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Until death do part: the love story of Celine Dion and her only man in life. Celine Dion gave the first big interview since the death of her husband Conquest of new heights

On January 14, 2016, the husband and producer of Canadian singer Celine Dion Rene Angelil died at his home in Los Angeles. The couple has been together for almost 30 years.

The love story of Celine Dion and her husband

The couple met when Celine was only 12 years old, but her future husband was already 38. With the help of her mother, the girl recorded her voice on tape and sent it to the producer, whose name and address Teresa Dion (Celine's mother) found on the back of one of the musical disks. Rene drew attention to the huge song talent and invited the girl to work with him. To raise funds for Celine Dion's first professional recording, he had to mortgage his house.

The relationship between the singer and the producer began only 7 years later, by that time Rene was still not free. However, he soon announced his divorce. At first, Celine Dion and Rene Angelil hid their relationship from the public, as they feared that the singer's fans would not understand and accept such a union, because the age difference was very large. However, everything secret sooner or later becomes clear, and they still found out about the novel.

Four years after the start of the relationship, the couple announces about. The wedding of Rene Angelil and Celine Dion took place on December 17, 1994.

Happiness family life lasted several years, and the couple even renewed their vows in 2000, but soon misfortune befell Celine and Rene. Then Rene Angelil was first discovered. And at that time, Celine Dion could lose her husband. In order to be inseparably close to her husband, the singer announced the termination of her concert activity, she herself looked after Rene. He underwent an operation, which turned out to be quite successful, and the disease receded for a long time.

After such terrible disease there was relative calm, and Celine and Rene even managed to become parents twice, although it was not too easy. To do this, the singer had to resort to the help of doctors and undergo an IVF procedure. But all efforts were successful, and in 2001 Rene Charles was born, and nine years later - in 2010 - the twins Nelson and Eddie.

Death of Celine Dion's husband

However, in 2013, it became known that Celine Dion's husband had cancer again. He had a relapse of the disease, which seemed to have receded. Like a few years ago, Celine announced the cessation of concert performances, she hoped that her love and care would help her overcome the terrible illness again.

But this did not happen, and on January 14, 2016, Rene Angelil, Celine Dion's husband, died at the age of 73. A message about this appeared on the page of the star in one of social networks along with a request to respect the privacy of the singer and the feelings of her family and not cause too much excitement around this news. As it became clear later, Celine Dion's husband died at their home in Los Angeles in the arms of his wife and in the presence of his closest relatives. AT last days he could not eat on his own, and the singer had to feed him several times a day with a special tube. Rene did not live to see his 74th birthday just a few days.

And almost immediately, just two days after the news that Celine Dion's husband had died of cancer, it became known that another serious tragedy had occurred in the singer's family: her older brother had died. The cause of death was also cancer of the larynx, tongue and brain. Due to the preparations for the funeral of her husband, Celine Dion was unable to attend the farewell to her brother, but they were relentlessly with him elder sister singers (and Celine Dion has 13 brothers and sisters in total) and her mother.

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Celine Dion buried her husband on January 21, 2016. Farewell to him took place in the same church in Montreal, where the couple got married. The singer was accompanied at this mourning event by her children, mother, as well as her closest friends and relatives.

The performer gave the first interview after the death of her husband. In the studio of the TV show Good Morning America, she shared her feelings and talked about her last conversation with her husband.

The singer was next to Rene Angelil in the last minutes of his life. When her husband complained about the cold, she put a dressing gown over the warm blanket. Celine understood that Rene's condition was deteriorating every second and realized that it was time to say the last words. The artist asked her husband to calm down and stop worrying about their children. According to Celine, the head of the family took care of loved ones all his life. He was not afraid of pain and death, but he could not find a place for himself when he began to think about the future of the heirs. Celine whispered into the ear of her dying husband that everything was fine with her and the children and that it would always be so. “Calm down and let peace reign in your soul,” the performer said. A few minutes later, René's heart stopped.

Celine Dion and Rene Angelil have been married for over 20 years

Celine had a serious conversation with the children. 15-year-old son René-Charles didn't have to explain everything. The teenager knew about his father's illness and the doctors' forecasts. Twins Eddie and Nelson hardly realized what was happening. Six-year-old children were not ready for what happened and the singer had to talk to the boys about death for the first time. The conversation with the kids was not easy, but the eldest son acted like a grown man and helped her survive the loss.

Rene Angelil, permanent manager and husband of the Canadian singer, did not live 2 days before his 74th birthday. He died at his own home in Las Vegas. Rene learned about the terrible illness in 1999. Doctors diagnosed him with throat cancer and insisted on surgery. For the sake of her husband, Celine took a break from her career. Thanks to the treatment and support of the singer, the disease receded. However, in 2013, the doctors again told the patient the bad news. Rene had another operation and he continued to fight for his life. The treatment did not bring the desired results. In mid-2015, the singer announced about her husband's illness. Doctors no longer gave Angelil a chance to recover. Celine continued to hope for a miracle and believed that her love would heal her husband. She looked after him like a nurse. Three sons became her main support.

Celine Dion with her husband and children

On January 15, Celine announced on her page on the social network that she had lost her husband, who fought cancer for a long time and courageously. The family declined further comment and interviews. The next day it became known about the death of the singer's brother. Daniel Dion has died at the age of 60. He was diagnosed with cancer of the brain, tongue and throat. Celine did not have time to say goodbye to him, because that day she was preparing for her husband's funeral.

The famous singer Celine Dion has long charmed the whole world with her unique voice. And this is not surprising, because her vocal abilities cover five octaves. Celine Dion is called one of the most influential artists of our time. Her beautiful sentimental songs penetrate the very soul, make you think about the main thing. Has it always been like this? What was the singer's road to world recognition? About what was the creative path of Celine Dion, read in this article.

Childhood and youth of the future artist

Celine Marie Claudet Dion (this is the full name of the singer) was born in a small town called Charlemagne, located near Montreal, on March 30, 1968, in a poor Roman Catholic large family. Adémar and Teresa Dion had fourteen children, Celine being the youngest. When the girl was five years old, her parents bought a restaurant "Le Vieux Baril", which became her first stage. To the delight of visitors, she often performed there with her sisters and brothers, accompanied by one of her parents. Very often, already being a world-famous artist, Celine in her interviews warmly recalled her parents, brothers, sisters, their cozy home. Celine Dion has always talked about growing up in a poor but very happy family.

Carier start

The first song called "Ce n" etait qu "un reve" for Celine Dion was written by her mother when the girl was 12 years old. Celine's brother Michel Dondalinge recorded her performance by her sister on a cassette and sent it to the manager of the popular Jeanette Reno. He found the address on one of the singer's records. After several days of waiting for a response, Michel Dondaling called the manager and forced him to listen to the tape, saying: “I'm sure you didn't even listen to the tape. If it wasn't, you would have called us immediately!" The intrigued manager promised to get acquainted with the record and called back the same day.

Already in the early 1980s, Celine Dion, whose biography contains a lot interesting facts, signed a contract with Sony Records and began working with the same manager, Jeanette Renaud, to whom she and her brother sent the recording of the first song. Rene Angelil, by the will of fate, will later become not only the singer's mentor, but also her husband.

First albums and first success

Thanks to her talent and the support of a mentor, young Celine Dion quickly turned from a “well-singing teenager” into a world-class star. Her growth as an artist was noticeable with every rehearsal, with every performance. Celine's first albums were popular only within Quebec. Rene wholeheartedly rooted for the success of his ward. It is known that he even mortgaged his house in 1981 in order to have the financial opportunity to develop young talent.

Real success came to the singer after participating in Eurovision 1988, where she represented Switzerland. There she sang the song "Ne Partez Pas Sans Moi" in French. The whole French-speaking world then learned about the young performer.

Conquest of new heights

In the 1990s, Celine Dion's husband Rene Angelil is trying with all his might to promote his talented wife to the American market. To do this, she and Celine are recording an English-language album called Unison. The album's lead song, "Where Does My Heart Beat Now," climbed to number four on the Billboard charts, which was already saying a lot. The second album, entitled "Celine Dion", was no less popular among the English-speaking population of the planet than the first.


In February 1995, René Angelil's goal was achieved. Finally, a song performed by Celine Dion began to take first positions in the most authoritative music chart in the world. For more than seven weeks, their joint creation was in first place, which is a rarity for this hit parade!

In the same year, Celine released the album "D'eux" in French. The title track from this record became the most successful French composition. In addition, she reached the sixth mark in the British charts, where foreign songs are rarely included in the top 10.

pinnacle of career

In 1996, Celine Dion, whose biography was already interested in millions of her fans around the world, presented connoisseurs of her work with another album, Falling Into You, which became the pinnacle of her musical career. The collection became the best-selling for the entire time of the existence of the world show business, and Celine Dion became a world star.

The next album, Let's Talk About Love, released the following year, was no less successful. It contained many duet songs by Celine with other world stars. Among the compositions was the legendary soundtrack from the film "Titanic" - "My Heart Will Go On", which took top positions in dozens of world charts.

In parallel with the recognition in the English-speaking market, Celine Dion found critics in the face of her French fans. They reproached the singer for neglecting them. Celine managed to win back the favor of her fans by publicly refusing to receive the Felix Award for English Artist of the Year. The singer said that she would forever remain a French performer, not an English one.

Relationship with Rene

Celine and Rene started their relationship in 1987, but for a long time they kept them a closely guarded secret. The lovers, whose age difference is twenty-six years, were afraid that others would consider their relationship inappropriate. The couple announced their engagement in 1991, when Celine was already 23.

December 17, 1994 in Montreal in Notre Dame Cathedral Celine Dion and Rene Angelil got married. Since Angelil is of Arab origin, on January 5, 2000, the couple confirmed their vows of fidelity and love at a solemn marriage ceremony stylized as Arabic traditions in Las Vegas.

Career break

After the release of the thirteenth album, Celine Dion announced to her fans that she was going on vacation indefinitely. The reason for this was the singer's fatigue from everyone's attention and the news of her husband's illness. Angelil was diagnosed with esophageal cancer. Fortunately, the couple managed to overcome this disease.

In 2001, Celine returned to the stage and soon released a new album, A New Day Has Come. In December of the same year, she published an autobiographical book called "My Story, My Dream", where she described the path of her ascent to the musical Olympus.

Celine Dion. Biography. Children

For a long time, Celine and Rene tried to have a baby, but to no avail. After undergoing two surgeries at a reproductive center in New York in 2000, Celine became pregnant. January 25, 2001, the singer gave birth to a son, who was named Rene Charles Dion Angelil. The couple dreamed of several children in the family, but Rene Angelil was able to report the good news that Celine was pregnant only in August 2009 to the media. Unfortunately, in November, the singer had a miscarriage.

After five attempts at artificial insemination in May 2010, it became known that Celine and her husband were expecting twins. Later, the couple announced that two more boys would soon appear in their family. October 23, 2010 through surgery C-section Celine's sons Eddie and Nelson were born. A month later, in an interview, the singer admitted that she was initially expecting triplets, but the third boy's heart failed.

creative legacy

Over the entire period of her work, Celine Dion has released twelve French-language albums, ten English-language and three special holiday releases of compositions. She held twelve large-scale concert tours, became one of the most adored singers of all time.

Celine Dion sang a duet with such popular world stars as Luciano Pavarotti, Barbra Streisand, Carol King, Cher, Anastacia, Richard Marks, Clive Griffin, Piabo Bryson, Garou, Jean-Jacques Goldman, Annie Murray and many others.

0 October 10, 2016, 13:30

Rene Angelil and Celine Dion

Less than a year has passed since Celine Dion lost her husband and manager in one person - in January 2016, Rene Angelil, after a long battle with cancer. The singer to this day confesses her love to him and considers herself a married woman.

In a recent interview with CBS after her performance in Las Vegas, Celine admitted that Rene was the only man in her life whom she loved and for whom she generally had strong feelings. Moreover, this is the only man with whom she kissed.
It was very difficult for all of us to survive his death - both for me and for our children, it was especially hard to see how he fades away, how he leaves us.

In this sense, his death was in some way a relief, because at once it ended the many years of suffering of my closest, dearest, most beloved person - the only man I kissed in my life, the only man I loved. To the surprise of the presenter, the singer replied:

Yes, I have never kissed anyone in my life except my husband. He was my other half. My partner in everything, and together we were one with him. So when his many years of suffering ended, no matter how hard it was for me without him, I told myself that it was better for him, because he deserved peace.

Whether she will fall in love in the future, Celine does not know - now her heart is occupied by Rene:

I love! I love. Love him!

- the singer admits.

I am still in love with him, my heart is completely occupied by him. And the love of a man? I have the love of my children, the love of my fans, the people I work with. So my life is not devoid of love.

Singer Sia has a song in which she sings: "When I go to bed, I imagine that I am going to bed with you." So when I get into bed, I imagine that I go to bed with him. And I go up on stage with him. And anyway: I'm still married to him.

Recall that the singer met her husband and manager Rene Angelil in 1980, when she sent him her demo. Celine at that time was only 12 years old, and he was 38. They started dating in 1987, got married seven years later - in 1994, and then lived in love and harmony until Rene's death on January 14 this year.

Celine Marie Claudette Dion was born on March 30, 1968 in Charlemagne, a suburb of Montreal, Quebec, Canada, to Adémar Dion, a butcher, and Therese Dion, a housewife. Celine is the youngest of 14 children of Therese and Ademara. In an interview, Dion repeatedly said that her family lived poorly, but happily. Music has always played an important role in the lives of Adémar and Therese: its youngest daughter they are named after the song "Celine" by French singer Hugues Auret, which was released in 1966.

Celine Dion gave her first performance at the age of five: on August 11, 1973, at the wedding of her older brother Michel, the girl sang the song "Du fil des aiguilles et du coton" by the French-Canadian singer Christine Charbonnet. Celine really liked singing, and subsequently she regularly performed with her brothers and sisters in the piano bar "Le Vieux Baril", owned by their parents.

Her first song - "Ce n" tait qu "un rve", which means "It was only a dream" - Dion composed at the age of 12, co-authored with her mother and brother Jacques. Another brother of the future star - Michel - handed over the recording of the song to music producer Rene Angelil. The man was touched by the voice and talent of the young Celine Dion and decided to make her a star at all costs. At the time Angelil and Dion met, the producer was 38 years old, and the aspiring singer was 12. Over the years, professional cooperation turned into a romance: in 1988, Rene and Celine announced that they were dating, in 1991 their engagement took place, and in 1994 - wedding.

Under the leadership of René Angelil, an unknown girl from large family has become an international star. In 1981, the song "La voix du bon Die" was released, which made 13-year-old Celine Dion a star in Quebec, and then in other cities of the world. In 1983, Dion became the first Canadian performer to receive a gold record from France (for the song "D" amour ou d "amiti"), and in 1988 she won the prestigious Eurovision Song Contest, which was held in Ireland's capital Dublin. The victory was brought to her by the song "Ne partez pas sans moi", at Eurovision Celine represented Switzerland.

European success made the young singer want to try her luck in the United States of America. Rene Angelil supported the aspirations of the ward and took the necessary measures to ensure that Celine established herself on the American stage, and also gained worldwide fame. For some time, Dion stopped recording songs and giving concerts - she underwent several cosmetic surgeries to improve her appearance, and also perfectly mastered the English language.

In 1989, Celine lost her voice during a musical tour. On the advice of otolaryngologist William Gould, she did not strain her vocal cords for three weeks. Subsequently, vocal teacher William Riley retrained Dion to use her voice - before that she did it wrong.

The first English-language album of the singer - "Unison" (1990) - was well received by specialists in the field of music, as well as listeners. Celine Dion quickly gained popularity in the United States, and her songs became hits. The first breakthrough in her career was marked by the composition "Beauty and the Beast", which became the main theme of the cartoon "Beauty and the Beast" (1991). Dion performed the song in a duet with singer Peabo Bryson and together with him received the prestigious Grammy Award for Best Pop Vocal Performance by a Duo or Group. Also, "Beauty and the Beast" won an Oscar as "Best Song".

The most recognizable song of Celine Dion was another soundtrack - the lyrical ballad "My Heart Will Go On", which acted as the main love theme of James Cameron's movie hit "Titanic" (1997). The composition was awarded the Golden Globe and Oscar awards, and its performer established herself in the status of one of the best and most recognizable singers in the world. During her long musical career, Celine Dion has released 15 French-language and 11 English-language albums. Since 1983, she has been on 15 concert tours, on September 18, 2019, the singer's 16th tour, the Courage World Tour, starts.

Best of the day

Celine and producer Rene Angelil tied the knot on December 17, 1994 at Notre Dame Cathedral, Montreal. For several years, the singer could not get pregnant, which is why in 2000 she turned to the New York clinic for reproductive medicine. In vitro fertilization, which increases the chances of conception, gave a positive result: on January 25, 2001, Rene and Celine had a son, Rene-Charles Angelil. On October 23, 2010, the singer became the mother of twins Eddie and Nelson Angelilov. The boys got their names in honor of Dion's favorite composer Eddy Marne and South African politician Nelson Mandela, respectively.

The love story of Rene Angelil and Celine Dion is unique. The man, who is 26 years older than Celine, recognized her as a child and lived with her in marriage for 22 years. René battled esophageal cancer for a long time. When he was diagnosed with a disappointing diagnosis in the early 2000s, Dion temporarily suspended her musical career in order to spend more time with her husband. On January 14, 2016, René Angelil passed away at his home in Las Vegas after a years-long battle with illness. Two days later, on January 16, one of the singer's older brothers, Daniel, also died of cancer.

The tragic events did not break Celine Dion: she continues to release songs, record albums, shoot videos, give concerts and go on tours. On August 26, 2016, the singer's French-language album "Encore un soir" was released, and in November 2019, Celine's English-language collection of songs called "Courage" is scheduled to be released.