently determines what a large family is.

What is a large family

State support for large families at the federal level

In accordance with Presidential Decree No. 431, state assistance to large families in 2019-2020 will be provided in the following areas:

  • Taxation;
  • Land relations;
  • Rendering medical care and nutrition;
  • Education of children and parents;
  • Farming;
  • Employment;
  • Department of Housing and Utilities;
  • Transport services and others.

Which authorities should I contact to receive benefits? This is the Pension Fund, territorial branch social protection population, multifunctional centers (acts as a link between citizens and the body implementing social policy).

The main document for applying for benefits is a certificate of status for a large family, issued by the Social Security Administration. The applicant collects the necessary documents, then writes an application. Within a month, the competent authority reviews the application and gives a positive or negative response.

Labor and pension benefits of parents with many children

By concluding an employment contract, mother of many children or the father can count on the following benefits:

  1. A woman's early retirement seniority in this case, she must be at least 15 years old, and the age must be up to 56 years if she has four children and 57 if she has three children).
  2. Additional two-week annual leave (condition - more than 2 children). This leave is unpaid and is issued at a time convenient for the parent. It can be combined with the main rest or taken separately.
  3. One additional paid day off per week (for a 40-hour work week). In this case, both parents must work under an employment contract.
  4. Accrual of pension points in maternity leave for each birth, the amount of which is intended to increase the basic pension. Every working year, in accordance with the existing pension system, is estimated pension points. They affect the size of your future pension. The law provides that the pension period can be increased by including periods of child care until the child reaches 1.5 years, but not more than 6 years in total.
  5. Assistance in finding employment from the employment service (selection of domestic or temporary work).

For registration, you need identification documents of parents and children, a certificate from the passport office about the composition of the family, a certificate of income for each parent issued by the tax service, children's tax identification number and photos of all family members who are over 6 years old.

To obtain the right to early retirement, the mother must give birth to 5 children and raise them until they are 8 years old or give birth to two, but the length of service increases by 5 years, and work activity should have been carried out on Far North. Attention! In October 2018, a law was approved providing parents with many children with new labor benefits in the form of the right to priority choice when they actually receive leave. Key condition: there must be at least 3 children in the family and each of them must be under 12 years old.

Do you need information on this issue? and our lawyers will contact you shortly.

Preferential medical care, food and household services

Additional social support is expressed in the following benefits for families with three children:

  • Free prescription drugs for children under 6 years of age;
  • Priority care in hospitals;
  • Free supply of vitamins for children;
  • Free lunches and breakfasts for schoolchildren;
  • Rest in camps and sanatoriums without payment;
  • Issuance of school and sports uniforms;
  • One free visit to a museum, exhibition or amusement park (no more than once a month);

A mother or father can come to school with all the documents and write an application for free meals. In addition to passports and certificates, it is necessary to provide information on the registration of minors and papers on the income of parents. After reviewing the documents, the school will forward them to the social security authority.

You can compensate for a self-paid trip by providing the social protection department with a check, a document confirming that the child is in the camp and an agreement. Travel to the sanatorium is paid by the parent only half.

State provision of land and housing

The status of a large family gives the right to be provided with a land plot of no more than 15 acres. The land can be used for housing construction, summer cottage farming or gardening.

What a large family in their region has the right to is to receive a plot of land, the area of ​​which cannot be less than 6 acres.

The legislator also provided other options for this category:

  • housing subsidy for house construction;
  • free social housing under a rental agreement;
  • provision of state apartment ownership.

An apartment transferred for rent or ownership must have all communications: heating, light, sewerage and water.

With the help of a subsidy, you can pay off debt or interest on housing purchased with your own funds.

Local authorities have the right to give a large family a preferential loan, subsidy or interest-free loan for the construction of a house and the purchase of building materials. In this case, the mortgage does not provide for a down payment, the payment period is longer, and the first payment is deferred for 3 years.

Since 2018, a program of state subsidies for mortgage loans began to function. Now large families will be able to participate in preferential mortgage lending at a rate of 6%. To fully participate you must:

  • birth of the 3rd or subsequent child after January 1, 2018, but before December 31, 2022,
  • purchasing housing on the primary real estate market,
  • initial contribution from own funds of at least 20% (including MSK).

In April 2019-2020, a decision was made to indefinitely subsidize mortgage loans under this program.

Registration of housing and land benefits

Rosreestr conducts a legal review when registering property rights, taking into account the following factors:

  • Parents are officially married;
  • The family owns no other land;
  • Children live with their parents;
  • Parents are registered as needing housing;
  • The family has Russian citizenship and has lived in this region for 5 years.

Families who do not have their own apartment or whose area per person is below the established norm can apply for an apartment. The size of all incomes is also taken into account in accordance with the subsistence level.

The queue may be refused if the fact of deliberate deterioration is established living conditions(exchange of an apartment for a smaller one, registration of a large number of people, sale or division of housing, fictitious transactions with living space).

To the main package of documents, title papers for housing and evidence of its unsafe condition are added. Within a month, the citizen receives a receipt confirming the family’s inclusion in the queue for housing or land.

Tax discounts for families with many children

In order to save money for families with many children, the state has provided tax deductions for them - amounts of money on which income tax is not charged.

They are:

  • Standard (for each minor);
  • Social (one-time amounts returned by the tax service after payment).

In this case, the child must not be older than 18 years old or, if older, must study full-time. Parents with many children provide their employer with an application, a birth certificate, a certificate from a technical school (institute, college), and a certificate 2-personal income tax.

Tax benefits for large families in 2019-2020 provide for:

  1. Reduced rates of land tax or non-payment for a specified period;
  2. Exemption from payment of rent for a plot of land for a peasant or farm enterprise;
  3. Possibility not to pay a registration fee when running a business;
  4. Refunds paid for kindergarten amounts from 20 to 70% depending on the number of children.

This also includes a 30% discount on utility bills. If the property does not have central heating, the same discount on fuel applies.

Additional benefits in various service areas

These benefits include:

  • Schoolchildren are exempt from paying fares on suburban and intra-district transport, as well as city transport;
  • Children have the right to discounted attendance at budget clubs and sections;
  • Preschoolers are registered in kindergartens without a queue;
  • When the dilapidated housing is demolished, the parents of three children will receive a new one, taking into account the area of ​​the demolished one.
  • Providing free financial assistance or an interest-free loan for the development of a peasant (farm) economy - clause in Art. 1 decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 05/05/1992 431

Mother or father have the right to study for free new profession, change your qualifications taking into account the shortage of certain specialists in the region.

In some regions, there is an exemption from property tax, land duty, delivery New Year's gifts and awards.

To extend the status of a large family, when the eldest child comes of age, it is necessary to prove his financial independence by providing a student document.

Moscow privileges for large families

The legislation of the capital provides the following privileges for large families:

PreschoolersThey enter the kindergarten without waiting in line;

Receive free prescription medications;

They receive milk nutrition free of charge.

PupilsThey have free breakfast at school once a day (primary grades);

Have a 50% discount on travel when using city public transport;

Relax in sanatoriums and summer camps for free

Receive free textbooks;

Attend paid sports clubs free of charge;

StudentsLunch is available at low cost or free of charge;

Reduced travel costs (similar to schoolchildren);

ParentsExempted from paying for kindergarten;

The father or mother has the right to travel free of charge on public transport;

They will not be charged for parking for 1 year;

Exempt from transport tax;

Free visits with children to zoos, parks, exhibitions and museums (once a month);

The right to visit the Bolshoi Theater at a discount;

Visit Moscow baths for free;

First of all, garden plots are received;

Have the right to receive housing and subsidies for its construction;

Mothers who have given birth to 10 children receive an additional payment to their pension;

Have the right to temporary use of social housing (if the number of children is 5)

On federal level You can get free medicine for a child under 6 years of age. In Moscow this age has been increased to 18 years.

Transport discounts do not apply to the use of minibuses and taxis.

In Moscow there are numerous social service organizations, rehabilitation centers, social shelters and organizations that provide psychological and pedagogical assistance to children from these families.

February 25, 2017, 10:54 Oct 5, 2019 02:13

Large families are among the least protected sections of the country. The complexity of the financial and social situation is determined by the need to provide children with clothing, food, and education. Parents' income level is not always sufficient to cover these expenses. Therefore, large families are especially in need of federal assistance. We will tell you about current assistance programs for families with three or more children.

Status of a large family

The formulation of a large family is not contained in federal legislation. This is due to territorial characteristics: in one region, three children is an excess of standard indicators, while in another such a number is considered the norm.

There is a general definition: the status of a large family is given to a family subject to the birth and upbringing of three or more children under the age of 18. Specific criteria for assigning this status are approved individually by the territorial administration in the region.

The following are considered dependents:

  • Children before adulthood;
  • A child under 23 years of age in full-time education or enlisted in the army for compulsory service.

Only children who are related by blood to their parents and who are in official care are taken into account.

Benefits for large families in 2017-2018 to improve demographics

Subsidy payments are provided by the state to assist large families in raising and maintaining several children. Such measures make it possible to increase the demographic level and provide the country with decent labor resources.

State support can be in the form of benefits, allowances, financial assistance, etc. (see).

What benefits are provided to families with many children?

Today there are several existing programs:

  • Child subsidies, assistance to schoolchildren;
  • Payments once a month;
  • One-time subsidies;
  • Social projects;
  • Additional subsidies.

Children's subsidies

This program provides for payments to assist in preparing schoolchildren for education.

For a child entering first grade, the state provides a one-time subsidy in the amount of 7.5 thousand rubles. There is a limitation child benefit for a large family with ten or more children: the maximum payment amount is fifteen thousand.

For schoolchildren in grades two to eleven, assistance amounts to 5 thousand rubles. once a year. It is obvious that the indicated amounts of benefits are not sufficient to prepare children from a large family for school, but they are a significant increase in family budget. You can find out what specific benefit amount a large family is entitled to at the regional administration.

Benefits for large low-income families

Such payments are one-time in nature and are made as additional financial support for low-income families. The amount of the subsidy is determined depending on living wage(PM) per child operating in a specific region.

To receive benefits, a large family must have a low-income status. The main criterion for classifying a family into this group is the average per capita income below the subsistence minimum in the region.

Additionally, low-income families can qualify for Mother's Day gifts and New Year for children.

Monthly payments

On the territory of the state based on the results of the 2nd quarter. In 2017, the minimum subsistence minimum (subsistence minimum) applies to children in the amount of RUB 10,160. The size of the PM directly affects the amount of periodic financial assistance.

Low-income families can count on benefits until the child reaches 16 years of age. Its size varies from one hundred and fifty rubles and above. The payment period is extended until adulthood if the child has not graduated from school before that time.

The amount of payments is determined at the local level. Applicants must provide social security with information confirming their status twice a year.

State assistance to parents for caring for children under one and a half years old is provided every month and has the following amounts:

  • For the first child – RUB 3,065.69. (40% of earnings);
  • On the second and subsequent ones - 6,131.67 rubles, but within the range of 23,089.04 rubles. in total measurement.
  • Spouses of military personnel can count on 10.5 thousand rubles. monthly assistance.

One-time payments upon birth of a child

For each family, the Russian government guarantees a one-time payment upon the birth of a child in the amount of RUB 16,350.33

For the birth or adoption of a second child, the family receives maternal capital(cm. ). During 2017-2018, its size is 453,026 rubles. The right to receive payment is given upon issuance of the certificate. The subsidy must be submitted to the regional pension fund.

Incentives from the state - one-time benefits for large families

In 2017, the federal program provides the following one-time benefits to large families:

  • The birth of six children and their reaching the age of 8 years gives the family the right to receive the Order of Parental Glory and payments in the amount of 100 thousand rubles;
  • Subsidy to a parent with this order in the amount of 25 thousand rubles;
  • Payment to one parent who received the “Parental Glory” medal in the amount of 15 thousand rubles.

Each payment is carried out separately; three grants can be issued simultaneously.

Social programs for large families - list of benefits

In addition to the existing payments for large families in 2017, the following benefits and allowances apply:

  • Refund of 30% of the cost of fuel for houses without central heating;
  • Preferential medications by prescription for children under 6 years of age;
  • Use by school students public transport free of charge;
  • Alternative procedure for admission to preschool institutions;
  • Meals for students;
  • Additional areas of children's development (clubs, sections, etc.);
  • Cultural events once a month;
  • The first priority for the provision of land plots free of charge;
  • Preferential procedure for paying state duty when registering an individual entrepreneur, etc.

Fringe benefits

Women who have given birth to three or more children have the opportunity to receive an early pension. Mothers of 10 or more children are given a monthly allowance in the amount of 10 thousand rubles in addition to the pension.

The family can receive discounts on regional taxation on land and transport. There is a preferential procedure for the provision of housing, as well as subsidies to compensate for the rental of residential premises. Working citizens are entitled to the standard child tax credit (see)

Among the labor benefits, it is worth highlighting the right to additional leave, as well as protection for parents of children under 3 years of age from layoffs.


For employed parents, the subsidy for the birth and upbringing of children under 3 years of age is paid by the employer upon a written application and relevant documents about the birth of the child. The Social Insurance Fund provides such assistance to the unemployed.

Families can gain access to social support programs through social security authorities.

The standard set of documents is:

  • Citizen's passport;
  • Documents about the birth of a child;
  • Confirmation of non-receipt of benefits by the other parent;
  • Application in the prescribed form.

Additionally, certificates of family income and extracts from the house register may be required.

Next, the USZN reviews the set of documents received from the family and opens a personal file. The processing time for your request does not exceed ten days. Based on a positive decision, the assigned assistance is transferred to the details specified by the applicant.

  • The period is included in the length of service;
  • Parents of a large family can receive additional education free of charge;
  • A family with three or more children can get a mortgage on preferential terms (see.

Benefits for large families help support their financial situation, reduce poverty, and provide children with quality medical care, cultural development, and education. Registration of subsidies will not require financial expenses from parents.

Legislation regarding families with three or more children undergoes changes every year. This is due to the need to support fertility, welfare and living standards of vulnerable groups.

The status of a large family is assigned to a family with three or more children under eighteen years of age, less often twenty-three, if the child is studying at full-time department. Kinship does not matter: natural children, adopted children, adoption into a family under guardianship are taken into account. Any of the parents can apply for support from the state. It is imperative that mom and dad are married.

Let's look at what new laws on large families came into force in 2018.

Federal programs

In 2018, the state is ready to provide assistance to large families in the following areas:

  1. Preferential taxation.
  2. Alternative conditions for providing salary.
  3. Medical care, medicines.
  4. Food.
  5. Educational projects for children and parents.
  6. Farming, homesteading.
  7. Providing jobs.
  8. Subsidies, discounts on housing and communal services, etc.

Benefits in 2018

Mom and dad of a large family are entitled to the following benefits:

  1. Reducing length of service for retirement.
  2. Tax privileges (exemption from payment of land, property, transport taxes, personal income tax discount).
  3. Additional fourteen days leave without pay.
  4. One day off per week with a five-day work week, paid according to average income.
  5. Increase pension provision using points earned while on maternity leave.
  6. Exemption from paying fees when registering an individual entrepreneur.
  7. Reimbursement of expenses for housing and communal services.
  8. Free use of land for farming and farming.
  9. Priority provision of a workplace to the central work center.

Social bonuses

To maintain the standard of living and well-being, a large family is provided with:

  1. Medicines, vitamins according to the approved list for children under six years of age.
  2. Extraordinary admission to a medical institution, placement in schools and kindergartens.
  3. Spa treatment free of charge.
  4. Child nutrition in kindergartens and schools.
  5. Visiting educational sections and clubs.
  6. Reduced or free travel on public transport.
  7. Subsidies for the purchase of clothing and school supplies.
  8. Issuing gifts and food.
  9. Cultural and entertainment events once a month.

To receive assistance, parents must contact the administration of the educational institution and social security authorities.

Additional programs

Depending on the region of residence, a large family may have access to:

  1. Subsidy, interest-free loan for building a house, improving living conditions.
  2. Providing a warrant for social rent of real estate.
  3. Privatization of housing.
  4. An apartment of similar size to replace dilapidated housing.


A large family can apply for participation in government programs providing housing “Young Family”, “Affordable Housing”, while part of the loan costs or the cost of a share of the area of ​​​​an apartment or house is reimbursed from the budget.

Allows you to raise borrowed funds for the construction and purchase of new housing. At the same time, borrowers are provided with a significant discount on the interest rate for using the loan, the repayment period increases, and the amount of the initial payment is reduced.

Banks make positive decisions to provide a deferment or installment plan for loan payments if a new addition is expected to the family or a difficult financial situation has developed. It is possible to refinance the mortgage on more favorable terms for the payer.

Cash payments

In 2018, the following benefits are paid to large families:

  1. Monthly payment for children under 1.5 and 3 years old.
  2. Benefits for pregnancy, childbirth, .
  3. Regional periodic payment.
  4. Subsidy for a child of a military personnel.
  5. Help for disabled children.
  6. Social benefits for mothers, cash gifts for holidays, etc.

The state's demographic policy is aimed at maintaining the standard of living of large families, providing them with housing, land, and means of subsistence. Changes in laws involve reducing housing and communal services costs, increasing the level of medicine and education, and providing subsidies and financial assistance.

From January 1, 2018, the amount of benefits for families with 3-4 children changes. A large family is a family in which three or more children were born and (or) raised (including adopted children, as well as stepchildren and stepchildren) until the youngest of them reaches the age of 16 years (students in educational institution implementing general education programs - 18 years old).

All families

The monthly compensation payment to compensate for the increase in the cost of food for children under 3 years of age remained at 675 rubles.

The monthly compensation payment to cover expenses due to the rising cost of living for families with three or more children has doubled and amounted to 1,200 rubles per month.

Monthly compensation payment to reimburse expenses for payment for residential premises and public utilities families with three or more children doubled and amounted to 1,044 rubles per family.

The monthly compensation payment for using a telephone for families with three or more children increased by 20 rubles and amounted to 250 rubles per family.

The annual compensation payment for the purchase of a set of children's clothing for attending classes during the period of study has doubled and amounted to 10,000 rubles for each student.

Low-income families

Low-income families additionally receive monthly benefits for children under the age of 18: for children aged 0 to 3 years, the amount is 10,000 rubles, for children from 3 to 18 years – 4,000 rubles.

Previously, children from 0 to 1.5 years and from 3 to 18 years old were paid 2,000 rubles, and for children from 1.5 to 3 years old, 3,000 rubles.

Families are considered poor if their level of property security does not exceed the level of property security for the provision of measures social support and the average per capita income on the date of application does not exceed the subsistence level established by the Moscow Government per capita (Moscow city law dated November 3, 2004 No. 67 “On monthly allowance per child"). In addition, these families must comply with the requirements introduced on January 1, 2017 (Resolution of the Moscow Government dated December 28, 2016 No. 954-PP “On the introduction of the level of property security as a criterion of need for a (low-income) family and the procedure for assessing the level of property security for the provision of social measures support for low-income families").