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How to choose the right style of clothing. How to choose your style in clothes: photo examples and tips

Warm and family winter day to you, dear readers!

In the last article, I told you about the dominant in the modern world. You read it, of course, very carefully and asked yourself the question “How to choose a style in clothes for yourself?”, And many added - “and for all your close and dear people.”

Recently reviewed "Ural dumplings". In one of the stories, a man asks his wife why all the members of their family went to visit in what they did not want to go. The wife who decided for everyone replied: "Because we are a family." So let's stick to this "golden" rule - only a woman knows the real secret of successful clothes!

Do you understand that choosing a style for yourself is not so easy? Indeed, with the help of it, not only individuality is emphasized, but also it is said to the world around about moods and desires.

What temptation lies in wait for young ladies?

It is difficult for a young girl to resist the desire to look like an adult lady, and it is easy for an adult woman to acquire the unflattering status of a young old woman. Quite often it turns out that due to the wrong choice of style, a wrong opinion is formed about a person. To prevent this from happening, I suggest taking a short test by answering Yes / No questions. The key to it will be under the main text of the article.

  1. You like to look sexy and therefore like to wear lace, dresses with a low neckline, shoes with high heels.
  2. You want to produce the image of a mysterious stranger to be admired and admired.
  3. You have a penchant for exploring other countries and continents.
  4. You like things that look like they just got out of your grandmother's chest.
  5. You consider yourself a strong, confident woman who has many masculine traits.
  6. You have always liked men marching in the parade, periodically wear clothes that resemble military uniforms.
  7. You like to look like a teenager or like a teen idol.
  8. You spend a lot of time at work, often go on business trips.
  9. You like to draw attention to yourself in all ways, sometimes your actions are called defiant.
  10. Most of all, you value comfort and fabrics that are pleasant to the touch, lead a healthy lifestyle.

Answered? Then let's think about our figures.

Women with an average figure need to know

Decryption: an average figure is one in which the shoulders, chest and hips are not pronounced. Here it is important to learn how to artificially create accents on certain parts of the body in order to divert attention from the lack of smooth lines of the body.

First, you need to decide whether you are ready for experiments in the near future or are you going to choose the style “once and for all”, because there is nothing worse than spontaneously purchasing unnecessary things for your wardrobe.

Secondly, to deal with definitions, that is, with terminology.

fit should be one of the key points that you should pay attention to. It may depend on the time of year and the prevailing fashion trends.

cutout it can be V-shaped, rounded, square, in the form of a heart and a boat, royal, falling, Greek, bateau and halter. It is important to determine the most successful for your figure and not be afraid to repeat it in clothes.

Skirt length, dress - there is a popular belief that the ideal length is to the middle of the calf or to the knee, this is not true! The length must be chosen by yourself. Below the middle of the ankle is far from suitable for everyone, usually dresses or skirts are longer in the evening. If you want to wear knee-length clothes, then you should know: the legs visually become shorter and thicker. The universal length is considered just above or below the knee.

Color - most often when describing clothes you can come across such words: basic colors, pastel colors, warm or cold shades. A good color when choosing a style will be the one that suits your psychotype.

Picture - can help hide imperfections, for example, a voluminous print will hide small breasts, or it can distort the image - if it is too bright or gaudy. It must be remembered that the popular colors of leopard and zebra are far from suitable for everyone.

Shoe style and heel - is selected depending on the time of year and physical activity. Most often in stores you can find shoes with Viennese, typesetting, cowboy and wedge-shaped heels, stilettos or wedges. However, recently the brick heel, cone and glass have become fashionable.

Accents are vertical - will help visually increase growth, lengthen the necessary part of the body: earrings, beads, necklaces, scarves, arrows on trousers.

Accents horizontal - are able to reduce and lengthen the space: a belt, stoles, the direction of knitting on a sweater, brooches.

If you have an average figure, then you should not be afraid to combine different shapes and types. Just go to the mirror and honestly answer for yourself: what parts of your body would you like people to look at? Focus on these.

Styles for full ...

sorry, gorgeous women! This is an interesting and time-consuming task, because, unlike a typical figure, on which everything can look good, it is important for us to take into account its features, which we will talk about first of all.

How would you describe your body type?

  • Sloping shoulders, small chest and large hips (A-figure or pear)
  • Large bust and hips, no waist (I-shape or rectangle)
  • Large bust and hips, no waist (X-figure or hourglass)
  • Large chest and narrow hips (V-shape or inverted triangle)
  • Thin ankle/full legs
  • Fat/thin arms
  • Short/long neck

Now that we have figured out the type of figure, we can move on to recommendations for choosing clothes.

An A-figure should not focus on the buttocks and the “breeches” area. To make the figure visually harmonious, you should choose things for the upper part with horizontal lines, for the bottom - with vertical ones. The emphasis should be on the shoulders, which can be increased by shoulder pads, collars, puffed sleeves. Don't forget the V-neckline.

Your choice: glam rock, aviator, grunge, disco, casual, dudes, ballet, vamp, casual, oversized

Try to choose a color scheme in this way: hide large parts of the body under dark colors, and light colors where you think it is worth increasing the volume. If you choose a dark top, having a small chest, then the hands can be a light place.

The I-figure type is quite common. I'll tell you a secret, the vast majority of dresses are now sewn on it. You definitely need to learn how to work with accents - beads, brooches and bows, scarves, belts descending from the hips - to create the appearance of expansion, "bulkyness", if you want the top and bottom points of the silhouette.

Your choice: conservative, military, Asian, art deco, avant-garde, garcon, retro, unisex.

If you are the owner of the X-figure, then you are incomparably lucky! You are already sexual by nature and you need to try very hard to visually make the figure unattractive. For example, choose a tight dress with vertical stripes that turn into curved straight lines. But there is also a minus - you are destined to always sew things to order, since it is important for you to emphasize the waist.

Your choice: glamour, lingerie, new look, slinky, marine, sailor, elegant

The V-figure needs to expand towards the bottom, so the option of flared trousers and voluminous skirts is appropriate here. See that the cutouts in the clothes are large oval, and the handbag is worn below the waist line - for example, in the hand.

Your choice: avant-garde, animalism, country, casual, hippie, safari

When choosing the length of the skirt or the width of the trousers, the circumference of the leg plays a role. If your ankle is thin, then it makes sense to choose a knee-length skirt to open it up, and choose tight-fitting or tapering trousers to the bottom. With a full leg, flares, pipes, long skirts are suitable.

If you have full hands, then it is better to hide them under flat drawings and thin materials. Perhaps your option is a white or light-colored turtleneck. Skinny arms? It will be right to hide them in draperies or voluminous forms.

The length of the neck means a lot when choosing a style. A short one will require a descending neckline or a scarf, and everything will do for a long one - from a stand-up collar to full exposure.

Choose a new style or change the image?

If up to this day you thought that the style of clothing and image are one and the same, then I will upset you. Clothing style is just one component of your image. Changing your hairstyle, buying new shoes, the whole process of dressing up will not be able to transform the inner world that defines your personality.

In order to understand all the subtleties, I suggest watching the video of the image maker Irina Delfey. By the way, she is for it. So that in the women's wardrobe there are things of various styles - this will help to reveal hidden potentials.

So, now you are practically professionals in choosing a style, with which I congratulate you! I would be glad to read the comments on the article - did it help you understand your preferences or discover something new. See you soon!

Key to the test

Listed below are the styles that may suit you if you choose Yes.

  1. Linen, vamp, transparent, slinky.
  2. Bohemian, romantic, tuxedo, new look, art deco.
  3. Ethno, country, rustic, folklore, western, safari.
  4. Vintage, cancan, retro, gypsy.
  5. Garcon, marine, sailor, Edwardian, unisex.
  6. Guards, Cossack, camouflage, military.
  7. Girly, casual, currezh, op-art, leaked, preppy.
  8. Business, classic, purist, elegant.
  9. Daring, trash, color blocking, extravagant, eclectic, grunge.
  10. Sports, denim, oversized, casual, eco.

Would you like to know which clothing brands match these styles? Write to me about it!

Every girl strives to look unsurpassed, unique and stylish. Fashion changes every day and it becomes difficult to be in trend all the time. But in order to look stylish, it is not at all necessary to follow all the fashion trends and blindly copy someone else's images. Every girl needs her own and unique style.

Turn on your imagination, have a little courage, consider the following tips and choose your own style.

The first step is to look inside yourself and determine in which image you will be most comfortable, and in which you feel confident and natural. High heels, casual or pin-up dresses? In this case, it is necessary to take into account such factors as age, features of appearance and profession.

No matter how much you want to wear tight cocktail dresses or skinny jeans all the time, you first need to determine the type of figure, and then understand what things will emphasize its advantages, and which can ruin the whole image.

In total, there are 5 types of figure in nature:

Shoulders, waist and hips are the same width. Tight-fitting or baggy things will not decorate the figure. When choosing a style of clothing, it is worth giving preference to styles that repeat the silhouette. These are straight jackets, skirts and loose blouses, but with a round neckline that will emphasize the chest.

Pear-shaped. Slim, well-defined waist and wide hips. In such cases, when choosing clothes, you need to balance the proportions, visually narrowing the hips, and giving a little volume to the shoulders.

V-shaped. The width of the shoulders exceeds the width of the hips. When choosing clothes for this type of figure, you need to increase the volume in the hips. Flared skirts or peplum dresses will help solve this problem. But you should forget about ruffles and flounces on shirts.

Ideal proportions, in which the shoulders and hips are the same width, and the waist is thin and well-defined. For this type of figure, any clothes, chosen with taste, are suitable.

Oh - figurative. This type of figure is characteristic of plump girls. The shoulders are small, and the waist is much larger than the hips. To hide flaws, in no case do not pick up voluminous clothes and bulky accessories. Lines in clothing should be vertical, lengthening the silhouette. The most successful choice would be a dress with a non-cut waist, an elongated and tapered shape.

Much in a stylish look depends on the color scheme, which is almost impossible to choose successfully without determining your own color type.
There are only 4 color types, and they depend on the color of the hair, skin and eyes. Having determined your color type, you should not try on the colors of other seasons, as they will look unsuccessful and unnatural.

Spring: skin is light, pale, with a slight blush, there may be bright freckles; hair is most often yellowish-blonde, golden chestnut, from straw to honey-copper; eyes are grey-green or golden brown. All shades of green, apricot, peach, coral, cream, beige yellow, milk chocolate color are suitable ...

Summer: skin is milky white, pale, cold shade; hair is light blond, almost white, over the years it becomes ashy or dark chestnut; eyes are gray or gray-blue, may be a cold greenish tint. Pale blue colors, silver, pearl, lilac, beige-grayish, crimson, cherry are suitable ...

Autumn: skin with freckles, no blush, translucent white or golden; hair from copper-gold to red-brown; eyes are grey, blue or golden brown. Warm autumn colors are suitable: red, golden, mustard, yellowish-beige, copper and bronze ...

Winter: porcelain skin, with some bluish tint; dark brown to black hair; eyes can be bright blue, blue, brown or black. Suitable colors: white, black, blue, blue, purple, silver, bright crimson, burgundy ...

To create a unique style, choose a distinctive piece that will complement any look. It can be glasses, scarves, bracelets, hats, hair ornaments - whatever comes to mind. But this detail should be appropriate and in harmony with the whole image.

Following fashion does not mean following it. It is not necessary to buy a pair of leather trousers if they are fashionable this season. It's stupid, not practical, expensive and not the fact that they suit you. But you can at least observe the style of celebrities, drawing useful details for yourself. It is equally useful to follow fashion blogs. There you'll find tips on how to style things together, how to make a great look out of your closet, and what to buy as a base for a lot of stylish looks.

Finding your own style is not an easy task, and you can't do without experimenting. The main thing is to be brave and not to be shy. Change your hairstyle and hair color, boldly combine things that seem appropriate to you, wear something that you could not decide on before. Even a negative experience is the key to creating your own style.

The right combination of things is, perhaps, the key to creating a unique image. There are a few rules to help you avoid ridiculous mistakes:
- no need to combine things of cold and warm colors / shades
- in the whole image there should be no more than 3 colors (unless, if they are shades of the same base color)
- it is better to choose clothes of those colors that suit your color type
- clothes made of dense fabrics should be worn only on top of all others
- do not clog the wardrobe with unnecessary, but "cute" things that do not go well with anything. It is better to purchase a couple of quality items that will become the base for most looks (black skinny jeans, a masculine-cut shirt, a pencil skirt ...).

Style icon Victoria Beckham always says that accessories are the perfect complement to any look. Glasses, watches, bag, bracelets, rings, scarves. And this is worth listening to, but you need to know when to stop. Do not use more than 3 different accessories in one look.

A girl can be beautifully dressed, but with gaudy makeup and a bad haircut, she will not look her best. Hair emphasizes and frames the face, so you need to experiment and find a hairstyle that adorns you.

As for makeup, it should be appropriate for the time and place and not be conspicuous. You don’t need to highlight several details on your face at once: if you painted your lips with red lipstick, then refrain from clear arrows and shadows, and if you made yourself smokey ice, then paint your lips with colorless cream lipstick.

Shoes are an important part of the style. It should be not only fashionable, but also comfortable. Heels do not adorn a woman who cannot walk in them.
It is better to get yourself three pairs of quality shoes (ballet flats, stilettos and jockey boots) in neutral colors that will match all your fashionable bows. In addition, fashion changes from season to season, and shoes last for several years. To save money and stay in trend, give preference to classic models that never go out of style.

Follow these simple tips and you are sure to find your unique and inimitable style.

Successful experiments and be unique!

Every girl wants to look stylish, but not all ladies know which style is right for them. In this article, we will talk about how to find your style, which will emphasize the advantages of the figure, and features, and character. Of course, when choosing a style of clothing, you need to think a little, and we, in turn, will try to provide as much useful information as possible.

When choosing a style, it is much more important to focus not on fashion trends, but on your own character, position and social status, as well as on your lifestyle. Here are some useful tips that open the way to your own style in wearing clothes.

  • Think about the lifestyle you lead. You should think about the places where you spend most of your time:
  1. at work(in the office, near the working machine, etc.)
  2. on trips(constantly traveling, going on business trips, doing work that involves traveling, etc.)
  3. outdoors(for example, walking with children, working on the street, exercising, etc.)
  4. at social events(hold corporate parties or "walk" at corporate events, participate in negotiations, etc.).

We are talking about the fact that the image of a young lady is significantly different from a student who dresses extremely simply, or from a glamorous lioness who cannot imagine her life without parties and social events. In search of style in clothes, one should start from this factor.

  • Focus on your own appearance. The color of hair, eyes and skin should not be ignored. The colors of the chosen clothes should be combined with external data and favorably emphasize natural beauty and mask imperfections.
  • Determine your body type. We should not forget about the features of the figure and physique. It is very easy to determine your body type: go to the mirror and look at the silhouette.
  1. rectangle shape type. Waist, hips and shoulders are placed at the same level. You should choose fluffy skirts, decorated with wide belts.
  2. pear body type. The waist is pronounced, and the hips are wider than the shoulders. Actual blouses, tops, blouses with a deep neckline.
  3. triangle shape type. The owners of this type have broad shoulders and narrow hips. You should wear outfits made of light airy fabrics that will visually enlarge the chest. Blouses with frills and ruffles are welcome.
  4. body type "hourglass" or "artist's dream". A thin waist is pronounced, graceful hips and shoulders are located on the same level. Girls with this type of figure can wear tight-fitting outfits.
  5. apple body type. The hips and shoulders are narrow, the waist is not pronounced. High-waisted skirts and fitted vests are relevant.

Study the styles of clothing and determine for yourself which one is closest to you. There are many styles in clothing, which we will talk about a little later. Much depends on the lifestyle you lead, as well as on psychological characteristics. For example, sophisticated and creative individuals may prefer a romantic style or a retro style. Those who are looking for themselves in life and have not yet decided on the direction of their professional activity may prefer informal styles, such as boho style or grunge. Rock lovers can dress in rock, grunge rock or glam rock styles. Conservatives may be interested in classic or retro style. For active people who care about a healthy lifestyle, sports style is relevant. Dreamers and travelers can use a combination of several styles, skillfully combining them in an image.

When choosing a style in clothes, it is necessary to properly form a wardrobe. These tips will help you correctly determine the list and colors of the necessary things:

  • Build a basic wardrobe. Start picking the "base" by matching clothes in color and style. For example, it can be classic clothes or casual clothes, which can be called universal. Buy a classic blouse, bribe it with a straight skirt and jacket, a couple of accessories in the form of a scarf and a hat. Trying on an outfit, you will understand its advantages or disadvantages. So, for example, you can choose a more elegant or voluminous top or add heels to the look. Then test the created image - carry it for a couple of days, if you feel constrained, think about what exactly confuses you (tight skirt, high heels) and replace these things with more comfortable ones.
  • When buying things, pay attention to comfort and convenience. As we started talking above, pay attention to how comfortable things are to wear. If your daily life involves daily trips around the city by car or public transport, or walking with children, do not buy things that hinder movement - tight skirts, classic jackets, etc.
  • Determine your color type. There are four color types: spring, summer, winter and autumn.

As we indicated above, there are four color types in total, which are very simple to determine. It is enough just to bring two pieces of fabric - pink (or coral) and blue to your face. Make-up should be washed off, and all jewelry that attracts your attention (large earrings, hair band) should be removed. Now take a close look at which of the two pieces of fabric is more "suitable" for you and better masks the flaws. For winter and summer color types, blue is characteristic, and for pink or coral - spring and autumn.

Now you can more accurately know your color type if you use information regarding the colors and external signs characteristic of each color type.

  • Spring color type. People of the spring type have thin skin of a light peach hue, wear blond hair in shades of wheat, honey and golden. The color of the eyes of such persons is blue-cornflower blue, blue or turquoise. The spring type, when choosing a style in clothes, should rely on coral, peach, creamy, turquoise, cream and light green shades. Orange, yellow-green, golden brown, cornflower blue and yellow-pearl colors look good in the clothes of spring young ladies. The danger is represented by white, black and dark colors (dark green, dark blue, etc.). Spring girls will not be mistaken if they make their choice in favor of sports or romantic styles. The material for dresses can be velvet, knitwear, viscose, linen, suede. The fabric can be plain or have a pattern in the form of stripes or polka dots. In the created images, accessories made of yellow jewelry, gold and silver will look interesting.
  • Autumn color type. You are this type if you have copper, bronze or red hair, green, gray or brown eyes. In the wardrobe of an autumn girl, there must certainly be clothes in yellow, scarlet and orange shades. Autumn ladies can also make bows in mustard, brick, brown, gold, apricot, orange, swamp and beige tones. You need to beware of blue, white, gray, blue and black colors. Autumn-type ladies are perfect for safari or sports style. In fabrics, you should choose matte leather, suede, drape, velveteen, tweed, velor. The images welcome the layering and the presence of ethnic ornaments and patterns. Brass, copper, wood and gold can be used as decorations in images.
  • Summer color type. Light or dark brown hair with an ashy or light brown tint is characteristic. The skin of a summer lady is pink, light or completely pale. The accent in the bows should be created with the help of lemon, blue-gray, blue-gray, cherry, chocolate and pale pink clothes. Shades of lilac up to the color of a ripe plum are also suitable. Beware of black, gold, green, white, orange and beige. You can choose any style of clothing that you like, whether it be classic, romantic or retro. Fabrics such as batiste, silk, chiffon, linen, thin suede, denim are good for creating an image. The image can be complemented by silver, coral jewelry, as well as pendants, earrings or bracelets made of rose gold or ivory. Accessories such as ties or scarves in small peas or flowers will help to complement the style.
  • Winter color type. Representatives of this species have dark eyes and dark hair. Spectacular and bright colors are preferred for them: crimson, malachite, indigo, sky blue, emerald green, the color of wet asphalt. Also, purple, silver, lemon, coffee and pink shades are in demand among winter ladies. In addition, winter girls can, without hesitation, combine black and white colors, which cause caution among representatives of other styles. However, winter ladies need to abandon warm shades - brown, orange, gold and warm green. Ladies of the winter type are ideally suited for the classic style, as well as clothes made of satin, leather and fine knitwear. You will also look good in clothes with a check pattern, stripes or geometric prints. As for jewelry, the choice should “fall” towards rock crystal, white coral, silver, platinum, pearls, ivory, encrusted with diamonds.

Variety of clothing styles

There are many styles in which you can dress. You can define for yourself one or more styles that will accompany you at work and on vacation.

  • Country. The people also call it rustic style, and fashion designers working in this direction show imagination on the theme of a villager in the city and vice versa. The style is characterized by: skirt-trousers, leather buttons, wide-cut jackets, knitted clothes, jeans, plaid shirts, comfortable boots. From the preferred fabric, tweed, tartan, jeans.
  • Folklore. It uses traditional elements of national costumes. Natural fabrics and natural colors are welcome. Suits, blouses, dresses and trousers of this style are decorated with embroidery, lace, ruffles, hemstitching, weaving, lacing, etc.
  • Rustic. Something between country and folk styles. In the wardrobe of rustic young ladies there are woolen skirts, over which a flannel shirt and a knitted jacket are put on. Fabrics in this style are rough, in which weaves of threads are clearly visible.
  • Ecological. The colors of stones, sands, earth, tree trunks are used. Drawings on the fabric repeat the outlines of flowers, herbs, branches. Fabrics are natural and soft without clearly defined patterns.
  • Safari. Narrow silhouettes, light colors, patch pockets, shoulder straps, inset sleeves, belts, as well as hats with rounded brim are characteristic. Shirts in style resemble something between a blazer and a blouse, have three-quarter sleeves. Bermuda shorts, shoulder bags and leather flats are welcome.
  • Western. Leather patches, fringes, hair removed from the face, suede, neckerchiefs, fringes - you can quickly define this style. Checkered blouses in tandem with a vest made of brown shades of suede, a small scarf tied near the throat, silver jewelry, jeans, boots with long flares will make you recognize girls in this style.
  • Military. Style in colors and styles of military clothing. Colors: khaki, swamp, green, blue, brown and grey. The cut is the same as that adopted when sewing a military uniform. Massive shoes, with or without lacing. Also, patch pockets, patches, leather and suede knee pads, wide belts are inherent in this style.
  • Sporty style. Bright clothes, comfortable to wear. Characterized by a free silhouette, an abundance of fasteners, zippers, pockets. Fabrics - jersey, elastic. T-shirts, sleeveless jackets, polo shirts, bermuda shorts, leggings, jeans are worn by representatives of this style. Large bags, sneakers, sneakers and flat shoes, stripes and diagonal patterns are relevant.
  • club style. Party wear. Classical styles of clothing are used, in which the neckline opens, the length is shortened, and the sleeves open. Characteristic golden buttons, sequins, rhinestones.
  • Nautical or cruise style. Sets are made up of sailor suits, masonry skirts, floor-length skirts, spacious blouses, and jackets. When creating clothes, the presence of nautical emblems (anchors, fish) and stripes is mandatory. This style can be complemented by a straw hat with a brim. Characteristic colors: white, red, blue.
  • Denim style. Precise cut, patch pockets, edge stitching on details and seams, rivet buttons. Denim-style clothing can be made from more than just denim.
  • Business style. Strict styles, straight cut, closed sleeves, skirt lengths just above or just below the knee. Classic colors - white, black, gray, beige, blue. Fabrics - linen, cotton, wool. Ban on knitwear.
  • Casual style. Loose fit, jeans, sweaters, cardigans, blouses, shoes with or without heels. In this style, you can combine elements of other styles. fabrics - knitwear, synthetics, wool, leather or leatherette, suede, linen, cotton, etc.

Finding your style of dress is easy if you do your best to match it. Start from your preferences and type of activity and you will certainly succeed!

A stylish image is made up of many details. In creating your individual style, not only clothes and makeup play an important role, but also accessories, communication style, plasticity, fragrance, skin and nails, and the environment. The easiest way to start creating your image is with clothes that reflect individuality, character traits, and lifestyle. In the article we will tell you how to find your style in clothes, which will emphasize the merits and hide the flaws.

Secrets of creating a stylish image

“When you are well dressed, others notice you, when you are badly dressed, your clothes”

- Coco Chanel.

The ability to dress stylishly does not appear from birth, it is developed over the years with great desire, study, observation and experimentation. It is always nice to look beautiful and attractive. It is not necessary to spend a lot of money on expensive clothes and cosmetics. It is important to know the tricks for choosing a stylish wardrobe.

When creating your image and choosing clothes, consider stylist advice:

  • Emphasize the advantages and hide the flaws: this applies to both clothing and makeup;
  • Dress appropriately for the event and setting.
  • The chosen image should be comfortable, not creating a feeling of inconvenience;
  • Wardrobe items should be combined with each other. When buying a new thing, come up with several images with clothes already in the closet;
  • When choosing accessories and clothes, you need to take into account the image as a whole, and whether this thing will be in harmony with the rest of the details of the look;
  • Fashion trends should be used in your wardrobe in the context of your style, figure, color type and age.

How to choose clothes

Style is a reflection of a person's personality, features and lifestyle. When creating your image when choosing clothes, you need to consider:

  • External data: appearance color type, figure;
  • Age;
  • Your feelings, comfort;
  • Compliance with the situation;
  • Fashion trends.

Choosing clothes according to the color type of appearance

To look stylish and harmonious, you need to know which colors suit your type of appearance, and which ones make it pale and emphasize imperfections.

Black and white colors go with everything, but you should not be limited to only them. Bright saturated or pastel colors cheer up, emphasize individuality.

There is a division of appearance types into 4 groups: winter, spring, summer and autumn. The classification is based on the warmth of hair and skin color. You can choose the colors of clothes and cosmetics, based on the appropriate type in the picture:

You can also select shades of color based on whether cold or warm tones prevail in appearance. Warm shades of clothing and makeup are suitable for a color type with a predominance of warm tones. Owners of a cold type of appearance will suit colors with cold tones.

Another option to determine whether the color is coming or not is to apply it to the face. If the color suits, it will refresh the face. If the shade is not suitable, then the face will look dull, inexpressive, there will be a desire to do makeup, tint something. Having trained in this way, you can determine for yourself the colors that go, and it will become easier to choose clothes.

Choosing clothes according to the type of figure

Not every item you like will fit. When choosing a wardrobe, it is important to take into account your characteristics: height, physique, body type.

There are five types of female figures:

  • Hourglass - have ideal proportions, shoulders and hips are equal in width, the waist is narrow (about 20-30 cm narrower than the hips and chest).
  • Rectangle (banana) - a type of figure in which the chest and hips are approximately equal in volume, the waist is not very pronounced.
  • Pear (spoon) - has a more pronounced bottom and less voluminous upper part of the figure, the waist stands out well.
  • Apple - characterized by rounded shoulders, voluminous hips, chest, waist and slender legs.
  • An inverted triangle is a figure in which the chest is much wider than the hips.

You need to choose clothes in such a way as to balance the proportions of the figure, make it more harmonious and feminine.

  • "Hourglass" can wear any clothes that do not change the proportionality of the top and bottom. Clothing should not be baggy and hide the dignity of the figure. You should choose outfits that emphasize the waist and avoid straight cuts and dense fabrics that will add weight;
  • "Rectangle" (banana)- a figure in which you need to create rounded shapes with clothes and emphasize the waist. You should choose models with belts, fitted. Pleated skirts, a tulip skirt, which give volume to the hips, are suitable for the bottom. Pants and jeans should be straight or skinny, decorative inserts on pockets are welcome. Must be avoided elongated shirts, sweaters, as well as flowing fabrics.
  • "Pear". To make such a figure look more harmonious, you need to focus on the top: wear voluminous accessories, V-neck, shoulder pads, high-waisted dresses. The hips should be hidden: for the bottom, use darker colors compared to the top, straight cut. Unsuitable skinny trousers, tight top and accessories, large graphic at the bottom of the outfit.;
  • "Inverted Triangle" you need to hide wide shoulders with clothes and put emphasis on the hips. To do this, choose fluffy skirts, extended styles of trousers. Ruffles, bows, drapery on the bottom of the wardrobe will also improve the proportions of the image. "T" shape unsuitable fitted solids, round neckline and voluminous collars.
  • "Apple" (circle). Here you need to emphasize the dignity - a lush chest and slender legs and visually reduce the waist and stomach. "Apple" needs to choose clothes with a V-neck, semi-fitted silhouette, with a high waistline. Skinny trousers, high heels emphasize slender legs. The figure in the form of "O" fit dresses that will visually stretch the silhouette. Should not be worn too loose or too tight styles, short dresses and skirts, things with bright and large prints.

How to find your style in clothes by age

When creating an image, be sure to consider your age. So, clothes for twenty-year-olds will look inappropriate on a woman over 30-40 years old and vice versa. At a young age, short shorts, miniskirts and short dresses are acceptable. After 30 years, such clothes often look defiant, even if the figure has no flaws. At this age, you need to be more attentive to details, choose more expensive basic things, pay more attention to how to find your style in clothes, if you don’t already have it.

After 40 years, you should also not forget about femininity, follow fashion trends and not be limited only to classics.

How to find your style according to lifestyle and status

When choosing a stylish wardrobe, you need to determine how long this or that activity takes and what image will be suitable for each type of activity.

So, a mother on maternity leave spends most of her time at home with her child and on walks. For this period of her life, she needs to have good warm comfortable clothes for walking and high-quality beautiful home clothes. Exit outfits should also be, but not necessarily in large numbers.

Girls working in the office should focus on the wardrobe for work, as this is where she spends most of her time. It is important to consider the dress code here.

A well-chosen image gives a feeling of comfort, harmony and self-confidence. To find your own style in clothes, you need not be afraid to experiment, try on your favorite outfits and do not forget about the features of your appearance.

Watch a video about what distinguishes a stylish woman and how to find your style in clothes:

Not every woman is satisfied with her appearance. However, it is no secret that the right hairstyle, hair color, makeup, clothing style and accessories can create a miracle and turn Cinderella into a princess.

Are you still in search of yourself? We will reveal to you the little secrets that experienced stylists use. With the help of our section "Your own stylist" you will create your ideal, unique image, which will be the key to your success.

Hairstyle according to the shape of the face

The correct selection of hairstyles, taking into account the features of the face, helps to competently hide all the flaws and emphasize the advantages of appearance, thereby turning you into a real beauty.

Hair color according to the color type of appearance

Before changing your natural hair color, you need to listen to the advice of experienced stylists and analyze how the desired hair color correlates with the color of your eyes and facial skin. The correct selection of hair color is carried out in accordance with the color type of appearance.

What colors of clothes suit you?

When buying clothes, we often do not think about the fact that the wrong color can significantly spoil our image. You can make the perfect selection and avoid elementary mistakes if you follow the rules for the ideal ratio of the chosen color scheme.

Shades of makeup by type of appearance

Properly performed makeup, taking into account the peculiarities of appearance, can turn any lady into a dazzling beauty. But it is advantageous to emphasize your individuality - by no means an easy task, as it seems at first glance.

How to choose clothes according to your body type

Properly selected clothes should ideally fit your figure, emphasize its advantages and competently hide some flaws. Therefore, when choosing clothes, you must first of all correlate it with the type of figure bestowed by nature, which, regardless of whether you have lost weight or gained weight, remains the same throughout your life.

How to lengthen your legs with clothes

If nature has not endowed you with enviable legs "from the ears", the advice of a stylist will come to the rescue. With the help of clothing styles, prints and play of color, you can create the illusion that you are a long-legged slim girl.

How to choose the right shoes

Even the most magnificent suit does not make the proper impression if it is not properly matched with shoes. After all, well-chosen shoes can even transform your appearance - visually make your legs longer and slimmer, smooth out their fullness, or emphasize a slim figure. Here are the basic rules for choosing the right shoes.