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Shoes stink what to do at home. What to do if new shoes smell

The bad smell of shoes brings a lot of inconvenience. There can be many reasons for its occurrence, but it is important to know how to get rid of it. It is quite simple to do this, there are many proven methods on how to remove the bad smell that exudes from shoes at home. We will talk about them further.

Shoes accompany us every day. Regardless of the time of the year, when we leave the house, we put on shoes or boots first of all, and sometimes spend most of the day in them. Any shoes, even new ones, have their own specific flavor. It is not pleasant or unpleasant, but the biggest inconvenience is the smell of sweat that our boots and shoes begin to exude after a certain period of use. Most often, such a smell occurs in shoes that are made of non-natural materials and are poorly ventilated, but this is not the only reason.

A person's feet often sweat and this is normal. Sometimes there is increased perspiration, which leads to the fact that the shoes are always a little damp inside. With insufficient ventilation in the shoes, the feet begin to sweat more. Sweat and its odor soak into your favorite shoes or boots. Washing shoes inside every day is not possible, because leather, fur, insoles accumulate odor. Dirt, moisture contributes to the development of fungus and various bacteria, and these are all causes of a bad smell. This situation leads to discomfort, because after a person takes off his shoes, an unpleasant smell is clearly felt, including by others.

Even the cleanest person is not immune from the smell of shoes. This is not a big problem if you take certain measures to eliminate it. To do this, you can use simple improvised materials:

  • soda;
  • vinegar or peroxide;
  • coal;
  • dry tea leaves or bags;
  • drying shoes;
  • herbs and essential oils.

You can use these products at home, this does not require special skills and abilities, it is enough to take a few minutes of your time, then the unpleasant smell of your shoes will simply disappear.

It is no secret that activated carbon perfectly absorbs moisture and various aromas. In order to get rid of the smell, you can use activated charcoal, tablets of which can be found in every home.

7-8 tablets can be placed in each shoe. This will be enough to combat the smell of sweat, the tablets will absorb it along with unpleasant odors and excess moisture. This method is quick and simple, but has a significant drawback - after using activated carbon, black marks may remain on the inner surface of the shoe.

There are insoles that have a special layer containing activated carbon. It is recommended to use them, as they are quite effective, absorb moisture and aromas, and at the same time do not cause inconvenience or discomfort to a person.

How to remove the smell of sweat from shoes at home with baking soda
Effectively fights unpleasant odors with ordinary soda, which is in the kitchen of every housewife. To do this, sprinkle the inner surface of the shoe with soda, leave for a while, for example, for several hours or overnight. Soda is a free-flowing substance that perfectly absorbs moisture and odors. After a certain amount of time, the soda from the shoes is shaken out or sucked out with a vacuum cleaner.

To rid your shoes of a bad smell, you can use ordinary peroxide or vinegar. To perform the procedure, you need to moisten a cotton swab or sponge and wipe the inner surface of the product. Vinegar and peroxide effectively fight fungus and also neutralize bacteria that are the source of odor.

If after the procedure the smell remains a little, it must be repeated. Vinegar or peroxide can also be used to prevent odor on a regular basis. You should be careful when using this method. Since peroxide, vinegar or alcohol can adversely affect the treated surface, for example, it is possible to lighten parts of the internal parts of the shoe.

How to remove sweat odor from shoes at home using essential oils and herbs
You can use various folk remedies that have their own pleasant aroma and are able to muffle unpleasant odors. To get rid of the smell that exudes from shoes, essential oil, for example, lavender, will help. You need to moisten a sponge in it and wipe the shoes from the inside. This method is quite effective, since the oil has an antibacterial effect, fights fungus and mold, which provoke odor. In addition, essential oils have a rather pleasant aroma.

As previously noted, one of the main causes of bad breath is moisture, which promotes the spread of bacteria and fungi. Therefore, in order for your shoes to remain in good condition and not be saturated with unpleasant odors, it is necessary to dry them regularly.

Drying is recommended not at high temperatures, as this can damage the product, but with the help of low temperatures - by freezing. In winter, shoes or boots can be placed on the balcony at night, where the temperature is low, and in summer they can be wrapped in ordinary polyethylene and placed in the freezer for a certain time. Thus, with the help of freezing, you can quickly rid your shoes of moisture, which leads to a bad smell.

Important! Low temperatures can adversely affect some materials, such as leatherette. Such products are not recommended to dry in this way.

How to get rid of the smell of sweat from shoes at home with special means

The smell of shoes is not a problem of a few individuals, but rather of everyone. Today, there are many special tools that can deal with unpleasant amber. Various sprays or deodorants are used that have a certain antibacterial effect, as well as exude a pleasant aroma and saturate your shoes with it.

Spray deodorants are simple and easy to use. You just need to spray it inside the shoes and it's done. In addition to sprays, special creams, pencils, tablets, pads and much more are very popular. They have the same principle of action - an antibacterial effect plus a pleasant aroma.

The most comfortable are special flavored insoles. They perform their main function as insoles, while absorbing bad odors and emitting a pleasant aroma. If you use these insoles, you won't need to squirt deodorant, slather on cream or crayon, put in and take out pills from time to time as you would with other types of shoe deodorants.

There are many ways to get rid of the smell. How to remove the smell of sweat from shoes at home, everyone chooses for himself. You can use improvised tools and materials that are available in every home, moreover, it will not cost at all expensive.

Important! Prevention is the most effective way to deal with shoe odor. It is necessary to constantly care for shoes, regularly wash and clean the inner surfaces, and also dry them. Even if you do not feel moisture, this does not mean that it is not there. At this time, in comfortable conditions - dampness and warmth, bacteria and fungus develop and multiply. It is necessary not only to wash shoes, but also to change the insoles, preferably at least once every three months. In addition, you need to watch your feet and observe personal hygiene. This is not only necessary for your shoes, but also important for health. Video on how to remove the smell of sweat from shoes at home

Video on how to remove the smell of sweat from shoes at home

The unpleasant smell that comes from shoes can greatly spoil the mood of any person. Indeed, for many this is a real problem, but not everyone knows how to solve it exactly. Some take a radical approach to solving this problem - they simply buy a new new thing and throw the old one away. But a month passes - the second and everything repeats again. Some try to process boots and boots with a variety of means, but here again there is little that gives a good result. So what should you do when your shoes start to smell? Yes, what does it smell like - it just stinks disgustingly.

In this situation, you should definitely start to deal with an unpleasant odor. And a special remedy can help here, which is designed to once and for all save a person from this unpleasant problem. And such a tool is called a spray for shoes.

You can buy it in almost any store. However, it is very difficult to recommend this or that brand. The thing is that only on your own experience you can understand whether the spray works or not. Each of these is developed using a special technology that makes the processing of boots, boots and slippers completely safe for both the person himself and his favorite shoe models.

As a rule, after the first application, the product works perfectly for a whole week. And this means that having processed boots, for example, on Sunday, you can forget about an unpleasant aroma for a whole week. In addition, using this spray is simple and convenient. And this is also of no small importance for every person who at least once in his life has faced the problem of an unpleasant smell from shoes.

Folk ways

So that the shoes do not smell, you can use various folk remedies. Some of them are very effective, but still you should not take risks here and use some untested substance. After all, in this way you can cause irreparable harm to your favorite shoes and new boots.

Hydrogen peroxide is good for odor control. This solution can be bought at any pharmacy. It is worth doing peroxide treatment only at night. To do this, a cotton pad is moistened with a small amount of solution, after which the shoes are wiped from the inside with this disc. Try not to get the solution on the outer surface, otherwise a stain may remain.

Helps with the smell to cope and soda. In the evening, a small amount of soda should be poured into each shoe and distributed evenly over the entire inner surface. Shake out the baking soda well in the morning. Make sure that the soda that is poured into the shoes is dry.


To eliminate the smell in the shoes will help and such a simple remedy as freezing. To do this, your favorite boots, shoes or slippers should be placed in a bag and put in the freezer overnight. Take them out in the morning and warm them up at room temperature. But such a remedy does not always help, because some bacteria are completely insensitive to lower temperatures. So don't be surprised if it happens again in a couple of days.

You can also try such a tool - soak a small piece of cotton wool in vinegar and put it directly into the boot. However, after that, they should definitely be ventilated. Unpleasant smell, of course, can be removed in this way, but at the same time, the shoes will acquire an unpleasant smell of vinegar. Therefore, such a procedure should be carried out in the summer and on the balcony, or in another open space.

Pay attention to the insoles

The insoles in each pair of shoes must be strictly individual, and they must be made of natural material, but in no case from synthetics. Insoles should be washed at least once a week, and ideally daily, because it is in them that a huge amount of bacteria accumulates. Cleaning the insoles with special products will help eliminate the unpleasant odor. However, this cannot be done once and for all.

Good help to cope with the problem and cardboard insoles, which are impregnated with a special substance. But they must be dried daily and changed at least once a month.

The daily change of socks helps to get rid of the smell. However, it is worth knowing that socks should only be cotton and in no case synthetic. In this case, they will not be able to absorb sweat, which is quite a lot on the feet of a person. Therefore, wearing only socks made of natural fabric helps to solve this unpleasant problem.

But there are times when it is simply impossible to remove the smell from it. Such shoes, as a rule, have artificial fur and artificial leather. In such materials, the smell is absorbed very deeply, and it becomes unrealistic to get rid of it. There can be only one solution here - buying a new thing, which is made from natural materials.

Insoles are also important. In order to eliminate the smell, you just need to wash them daily. However, here it is worth knowing that the insoles should also be made of natural material. And after such treatment of the insoles, you can forget about the smell.

Some advise using green tea. In this case, you need to spray strongly brewed tea from a spray bottle inside the shoes, and the smell of sweat after this procedure will disappear for a long time. However, in order for the problem not to return again, the treatment in this way should be repeated several times a week.

But for the prevention of odor, it is necessary to carefully care not only for the shoes themselves, but also for the feet. Feet should be washed every day with soap and treated with special talc or lubricated with a cream that prevents the growth of bacteria. Namely, bacteria, or rather their waste products, are the cause of the very smell that everyone fights as best they can.

If the shoes are made of poor quality material, then removing the smell from it can be a real problem. That is why, before buying certain shoes, you should consult with a sales assistant who is obliged to answer all your questions in detail, and choose exactly those that would be of high quality and durable.

Some advise and quite exotic means of smell. For example - baking powder for dough. A bag of this substance must be poured into the boot, it is good to distribute it over all the walls, and after a few hours, collect it with a vacuum cleaner. They say that after that the shoes do not smell for a long time. So it's worth a try - and suddenly the truth will help.

An unpleasant smell in shoes can also be eliminated with the help of special products that are not sold in a pharmacy, but most often in hardware stores. Such substances are called "odor and moisture absorbers". And they are actually very effective tools.

The shoe odor absorber is sold in a cardboard box with 2 bags inside. What exactly is poured into them, you can read on the packaging. These bags must be put into the nose of each shoe every evening, and be sure to pull out and dry in the morning. You can use them for a month, and then you have to throw them away, as they will get worse and worse to cope with their functions.

Yes, indeed, the problem of stink from shoes is very relevant today. Everyone suffers from this - both women and men. And from this, a real complex can even appear that will interfere with a person’s life.

Foot care rules

In order to get rid of the smell in the shoes, it is necessary to properly care for your feet. Only in this way can this difficult problem be solved.

The first rule is the daily evening washing of the feet. At the same time, they should definitely be washed with soap and rubbed well with a sponge, and not just rinsed in water. After that, you can make contrast baths - first hold your feet in cold water, then in warm water, then again in cold water. This procedure will improve blood circulation in the legs and improve immunity. It will also help your feet sweat less.

After this, the feet should be thoroughly wiped with a towel, and in conclusion, apply a cream on the feet, preferably moisturizing, containing disinfectant components. This will help remove the unpleasant smell of sweat.

In the morning, it is better to apply talc on the fingers and soles or lubricate them with a special deodorant or cream that would not allow them to sweat during the day. And, of course, every morning you must wear clean socks or tights.

In the fight against the smell, you need to make a lot of effort and effort. These rules should be habits, and this is not so easy to do. Indeed, sometimes a person is so tired at work that he is simply not able to remove and dry the insoles or wash his feet before going to bed. All he wants is to fall asleep. However, remember that in the morning your legs will exude an unpleasant smell that not only you, but also your household or colleagues will not like.

An unpleasant, pungent smell from shoes is a serious problem that causes inconvenience not only to its owner, but also to others. Agree, not everyone will like to blush when they come to visit with such a problem, and then still feel discomfort during the whole stay. Let's find out how to remove the smell from shoes, so as not to get into an awkward situation, always feel comfortable. To begin with, it is worth understanding the causes that lead to the problem, and then how to prevent their occurrence.

Unpleasant shoe odor: causes

  • Low quality. Most cheap Chinese shoes are made of poor quality materials. They use toxic glue, low-grade faux fur, and poor leather substitutes in an attempt to make the product cheaper. All this affects the smell of your shoes, making it unpleasant.

  • Dampness. The appearance of such a smell very often occurs due to the ingress of moisture into the boot. Most often this happens with those shoes that have defects. A new pair of shoes can also get wet, for example, if it is not chosen for the weather.

  • sweating. It is the most common cause of bad shoe odor. Its causes can be: illness, physical activity, wearing tights or socks made of low-quality synthetics, if the shoes do not “breathe”, alcohol or smoking abuse, constant consumption of hot spices.

  • Old age. Frequent and long-term use of shoes without good care over time leads not only to their poor appearance, but also to the smell.

  • Presence of animals. One of the most persistent and unpleasant odors can be the smell of cat urine. The reason for this may be shoes carelessly left on the floor, the pet’s small age, or simply the whims of the animal.

How to remove smell from shoes: ways

Having determined the causes of the problem, you should address them. Effective methods corresponding to each of them will help in this.

How to remove smell from new shoes?

  • Sometimes it is enough just to replace low-quality insoles with new ones made from natural materials.
  • Wipe the shoes inside with a cotton swab moistened with potassium permanganate. This will require patience, since at one time it is not always possible to get rid of the unpleasant odor completely.

  • Soak a cotton ball in vinegar, put in shoes and leave in a well-ventilated area.
  • Ordinary peroxide knows how to remove odor from shoes. To do this, just soak a cotton pad in it, then thoroughly wipe your shoes inside. To fix the result, apply a special shoe spray with a pleasant aroma.

With your favorite shoes that have served faithfully for more than one year, it is always a pity to part. Therefore, while it can still serve you, you need to reanimate it from the unpleasant smell accumulated over the entire period of use.

To resuscitate an old pair of shoes, you first need to dry and ventilate them well. Then, you can resort to the help of special deodorants or spray. The most useful will be those that can kill germs.

You can also wipe the shoes with a solution of ammonia. Again, it's best to do this in a well-ventilated area or outdoors.

A few activated charcoal tablets left in shoes all day can significantly reduce odor.

If the smell does not want to go away, shoes can be folded into a special mesh for washing and sent for serious cleaning. The main thing is that you be sure that washing will not hurt. It is best tolerated by sneakers and sneakers.

Get a dedicated shoe dryer. It usually performs the functions of removing harmful microbes or fungus. Remember to change your insoles often.

Baking soda, which comes to the rescue in many situations, works well for the smell of sweat in shoes. Soda should be poured into the shoes for at least a few hours. Then just shake it out. You can also use a small brush or an old toothbrush to remove the residue.

Progress is not idle and suggests using a special anti-odor powder that can be bought at a pharmacy. They cost very little, but they do the job perfectly. Powders against the smell of shoes can be used according to the instructions, or you can use them in emergency situations.

Let's figure out how to remove the smell from the shoes left by a pet. The difference of this smell is its persistence. And all because water does not act on uric acid crystals and when washing contaminated places, the smell remains. But there are solutions to this problem. If you notice pollution in time, you can remove the smell much faster.

Here are some effective ways:

  • If the shoe material is fabric, then you can repeatedly wash it with a detergent containing glycerin. The most affordable and effective remedy may be glycerin soap.
  • In case of contamination of leather shoes, you can clean them with a solution of potassium permanganate or iodine. To prepare such a solution, you need a liter of water, 10 drops of iodine, 10 potassium permanganate crystals. All this should be mixed, then wipe the surface, and then dry and ventilate.
  • If the traces of urine are old and the smell is strong, you can use a solution of vinegar. To do this, mix vinegar and water in equal parts, apply the solution to the problem area, cover with baking soda and rub. When everything is dry, you should shake off the remnants of soda, and ventilate the shoes. Vinegar, if necessary, can be replaced with citric acid.

How to remove odor from shoes: folk methods

If your shoes smell bad and there are small children in the house, you can use baby powder. It is enough just to pour it into the inside of the shoe, then let it work for several hours, and then rinse it. You can also use flour instead of powder.

Repeated rubbing with alcohol or vinegar for a week will help get rid of the smell. At the final stage, you should wipe the shoes with ammonia to remove the smell of the same vinegar.

For lovers of extraordinary solutions, the cold will come to the rescue. Having carefully packed the shoes in a bag without holes, tie it up, put it in the refrigerator overnight, and by morning the smell should disappear. The harmful bacteria that create it will not survive at low temperatures.

Shoe odor removers

Today, there are many special shoe innovations that will quickly eliminate unpleasant odors without your efforts. They can be easily purchased at shoe stores or pharmacies.

The most popular means:

Aerosol deodorants. Eliminate odors due to its antibacterial effect, various fragrances. To achieve the effect, it is enough to spray a small amount of the contents of the deodorant into the shoes and wait for it to dry. The duration of the freshness of shoes depends on the manufacturer of the product, it ranges from one day to a week.

Deodorants - dehumidifiers. Special bags that need to be put in shoes at night. They absorb moisture well and have an antibacterial effect. Before the next use, the bags just need to be dried.

Shoe tablets. They are left in the boots overnight, they have a good deodorizing effect, but they are not cheap.

Special insoles. The most common, preventive, are not expensive, while they can be changed often. There are also more effective, with activated carbon. These will help keep your feet and shoes fresh for a long time.

Unpleasant shoe odor and its prevention

So, you have learned how to remove smell from shoes, successfully completed this task, but you want to encounter this problem as little as possible in the future. What should be done, what measures should be taken?

The main ways to deal with unpleasant odors:

  • Regular drying and airing will help prevent odors. Make it a rule to carry out these actions every time after use.

  • Store in a bright place with good air circulation. Do not hoard shoes in dark tightly closed cabinets.
  • Periodic washing (if the material allows).

  • Changing insoles. If the design of the shoes allows and they are removable, change them as you wear them.
  • It is advisable to have more than one pair of sports shoes in order to periodically change them, exposing them to relative washing and drying. Similarly, you can change shoes at work - from street to office. This is especially true in winter.
  • Wearing socks or tights made from natural materials. It is synthetics that most often cause sweaty feet.

Eliminating the causes of unpleasant odor and its prevention will allow you to always and under any circumstances feel confident and comfortable. And your feet can stay beautiful and healthy in any pair of shoes.

We suggest you look at some more unusual, as well as the most obvious ways to remove smell from shoes. Share with us your opinion, which methods help you, and which do not help at all.

When purchasing a new thing, many people are faced with an unpleasant problem - smells like new shoes. Do not worry, because the reason for the "factory" smell does not necessarily lie in the quality of the shoes.

Can new shoes smell bad?

Bad-smelling shoes are not exclusively a male attribute. However, often men do not care about foreign smell, and women in any situation want to look perfect. It is important for us not only to be successful, but also to look neat and elegant at the same time. Often the smell comes from the materials used in the production of products.

Coming to the store, it is very difficult to distinguish the smell of a particular product among a huge number of shoes. Already at home, the buyer discovers that the new thing smells unpleasant. An unaesthetic smell is an unpleasant problem, but it is quite solvable. Emergency assistance should be provided to return the shoes to a pleasant smell, and to the buyer - calmness and confidence.

Mandatory shoe care: thorough ventilation, drying using an ultraviolet dryer, which not only dries the inner surface of the product, but also kills various pathogenic bacteria.
There are a number of ways to get rid of unpleasant impressions.

Instructions for eliminating unpleasant odors from new shoes

1. First you need to find out the root cause of the smell. In a product made of artificial materials, the smell sometimes occurs due to the use of low-quality components in the manufacture of shoes (leatherette, fake fur, inexpensive glue, synthetic linings). In this situation, dryers with ozonizers, all kinds of deodorants and hygiene rules will help.

2. The smell can be caused by bacteria that appear during the wearing of the product. To neutralize the odor, wash the product with soap and water, wipe with vinegar solution, wash again (using ammonia) and dry. In addition, you can use a weak solution of manganese or hydrogen peroxide. This procedure is repeated until the smell disappears completely. Do not forget to carry out all actions carefully so as not to damage your favorite couple.

3. If new shoes smell due to microorganisms, a more radical method should be used to destroy them: you need to pour soda (flour or activated carbon) inside the product all night, and vacuum the product thoroughly in the morning. You can freeze shoes in the refrigerator.

4. Competent care will be required for new clothes made of suede and leather: after use, washing, drying (using a dryer with ozonizers) and airing shoes.

5. So that microorganisms do not multiply, and you are not overcome by an unpleasant odor, you can purchase replacement insoles made from natural raw materials. They are able to absorb water and neutralize unwanted odors. Every day you need to take them out of shoes, wash and dry.