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Are the wives returning with 2 children. How to get your wife back if she doesn't want a relationship? Prayers for forgiveness

Often the reason for parting is the mistakes made by a man. If he wants to return his beloved, he needs to start to win her trust and favor again. 3 main "whales" of reconciliation: facts indicating that the husband is worth returning, patience and attention.

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A man must be prepared that the reconquest of his wife will take not only effort, but also time. But he has many trump cards in the form of information about a woman or common children, the competent use of which contributes to reconciliation.

Reason for leaving

The way to restore the relationship and the likelihood of success in this case largely depends on the reason why the spouse left. In each family, they are individual, but there are typical for representatives of all age groups and social strata:

  1. 1. Family violence. This is not necessarily a handshake. It can be psychological, economic or sexual abuse. Women can endure this for a long time before leaving, hoping for a change for the better.
  2. 2. Addictions - alcohol, drugs, gaming. There are two options for the development of relations in such a family: the departure of the wife, if she is lucky, and a joint road to nowhere, if not very.
  3. 3. Treason.
  4. 4. Life and lack of money - a woman does not feel loved, desired and needed, she is tired of making ends meet.
  5. 5. Her feelings cooled down and she went to another. Most of the fairer sex continues to live, not loving, with a partner until one appears to whom you can go.
  6. 6. A stormy scandal, during which a man offended a woman without controlling his emotions.
  7. 7. Mutual decision of the spouses to separate or divorce.

Before returning

Psychologists' advice to men who want to return their ex-wife to the family:

  1. 1. Take a piece of paper and paper and answer, slowly, the following questions:
  • Why do I need it? (there is not enough mistress in the house / I miss madly / ashamed in front of people / it's a shame that she left, and not me).
  • What do I understand from this situation? (that she is much more important than she used to be / that she is much better lovers / how much she did for the family / that she really was wrong).
  • What will I change? (a list of real things, actions that a man is ready for so that his wife not only returns home, but also stays there for a long time).
  • Do relationships have a future? To answer this question, it is necessary to draw a paper into 2 columns, in the first one enter the pluses of the former life together, in the second - the minuses. Based on this experience and the man's readiness for change, one can roughly imagine the further development of a joint relationship.

2. Consider a plan of action. No friend, sister, godfather or mother-in-law knows a woman like her husband does. Therefore, it is unreasonable to throw off the responsibility for your behavior on other people. Instead, it's better to delve into memory, remember what connected the couple, what she loves the most, and plan for her return.

3. When decisions are made, you can connect people who are worried about this family. But not as initiators and generators of ideas, but only as assistants fulfilling the requests of her husband.

4. If the spouse already loves another and firmly decided to leave, all attempts will be futile, and failures will only provoke mental disorders. But this is already a question of how to survive a breakup.

Effective ways to get your wife back

If the reason for the woman’s departure is determined, the man has thought about everything and is ready for action, he needs to remember an important thing: the success of his plan depends on another person that is very important to him. Which has the right to be not ready now for reconciliation, very angry and offended. Which cannot be carried from place to place as a thing. Who makes important decisions on her own.

All psychologists are unanimous in their opinion that the best way to get a person to do something is to make him want to. Therefore, the goal of all events that will be held for family reunification is for the woman herself to want to return, and not to show her super-merits and prove her innocence.

The husband craves reunion, but this should not be the main voiced reason for reconciliation. It is necessary to create conditions under which a woman will understand that a man deserves another chance.

  1. 1. Fall in love with yourself. Girls fall in love with the attitude towards them. Therefore, if they are enveloped in care, attention, welcome gifts and romantic surprises, then the chances of reconciliation increase. If the wife went to her mother, then you need to fall in love with yourself as a son-in-law. T still - a very important person in the life of spouses, if she is loyal to a man, then it will be much easier to make peace with her daughter. The method of courtship is especially effective if the reason for the separation was life and lack of money.
  2. 2. Talk heart to heart, sincerely repenting and admitting that you love a lot and do not want to let go. Forms of communication:
  • Tête-à-tête - it is important to look into her eyes and talk about her importance and positive qualities, in no case to sort things out and not to prove that she is also wrong in many ways, if possible - use tactile contact - take the hand, hug , pat.
  • By phone or video link - no attack in tone, even if the spouse provokes, only repentance and a strong desire to return everything.
  • If he does not get in touch or the man himself does not dare to live communication, write a letter, where there will be explanations, confessions, and an offer to reconcile. Women love this very much.

It is very important not only to talk about yourself, your experiences and suffering, but also to be interested in her emotional state and thoughts on various occasions.

3. Small but eloquent deeds. A man knows better than anyone the features and secrets of his woman. If she categorically does not want relationships and communication, nothing prevents her from acting beautifully, using the information that her husband owns:

  • Order her lunch delivery to work.
  • Top up your mobile phone account.
  • If she left with a child, be sure to take care of his material well-being. Even if the wife did not say a word after leaving, her bank card number probably remained or you can find it out. It is very important not to leave a woman without a livelihood, even if this does not bring the expected effect. Forced, in addition to raising a child and domestic issues, to earn money, a woman is guaranteed to be very tired and against this background she will become angry with her ex.
  • Help with the child as before, and if the reason for the separation was everyday life, then even more.
  • If the couple still communicates and the woman says that something is broken in the house, the man is obliged to take care of fixing it. With your own hands or with the help of a competent person - the question is unprincipled.

4. Fulfill her dream. To do this, you need to try to remember what she really wanted - to master some profession, visit a foreign country, spend a day in a spa, become the owner of an expensive thing. Next, you need to do everything to give it to a woman.

5. Work to fix the cause of the breakup, not just promise to get better. Because if she believes the words and returns home, but no real changes have taken place, then the next departure will soon be.

6. It happens that the desire to return the wife arises after a divorce, the decision on which was taken mutually. Often the spouse fails to build a new relationship, and he:

  • realizes that he still loves the former;
  • compares everyone he meets with her, and she wins in all respects;
  • realizes that he made a mistake by breaking up.

If everything happens like this after a divorce or talaq, then you need to check how things are going on the personal front with your wife. It is likely that she has already met a worthy man and is building a new relationship. In this case, you need to find out the necessary information from the woman herself and reliable people close to her, only then act. If another person has appeared in the wife’s life and she is happy with him, the idea of ​​​​returning her should be abandoned.

Every man who is faced with the departure of his wife knows how difficult it is to convince his wife of something, how unbearably painful it is to hear all her words, to encounter resistance from his wife when trying to talk. Often the wife, in retaliation for something, does not want to let you see the child. Now she is not able to understand and soberly assess the situation. The wife does not realize that the child suffers the most. And it's useless to prove anything to her. Give your wife at least a month to calm down. After that, you can talk to her calmly. First you need to stop trying to persuade your wife to come back. Now, apparently, it will not be possible to return it. No matter how you prove your love, the time has not yet come for reconciliation. How long it takes depends on the degree of your guilt, as well as on whether your wife has started living with another man by this time.

In any case, even if the wife is still alone, it is not worth pushing. First, try calmly, without threats and scandals, to get the right to see the child. Explain to your wife that everything that happens between you should not be reflected in the child. He is not to blame for anything. If you can’t influence your wife through conversations, try to influence her through relatives. It is possible that she will listen to her mother, or a person who is able to exert some influence on her. When you meet your child, do not discuss your relationship with your wife with him. To all the child’s questions about why you don’t live together, answer that it’s not about him, you love him, you just don’t want to quarrel with his mother, so you decided to live separately.

Often children believe that they are to blame for the discord between their parents. It is necessary to surround the child with love, not to sort things out with his wife in front of him and not to try to influence his wife through the baby. It seems to you that it would be possible to attract a child to somehow influence his mother, make her see you, live with you, but this is not worth doing. If your wife is trying to put forward some demands on you and only under such conditions is she ready to allow you to see the child, you should not argue and scandalize with her. Show yourself only on the positive side. Start changing and each time demonstrate that you are already different. Show how responsible you are, help your wife with money, help her in everyday matters. The wife should feel in you a reliable rear and support.

Gradually, you can begin to look after your wife beautifully. Don't be mean about it. Buy gorgeous flowers, take your wife to an expensive restaurant. Give gifts for no reason. A woman will see that you are ready for a lot for her. It is very important that you start earning more. When a man's social status changes, women begin to look at him with completely different eyes. At the same time, a man should dress well and expensively, use expensive perfume, and take care of himself in every possible way. Many divorces happened precisely because of the lack of money, as quarrels and misunderstandings arise. And at some point a woman gets tired of the problems. If you still had bad habits, then you must, by all means, abandon them. It is especially important to start treatment if you suffer from alcohol dependence. The wife will never return to such a man, she drank grief in full. Living with such a person is unbearable for both his wife and children. Learn to appreciate your wife, show her that you appreciate her, then you have a chance to work things out.

A relationship crisis can affect any couple. It doesn’t matter how long they lived together, what kind of love they have, and whether they have children. Unfortunately, none of us is immune from misunderstanding. In some families, such a crisis may even end in divorce if the couple does nothing to save their marriage. Sometimes it is much easier for a man to leave the family than to fight for a relationship. Only after a while does he begin to think about how to return his wife after a divorce, and whether this can be done at all.

If a man still has the question of how to get his ex-wife back at least for a split second, then all is not lost. It is necessary to take active steps to restore your family happiness and well-being. But, before that, it is imperative to carefully analyze the situation, understand what was the true reason for the divorce, do hard work on your mistakes, and only therefore proceed with the plan "how to return your wife after a divorce." In fact, restoring a relationship will be quite difficult, as well as regaining the trust and love of an ex-wife. Therefore, initially you need to set yourself up for the fact that the path can be long and difficult. Psychologist's advice on how to get your wife back after a divorce will also help in this situation. Your own beliefs are best left aside.

The start of a long journey

The first step, how to get your wife back, is to rethink all values. You need to think about whether you really want this, or is it just a habit and fear of being alone. In no case should you feel sorry for yourself and blame your spouse for everything. You need to think it over well and understand whether you really need to return your beloved wife, or whether the desire to leave was mutual.

Psychological practice proves that men after a divorce tend to cross the line of reason, unlike women. Sometimes the idea of ​​how to get your wife back becomes so obsessive that it turns into a real mania. Prayer won't help here.

It is for this reason that you should not immediately after a divorce think about how to return your wife to the family. It is necessary to move away from this unpleasant event, to comprehend everything, to consider all the pros and cons of this act. If after a while you realize that you made a huge mistake in your life, then only then you will need to think about how to return the feelings of your wife and whether it is possible to return her after a divorce.

Reasons for leaving

Before thinking about how to return a wife with a child, it is necessary to understand the reasons for her departure and why she decided to stay alone, or someone forced her to do this. According to statistics, in 70% of cases it is women who initiate divorces.

Some of the main reasons for divorce are:

  • husband's bad habits;
  • alcoholism on the part of the spouse;
  • spouse violence;
  • early marriage;
  • constant disagreements between partners;
  • various household problems;
  • constant jealousy and distrust.

These problems are the most common reasons why a wife wants a divorce.

The thing is that women perceive all the events around them on an emotional level. They are prone to hasty false conclusions and decisions. Very often, the banal reason for a divorce is the wife's fatigue from all the experiences and negative emotions. If she feels that her husband is not giving her due attention, she may start looking for him on the side. And here, as they say, even before a divorce, “as if at hand.” That is why psychology, how to get your wife back is a whole tacit science that men study throughout their lives.

Basic Mistakes

How to return a wife with a child is a whole science for any man. If you nevertheless firmly decided to return your ex-wife after a divorce, then you should also pay attention to your mistakes and work on them carefully.

  • First, after a divorce, a man should never behave too obediently or complaisantly. This behavior will not work to get your wife back after a breakup. As a rule, women prefer "bad boys". If you behave complaisantly and agree with your wife in everything, then very soon she will get tired of it. This, on the contrary, can lead to even greater conflict. However, it is also impossible to contradict her words too much. We need to find a middle ground. Only you know your spouse well and can find the right approach to her. As the saying goes, “even a woman doesn’t know what a woman needs,” but you have to find out.
  • If she left, then logical arguments will not correct the situation either. With the help of cold logic, you definitely cannot save your marriage and stop a divorce. Love defies any logic, and your wife is sure of this like no one else. Therefore, instead of giving a woman boring lectures after a breakup with a huge number of arguments why she is wrong, it is better to interest her emotionally. Show more romance and tender feelings to make her feel like a 17-year-old girl again. This is another way to get your wife's interest back.
  • If the wife left, you should not immediately fill her with a huge number of gifts, sweets and flowers. She definitely won’t return home from this, and it’s very stupid to behave like that. No matter how trite it may sound, but love cannot be bought. Even the most expensive gifts will not help restore true feelings and restore relationships.
  • In order for a woman to return to her husband, his appearance must be presentable. It is very important for a wife that everyone around sees what an interesting man she was able to attract to her. Therefore, if you want to improve relations with your wife, then you should come to all meetings in a neat and well-groomed form. You need to show that you can really take care of yourself, your clothes. It is difficult to say whether it is possible to return the love of a wife in this way, but you can always make a good impression and leave pleasant memories of yourself.
  • Another way to convince your wife not to divorce is not to reject the help of close and dear friends. This is the main mistake that almost all men make. They believe that they can cope with all their emotional experiences and troubles on their own. Although, this is far from the case. You can listen to all the advice of relatives, express your opinion on this matter and do everything differently. It's your right. But, sometimes it is worth listening to the opinion of more experienced people. Perhaps they will tell you how to get your beloved back.

If your wife left, do not rush to immediately return her headlong. Give the woman time to come to her senses and understand what she really did. Perhaps these will be the worst days of her life, and she herself will decide that it was all a mistake. One day is far from an indicator. This may take several months. Stock up on patience.

Remember that many wives after a divorce return to their former spouses. Therefore, if your wife left you, this is not a reason to become depressed and read a prayer for her return. The main thing is to be ready for this moment, because it is very easy to lose a returned wife again.

A few months after the divorce, when the psyche is restored, make an appointment for a friendly meeting with your ex-wife. Her consent, as practice shows, will follow immediately. If a wife with a child came to a meeting, then this may indicate that the child misses her dad, and the woman understands this very well. In this way, she can also show that the decision to divorce was a mistake, and she is ready to return and restore your relationship. This will be the first call to the fact that you should not miss such a chance.

Try to constantly provide your ex-wife with small favors. Offer to pick up the kids from kindergarten or school and babysit them until she sorts things out. Help her with other household chores, like going to the grocery store.

In other words, fight for your happiness. No prayer will help you return your love and save your marriage from dissolution. Everyone can get away from difficulties and problems. There are a lot of divorced couples, but not all of them really experienced the bitterness of separation. Sometimes it takes a man a little effort to save his marriage. Family relationships are the most important relationships you can have.

My wife left with a child: how to return? This will take a lot of effort, but the result is worth it. You don't need money or gifts to get your wife and child back. It is necessary to have a great desire and strong attachment to the family. Your wife may let you see the baby, but do you want to be happy as a threesome again? To learn all the important aspects, "pitfalls" and remember the advice of psychologists in order to start life from scratch, this article will help.

Why did the wife leave with the child? Possible and apparent causes

After the breakup of the family, you should not immediately think about how to get your wife and child back. You must go through a stage of your moral recovery, during which you can realize the guilt, understand the mistakes and understand the cause of the conflict. According to statistics, 70% of couples break up at the initiative of a woman who did not like some features of family life:

  • bad habits: smoking, alcohol abuse, soft drugs;
  • physical violence;
  • early marriage;
  • moral violence, conflicts and quarrels, disagreements;
  • frequent everyday problems without a solution;
  • jealousy and distrust of a partner.

A woman is prone to quick conclusions and false decisions, she perceives situations emotionally. Therefore, if you do not know how to return your beloved wife with a child, then ask yourself the question: “Am I able to change, not make past mistakes and take responsibility for the family again?”

Is it possible to return the wife in this situation?

You assessed the causes of the conflict and the mistakes made by both spouses. The next step is to find out if it's worth trying to get your wife and kids back? To do this, refer to the statistics:

  1. With domestic violence, the chance of getting your wife back is 18%. The wife is depressed psychologically and physically, gradually lowers her self-esteem.
  2. If you cheated once, then the chance of getting your spouse back is 45%. For repeated betrayals, reduce statistics by 15%. If there is a child, it will be easier to return the ex-wife after the divorce or before it.
  3. Moral Suppression has a 13% chance. If a husband humiliated a woman, did not respect her and married for some benefit, then the question of how to return an ex-wife with a child will remain unanswered.
  4. A man is not independent - 28%. You can change by proving and demonstrating to your wife your composure, perseverance.

Think about why you want your wife back? The reason may lie in the fear of loneliness or the loss of a child.

And if you are not to blame for the divorce and the departure of your wife? What if she cheated, abused moral violence and bad habits? Think about whether you need such a wife? You can sue the child and create a new family.

Where to begin? Step 1. Understand yourself

How to return a wife with a child, if you love and do not want to destroy the family? This question first arises in a man if he does not want the relationship to break up. But before you take decisive action, you must understand yourself, understand what you want from your wife and family life.

Give a woman time to take a break from everyday problems, do not return her beloved instantly. If the spouse is guilty, then in the days spent in thought, she will be able to understand the mistake and herself will become the initiator of reconciliation.

Become independent. Set up household chores, find a job and a hobby. Stability and trust in a partner are some of the qualities that spouses value.

Eliminate all the shortcomings, behaviors and bad habits, because of which you are now thinking about how to get your wife and child back.

Step 2. Think about how the child treats you

To understand why the wife left with the child, evaluate your relationship with the baby. It is more difficult for the male sex to understand what is going on in the soul of a little man, unlike women who naturally have a maternal instinct. If you want to know how you feel about your child, then mentally go back to childhood and analyze the following points:

  1. How did you react to the prohibitions and quarrels of your parents? Perhaps emotionally (tears, screaming) or closed (silence, resentment). And also ask yourself: “Did I do it my own way or listen to the words of the elders?”
  2. Instructions and humiliation from parents. Did your father or mother insult you, lower your self-esteem and say that nothing will work out?
  3. Displacement of accumulated negative emotions on the family. After a hard day at work, do you take out your anger on your children and wife?
  4. Did your father leave your family? If this happens, then it will be quite difficult for you to properly raise your son. After leaving, the wife rebuilds the child for herself and loses interest in education. This is especially bad for boys.

You are a full-fledged copy of the behavior of your parents and partially treat the child as they once treated you. How to get your wife and child back if you love them? This is almost impossible if communication with the baby is broken. To do this, analyze how he reacts to meeting you. Runs, hugs and smiles or stands, looking timidly? If you manage to overcome the emotional restraint of the child, then you can win him over to return the family.

The main mistakes made by a man after the departure of his wife

Before moving on to action, remember what not to do during reconciliation with your wife:

  • Behave too nicely. If you agree with your spouse in everything, then soon she will get tired of it. Don't be afraid to express your opinion, as long as it doesn't lead to a big conflict. Find a middle ground, try to stick to it.
  • Cold logic is your enemy. If the mistake was made by the wife and it is obvious, then the woman will understand. Do not give arguments and evidence, forget about lectures. Better show a romantic mood.
  • Give your loved ones a lot of souvenirs. Pay child support properly, but you can't buy love.
  • Don't take care of yourself. Your appearance should be attractive and neat. Show that you can take care of yourself and your clothes.
  • Do not listen to the advice of relatives. A common mistake that men make when they don't know how to get their wife and child back. Advice from relatives may be helpful, but the decision is yours to make. Listen and express your opinion.

Do not make such mistakes, and your chance of a successful wife return will be increased.

  1. Show your wife that you feel bad too.
  2. Do not use the child to advance the relationship.
  3. If the wife forbids you to communicate with the child immediately after leaving, wait a while. She is morally depressed, and simply does not want to see you herself.
  4. Show your spouse that you are ready for a serious relationship, have become an independent and stable person. The changes must be noticeable.
  5. Think about what your wife missed in her marriage or before she left.

After the recovery period, proceed to the practical steps for the return of the wife and child. Act according to the plan, you can deviate from it by 1 point if you manage to get your wife back faster:

  1. After 1-2 months, make an appointment with your wife for a friendly meeting. If you get a refusal, justify your desire by saying that you want to see the child. If you received a positive response and the wife came with the baby, then the child misses his father madly! You should not make hasty conclusions, but know that the wife understands how the child wants to go home, and she herself is already thinking about returning.
  2. You can make a "forgivable" gift. Be sure to give it to both the child and the wife. Sorry, promise to get better.
  3. Help your wife. How to get your wife and child back? Offer to pick up the child from kindergarten or school, take him to the rides. Do good deeds not when your wife asks you, but on your own, anticipating the situation.
  4. Show that you have begun to change. Remember what your wife did not love about you, and fix the problem. If you're not making enough money, find a part-time job. If you have been addicted to alcohol, eliminate the bad habit. When walking, you can inadvertently tell your wife about this. Develop the dialogue as she is interested.
  5. Take all the blame. If you have a child, then getting your ex-wife back after a divorce is much easier. During the next dialogue on a walk with the baby, take all the blame for the conflict on yourself. Sorry, but don't be embarrassed. A woman should feel that you value her.
  6. Renew your relationship by rekindling romance. Set up a one-on-one meeting at a coffee shop. Visit the place of the first kiss, acquaintance, or remember the most fun and kind moments of life together.

Fulfill all the desires and dreams of your beloved. How to make the evening unforgettable, you can understand yourself, because you know your wife better.

Ready action template: what to do?

You can use an approximate list of actions that will help you get your wife back with both two children and one child:

  1. Go out for a walk with your child in the late afternoon. Take the little ones to the park or other amusement rides. Get a toy or flowers for your wife, as if by chance.
  2. Be a peaceful person. Do not show aggression, but also do not become too accommodating in the presence of your wife.
  3. Put the child to bed and stay to talk to the wife if she offers tea or dinner.
  4. Next, start the dialogue with basic words: “How are you? What's new?" You can ask about the condition of the child. In the first such conversations, do not touch on feelings and love. For starters, just be interested. Watch your voice and words. If a response question is addressed to you, do not brag, but do not put pressure on pity. The option “Not bad, but I’m tired” or “Normal. Holding on though... it's pretty hard. I didn't even think it would be so difficult."
  5. Do not impose on your wife, start small. If a woman hints that it's time for you, then leave. Her reaction could take a long time.

Pay attention to the mental health of the child and the environment in which he is brought up.

After the return of his wife

Do not make the same mistakes that led to the divorce or the departure of the wife from the family. Many women tolerate their husband's attitude towards them, because they do not want to deprive their children of their father. If the wife took the child and decided to leave, then there were good reasons for this.

If you feel like you're starting a big conflict again, discuss it in a more private place or visit a family counselor.

But sometimes men who have left their wife turn to me. For example, a wife fell in love with another and filed for divorce. Everything would be fine, but there are children in the family, and the husband’s feelings for his wife have not cooled down. What to do in this case? How to get a wife and child back after a divorce?

To begin with, try to return your soulmate with the help of your energy. If after 2 weeks there is no result, it's time to move on to heavy artillery. Namely: to white magic. Let me remind you once again: only conspiracies are posted on our website. No love spells, “psychological bindings” and other black rituals.

How to get your wife and child back? Instruction

  1. Start with an apology. Yes, and do not skip this paragraph. Even if it's not your fault, just try to apologize. It's all about psychology. Perhaps your spouse once harbored a grudge against you a long time ago. And after a while, the usual misunderstanding. How to apologize? Make an appointment under your favorite pretext, for example, to transfer money for a child. And then briefly but firmly say: “Dear (beloved, bunny, etc.), forgive me for everything if I offended you with something.” All these words are enough. Do not drag out the conversation for hours. Otherwise, an apology can turn into a quarrel.
  2. Give flowers and a card with gentle words. Trite? Yes, but how does it work? In 8 cases out of 10, flowers and chocolate work wonders. How to get your wife and child back? Sign the card sincerely, putting the maximum of your energy into the words. You can add this feature: open the package of chocolate and put your joint photo between the foil and the chocolate bar. Then simply glue the package with pencil type glue. Believe me, it will definitely impress!
  3. Have a serious talk - without quarrels, screams and mutual accusations. If nice words and flowers didn't help, it's time for your family to talk. The main thing is that at this moment there are no children around. Briefly ask: “Honey, why do you want to divorce me? What is our problem?" At the same time, your voice should not tremble and you should not show that you are very nervous and terribly upset. If the conversation has begun, consider that reconciliation is in your pocket!
  4. Talk to your mother-in-law/father-in-law/best friend. This should be a person who knows your spouse "like the back of his hand." Again, speak confidently and concisely. Ask why your wife filed for divorce? Sometimes a mother-in-law knows much more than her best friend. Therefore, I recommend starting with it. In a conversation, be sure to emphasize how much you love your spouse. And that you are ready to give everything in the world for the sake of your reunion. Important: this nuance only works with women. It’s better not to say such words to the father-in-law or the wife’s brother!
  5. Read a strong conspiracy to return your beloved. needed only in the most extreme cases. Only when other options have failed. How to get your wife and child back? Place a printed photo of your loved one in front of you. The photo should be only your wife, preferably close-up. Take the photo in your left hand (it is believed that it is the left hand that is the conductor of heart affairs), look at the face of your beloved and at your wedding ring (mentally imagining the ring of your beloved as well) and say the words of the conspiracy 3 times. The plot can be read both from memory and from a piece of paper. It is best to pronounce the words in a whisper. The main thing is that at this moment there was no one in the room and there was complete silence.

A very strong conspiracy to return a beloved wife with a child (with children)

Two sacred rings, you can’t be without each other, and a wife can’t be without a husband, don’t amuse another, don’t caress. I call and command with the gravity of marriage rings, appear (wife's name) in order to reunite our eternal and indestructible union. May it be so. (thrice).