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Oblique short bangs on long dark hair. Beautiful oblique bangs photo

Types of oblique bangs for medium hair

There are two types of such hairstyles. In the first case, the hair falls on the forehead from the crown and is cut at an angle. The second option is a bang, thrown to one side of the face. According to the shape of the cut, it can be performed with a slight rounding or cut off at a clear, pronounced angle.
With the help of the arrangement of different stylistic elements, you can beat any image and any type of hairstyle. So, the shape, length and smoothness of its transition and the contour of the cut can vary.

Depending on the length, oblique bangs can be divided into:

  • long: the cut line on the long side is on the same level with the cheekbones or chin; helps visually balance a rectangular face or a face with overly wide cheekbones;
  • long with smooth care in the main part of the hair;
  • middle length; used for haircuts bob, square, cascade or short flight of stairs; suitable for any type of face;
  • shortened: shaped to the level of the eyebrows with a slight angle of inclination, in the presence of clear graphic contours, it can be used to correct a narrow face; large features are best framed with milled torn ends.

With too hard and unruly hair, it is better to make a long or medium oblique bangs. Too short will look sloppy, and styling such hair will be problematic.

Curly hair does not allow you to maintain a clear haircut line, so in such cases it is also not advisable to use too long oblique bangs. It is better to cut it as short as possible, leaving one or two curls.

Advice! Properly cut bangs should not interfere with the eyes and fall on the face. If over time it begins to annoy, you can weave it into a braid that starts at the temple, or lay it behind the ear, thus creating a new, very elegant hairstyle.

Haircuts with oblique bangs for medium hair (photo)

Average haircuts are called with a length from the chin to the shoulders. Oblique bangs of any shape and length are suitable for them. If there are clear boundaries, the hairstyle will be more strict and concise. Thinned or torn, on the contrary, will soften the image and make it more romantic.

Oblique bangs can be combined with all kinds of hairstyles. The most common options are:

  • Cascading hairstyles (short at the crown and longer at the ends) allow you to visually increase the volume. These haircuts look perfect on medium length hair. The ladder on them can be either smooth or have a sharp transition. In this case, oblique bangs can be short or have an average length. You can lay the cascade in all sorts of ways. Hair can be either completely straight or fall off in careless waves or curls.

  • Layered haircut) is also based on the cascade, but its prerequisite is the thinning of the tips. The classic "Italian" is performed on medium length hair. The second important nuance of this hairstyle is oblique ragged bangs or bangs in the form of a horseshoe.
  • Bob with oblique bangs is a classic that will suit almost everyone. When forming such a hairstyle, the hair is cut off at the occipital zone and crown. The bangs are set aside long enough and smoothly pass into the lower strands. The bob looks most impressive on absolutely straight or slightly curly hair. The bob-car option has perfectly even cut lines, including the front. Graduated bob is decorated with torn oblique bangs. In its bulk version, the tips are additionally milled.
The bangs are set aside long enough and smoothly pass into the lower strands

With oblique bangs, pixie haircuts (with a shortened nape and elongated temples) or “square” with a cut along one line are perfectly combined. If in the first case the oblique bangs remain long, then in the square its length can be any.

Advice! If the hair is not too thick, it is better to make the bangs short or choose an average length. An excellent way to visually increase the volume is a cascade with graduation.

Short oblique bangs for medium hair (photo)

Oblique bangs are considered short with an upper point equal to 3 cm, and a lower point reaching the eyebrow line. This hairstyle is very practical - because the hair does not get into the eyes, and even with a strong wind, the haircut always looks neat. Moreover, its installation requires a minimum of time.

Short bangs make the face much younger and give it a mischievous look. But, since such a hairstyle opens the face as much as possible, not only its advantages, but also its disadvantages will be evident. Therefore, before deciding on such experiments, you need to carefully consider all possible options.

Oval face - perfect option for almost any haircut. Suitable hairstyle with short oblique bangs and petite girls. If the facial features are larger, it is better to mill such a bang - to make it have torn edges. With a tendency to be overweight, on the contrary, short bangs are categorically contraindicated. To balance the proportion in such cases, it is better to choose haircuts with long bangs beveled to the side.

Care should be taken when choosing short bangs and girls with rectangular face and wide cheekbones. If the chin is too heavy, you can compensate for it with a thin bang, smoothly turning into the main length of the hair.

With initially short hair, oblique bangs can be grown gradually. For this it is better to do cascading haircut, and then periodically trim the ends a little in the right place.

Advice! If you decide to trim the bangs yourself, so as not to cut off the excess, you need to cut only dry hair. After all, after drying, the hair can become even shorter.

Oblique elongated bangs for medium hair (photo)

This option can become the basis for a huge number of stylish hairstyles. The main thing in this case is to choose the right shape and length of the haircut.
With a rounded face, it is better to make a mobile and not too thick oblique bangs. Otherwise, the face will look too heavy and rough. At the same time, it is better to make the top more voluminous. The acceptable length of the rest of the hair for such a face is just a little below the chin. To big eyes did not go unnoticed, the bangs should be pulled down on the forehead diagonally.

Square face it is better to soften by making the transitions of the bangs smooth. A narrow face, on the contrary, should be surrounded by a fairly voluminous bang. A heart-shaped or triangle-shaped face requires a longer bang. You can change its shape with high hairstyles or ponytails, while leaving oblique bangs free: it can block part or even half of the face.

Girls with a triangular face may well afford thinned oblique bangs, but in this case, the line of the main cut should be perfectly even. With a high forehead, it is better to make the bangs as long as possible.

Owners of wide cheekbones and proportional features will suit a smooth oblique bang a la retro. To decorate the face, you can select a couple of strands that stand out from the general rhythm.

Advice!If you have never had a bang, you can first stop at its elongated version. If a new look for some reason you didn’t like it, you can pin up your hair, tuck it behind your ear, weave a pigtail out of it, and the haircut will be less conspicuous.

Oblique torn bangs for medium hair

A graduated (torn) bang, which gives the hairstyle a certain romance and negligence, is called the processing of its edge with thinning scissors. Despite the external chaos, such a haircut looks unusually attractive and elegant.
A similar method is more often used for voluminous cascading hairstyles with simultaneous highlighting and coloring. Torn edges are perfectly combined with a cascade, square or ladder haircut.

Graduated bangs can divert attention from an elongated face, as well as soften the line of the cheekbones and chin. A round face will be decorated with a torn bang in combination with a caret.

If the shape of the face is closer to a square, it is better to make oblique graduated bangs in several layers. Sharp and clear lines in this case, on the contrary, are contraindicated. Its upper corner should be as short as possible (1–2 cm), and the lower one should reach the line of the cheekbones. For an oval face, it is desirable to make strands of different lengths.

A round face will be decorated with a torn bang in combination with a bob

Care for such a hairstyle can be minimal. For styling, you only need a hair dryer, a comb and any means for fixing.

Advice!When choosing a haircut, special attention should be paid to the convenience and ease of styling. Oblique bangs, constantly falling over the eyes, will interfere. Its complex variants, which require constant styling, will begin to annoy over time.

If the shape of the face is closer to a square, it is better to make oblique graduated bangs in several layers. Sharp and clear lines in this case, on the contrary, are contraindicated. Care for such a hairstyle can be minimal. For styling, you only need a hair dryer, a comb and any means for fixing

Coloring oblique bangs

In color, such a bang can either completely coincide with the rest of the hair mass, or be contrasting. It can be tinted, dyed using the ombre technique or highlighted. But most often, her graphic silhouette requires the combination of several shades close to the main color with additional highlighting of the strands in the crown area with contrasting colors.

At the same time, it is absolutely not necessary to dwell on only one single color: hair can have from two to ten of the most different colors. After all, the combination of an unusual shape of hairstyle with spectacular shades will make your look extraordinarily attractive.

If the main hair color is light, you can dye their tips in a dark blond or dark golden shade, or choose any of bright colors fashionable this season. Dark hair can be streaked one or more tones lighter with further coloring in all sorts of colors and shades.

In the case of using the ombre method, it is necessary to color not only the bangs, but also the rest of the hair - otherwise it will look like separate part hairstyles. The ombre method (shadow effect) is a gradual gradient stretching of color along the entire length. The roots may only slightly darken or remain intact. Depending on the method of implementation, such a gradient may have clear boundaries or slightly blurred boundaries.

Features of laying oblique bangs - at least drying with a hair dryer with a comb. Otherwise, the hairstyle will look sloppy.

Basic styling rules:

  • Oblique bangs fit only to the side. When drying hair with a hair dryer, air should be directed from the roots to the ends. If desired, its ends can be slightly twisted with tongs, especially if the bangs are long, or you can arrange it in small waves. Similarly, you can lay the rest of the mass of hair.
  • The hair dryer should be kept close to the hair roots when styling. Otherwise, they will fluff up too much, and the hairstyle will look sloppy. After treatment with a hot jet of air, they should be lightly walked over with a cold jet to fix them.
  • Curly curls are straightened with an iron. If there is too graduated bangs with sharp transitions, you will need to use varnish, mousse or foam. Smooth hair can be decorated with a large twisted strand, twisted on the forehead and wound behind the ear.
  • If there is no time for careful styling, you can only style bangs, and collect the bulk of the hair in a bun or make a ponytail. The hairstyle will still look well-groomed.
  • Oblique bangs require periodic thinning. This is especially true for hairstyles for round faces.

Advice! To save hair, when using an iron, be sure to apply any thermal protective agent to them. A more gentle option is a ceramic-coated iron.

The desire to be different is characteristic of every woman, and an indestructible craving for adding piquancy to your image, leads to a hairdresser.

And this is where images are born with different options bangs. We will consider the advantages of oblique bangs in more detail with a photo.

She has more of them than anyone else. Why is it worth giving preference to oblique bangs?

How to choose correctly using the options in the photo? What accents do hairdressers work with oblique bangs? How to style oblique bangs?

How can she hide flaws? Which one is best for your face type?

If you are ready to make a decision and want to know will help you not only choose, but also do it right.

If during the experiments it turned out too short, then how to grow bangs quickly at home is covered in detail.

How to properly lay a long bang, we disassemble.

Oblique bangs models with photos

For those who do not like radical changes, but want to bring something new to their appearance, oblique bangs are suitable. Consider all the factors influencing the choice of the correct oblique bangs.

Style and bangs, is there something in common?
There are several important points in creating style. To look chic and elegant, and not "simple", in the truest sense of the word, some details are needed. One of them is oblique bangs.
Opponents of cardinal changes will immediately have discontent and doubts. We want to reassure you, oblique bangs are a whole range of bangs of different lengths, shapes, thicknesses, colors.


Take a look at the photo above, here are Vera Brezhneva, Jennie Garth, Eva Longoria, Charlize Theron, Anastasia Prikhodko. They wear just such bangs in various variations.

Bangs, and especially oblique ones, will never go out of fashion. Even if smoothly combed back hair is in trend now, someday you will want to refresh your image. Oblique bangs will add romance, dreaminess to him, or, conversely, audacity and passion. Everything will depend on the accompanying touches: makeup, accessories and clothing style.

Oblique bangs are capable of:

  • hide facial flaws;
  • correct visually heavy brow ridges;
  • make an irregularly shaped forehead more symmetrical;
  • hide forehead wrinkles or dark spots, moles.

Types of oblique bangs or What are oblique bangs?

Each hairstyle has its own variations that make it versatile. There are many types of hairstyles and styling for them. A competent combination of length, texture, color and accessories will change the look beyond recognition. Often, dramatic changes in hairstyles change for the better the very life of the owner.

What do professional hairdressers in oblique bangs pay attention to?

  • length (long or short);
  • number of layers (single-layer or multi-layer);
  • edge line (smooth or milled);
  • density;
  • the form;
  • where the bangs are located (above the rest of the hair or under).

Advantages of oblique bangs:

  • multifunctionality;
  • Slanting bangs allow you to tuck them behind your ear when you decide to go slick or pull the strands over your forehead for a more voluminous look. It looks good both in a curled version and in a flat one.

  • No effort!
  • Minimum effort during installation. You will forget about irons, curling irons and other styling items. It will be enough to dry it, constantly combing it with a brush with rare teeth.

  • Side bangs for curly hair
  • Curly hair is more naughty, do you want to cope with oblique bangs, make it more sophisticated? Then during styling, use an iron.

    Such a simple technique will avoid long, even bangs and curly hair on the sides. Styling such bangs is much easier, just wash your hair and let it dry without a hair dryer. It will not fluff and will look more natural.

  • Volume or smoothness?

Bouffant and you are the owner of thick voluminous bangs, ironing will make it even and smooth.

Options for styling oblique bangs with a photo

Options for styling oblique bangs with a photo

You need to do evening styling bangs? Such styling is offered by stylists to give your hairstyle a special sexuality.

  1. Oblique bangs in front;
  2. On the sides;
  3. obliquely from a deep parting;
  4. braid a braid;
  5. stab with hairpins;
  6. put in rolls
  7. straighten with an iron;
  8. wind on tongs or a curling iron for a light wave;
  9. giving clear forms with the help of styling tools.

What can your oblique bangs hide?

Such bangs help to cope with imperfections in appearance. A sharp chin, scars, a pronounced asymmetry of the face and other defects will instantly be erased from it.
Thinning or “torn edge” will help to add charm, or a slight mischievous negligence.

Remember the famous singers, at the beginning of their career, some of the owners of scars skillfully hid them thanks to such bangs.

The length of the bangs depends on the type of face oval and figure. A petite girl should give up a long oblique bang, and a plump one is too short.

How to choose oblique bangs?

Oblique bangs and face types

Are you having trouble identifying your face type? We collect hair in a ponytail or put on a hair band, go to the mirror and carefully look at our face. What figure does it resemble? This is the type of oval face.

6 types of facial contours:

  1. a circle;
  2. oval;
  3. square;
  4. rectangle;
  5. trapezoid;
  6. triangle.

Each type female face requires its own approach to haircut. Three of the six face types do not require any additional tricks when choosing a side bangs model. Beautiful owners of a round, rectangular or trapezoidal face, there is absolutely nothing to worry about. Any oblique bangs will look perfect.

Recommendations for triangular, oval and square ovals

  • triangular face
  • Oblique bangs for this type of face should be even. The correct oblique bangs should start at the crown and cover one of the eyebrows. It is better to refrain from thinning.

  • Oval face
  • Strands of different lengths will help divert attention from the elongation of the face. Ragged oblique bangs, for the owner of this type of oval, will be a real salvation. It will help visually soften the elongated face.

  • Square face
  • An ideal option for such an oval face is a multi-layer oblique bangs. However, it should not be too long. The greatest length that you can afford is to the middle of the cheekbone.

    Oblique bangs on long hair (photo)

    Oblique bangs on medium hair (photo)

    Oblique bangs for medium hair

    Oblique short bangs (photo)

    Photo of short oblique bangs

    Side bangs for a round face

    Oblique bangs for a round face (photo)

    Creating an image with oblique bangs

    Now that a new one has been created Fancy Hairstyle and there is a stylish slanting bang, it's time to think about refreshing your wardrobe, and maybe changing your makeup.

    Tip: It is worth choosing a new image in accordance with which model of the oblique bangs is selected. If you can’t pick up all the remaining style elements on your own, you need to find a source of inspiration. For example, look at photos of celebrities who are also very fond of a variety of oblique bangs.

    Some information for inspiration

    Owners of a stylish torn oblique bangs need to be prepared for the fact that the image can become more daring than it was before. Perhaps you should try the smokey eyes makeup. A great addition to this makeup will be tight-fitting long dress or a fitted classic suit and stilettos. However, you can create an absolutely opposite image, consisting of a "leather jacket" and high boots on a low run.

    For girls with straight, classic oblique bangs the best choice become bright and fashionable dresses, platform shoes, sweaters coarse knit and much more. The main thing is to choose the right styling and makeup.

    Curly oblique bangs are probably one of the most feminine options for adding to a hairstyle. With proper styling, it will create the necessary volume, charm and mystery in a girl's image. If this particular bang option is chosen, then it is simply necessary to try out a wide variety of clothing options. Light boho-style dresses, strict trouser suits with high-waisted trousers, sun-flared skirts combined with chiffon blouses, and a hundred other options are perfect for such bangs.

    Leave your comment

Even the usual oblique bangs are revealed to us in a new way every season. There are many styling and processing options. But the interesting thing is that it can be combined with any hairstyle. In addition, it easily masks the imperfections of the face. Let's look at the pros together and determine whether such a haircut solution suits us or not.


Why do we recommend leaving your choice on this particular model? Because it has many benefits. Chief among them is harmony with any texture and color. Creates beautiful compositions in different style. Therefore, it will not be necessary to completely change the wardrobe. You will be harmonious in office attire, tracksuit and in a romantic flying sundress.

  • Attracts no age restrictions. Regardless of how old you are, you can always look fashionable and stylish.
  • The easiest way to mask a large forehead, long nose, and unaesthetic massive brow ridges. You can forget about imperfect appearance.

  • You can quickly change if you get tired of the usual bow. In addition to the fact that it can be easily grown, the hairstyle will not deteriorate while waiting. In addition, it easily becomes part of the ponytail, braid and fleece.
  • Stylists distinguish several varieties, so each representative of the fair sex will be able to make the right choice.
  • There is no need for complicated and lengthy care procedures. It will be enough for you only a few strokes of the comb and a small amount of varnish for fixation.

Advice!Before major changes, consult professional stylists. They will tell you how best to decorate your image and not spoil the natural attractiveness.


Oddly enough, even bangs can have several varieties. Consider the most popular of them.

  • Ultrashort usually located high above the eyebrow. It is also called French. A distinctive feature is that most of the forehead is open. She perfectly complements short styling. It is better to wear it stretched out so that it sticks out creatively. Since slight negligence is in fashion, add it with a gel or wax. Fasten the tips together and leave them to look in different directions. This is the best solution for a dark or bright contrast shade.

The variation is suitable for self-confident people who do not need to correct their appearance. It is better, of course, if it is an oval. Remember that the main feature is openness, so if you already have the first wrinkles, give up a bold experiment.

It does not go to curly young ladies, as well as to the owners of a naughty shock. You will have to spend a lot of time on fees.

  • The average is the one that is limited to the eyebrow line. You can combine with any coloring. It is thick, so it looks natural and feminine. Not suitable for oily curls. Unnatural shine is devoid of neatness and attractiveness, therefore beautiful image hardly guaranteed.

  • Diagonal section, which cuts off the entire upper part and falls on the eyelid. You may even close your eyes completely. With it, you decorate elongated and rectangular clear lines. One way to hide a large forehead.

  • Elongated comes to the chin. It is designed to veil prominent cheekbones and visually shorten the nose. It can be thinned or left thick. Looks best at shoulder length. A huge plus is that it is easily transformed into a hairstyle. Just comb behind the ear or pin it up - and the new look is ready.

  • Ragged designed for cascade or thin curly sparse hair. Make sure the master makes the correct transition. It can be soft or harsh. Only in this case you will get a complete laconic bow. Don't overload with styling. Use light fixatives. Avoid varnish altogether.

Advice! Don't forget the hairpins. They will come to the rescue if you urgently need to open your eyes and face. You can also use a headband, clip and any other accessory.

Short hair solution

If you have a short shock, you are very lucky. Trend 2017 - oblique bangs combined with boyish length. It can be youthful, creative or traditional, but in any instance it will please with its beauty. Think carefully about your future bow and hurry to add playfulness or even glamour. Let's study the recommendations of stylists.

  • Gives youthfulness and lightness side-swept bangs, which complements the torn basic haircut. It goes down to the lower jaw and even to the shoulders. On the head you get a slight negligence, which has been in trend for several seasons.

  • The most fashionable among modern is considered pixie. She has a whole army of fans, as she is not whimsical in care and creates a composition of audacity and sexuality. This cannot go unnoticed. Decorate the tips with a kind of cloves.

  • For bob characterized by a long or short oblique variety. Consider your type. It is better for chubby representatives to refrain from thinning and focus on density. So you add harmony.

  • Don't forget femininity. Organically and completed, a short crown is obtained, smoothly turning into the front beveled strands. You can lay them yourself with any convenient way: comb back, form a parting on either side, twist or straighten the ends.

  • Active young fashionistas will like asymmetry. You hide small nuances and highlight the pros. Vary on the sides from the lower jaw to the shoulders, as you please. An elongated hairstyle gives the desired volume with a swan neck, and for plump ones it is better to limit yourself to short sides. Balance round cheeks, wide cheekbones and a high forehead with a kind of middle corner. For the rest, the choice is yours. You can twist, straighten, point the ends up or down. Do not spend a lot of time and effort on styling. It should be natural, and styling adds extra age and can make curls "wooden". Comb and lightly varnish.

  • Cascade it is considered to be a compromise for those who are afraid to visually turn into a boy, but want to get rid of the bulk. You will have to forget about complex many hours of styling, so this is a great option for a stylish business lady. You will be able to sleep for half an hour longer before heading to work.

  • Shaved temple suitable for people of creative professions and those who want to stand out from the crowd. This form will not go unnoticed, especially if it is improved by a feminine bang. In a place where there is a short fluff, phrases, patterns and even tattoos are often shaved, emphasizing their individuality and determination. It is delightful if one eye is completely closed.

Advice! Do not be afraid to fantasize and boldly wear boho-style dresses, mini-skirts, strict trouser suits, chiffon blouses and even jeans. You are not limited in the selection of wardrobe.

Average level

The uniqueness of hairstyles with oblique bangs and medium main hair is that they suit any face. But if you do not have enough imagination to diversify your appearance, we offer some fashionable ideas.

  • Solid straight cut emphasizes the density of hair and looks perfect in a straight version.
  • Light waves are created with tongs. Use the device to twist them out or in, as you see fit. A wonderful solution for girls who naturally have curly mop, but not completely curly.

  • The thinned long front is recognized as a classic. It is important that the ends are cut strictly at an angle of 900.
  • graduation gives additional volume, and with it elegance to the owner.

  • Kare with lengthening applicable to any type of appearance. The lower part will decrease, do not forget about it.

  • Cascade is the most common female model. Decide on your own cut. It can be milled, sharp, even, soft. Especially successful with a hairstyle for plump ladies. The circle will slightly smooth out and approach the coveted oval. The square will save the density.

Advice! Thinning adds mischief. Ask the master to use special scissors.

Long hair styling

In the trend of the majority fashion seasons there remained grown hair, which is associated with femininity, tenderness and romance. It is the oblique cut that looks luxurious on well-groomed curls. In this case, you can wind up or straighten up - the effect will not change dramatically.

Since a ladder or a cascade is mainly applicable here, we will offer several simple methods creating hairstyles. Follow the instructions and be the goddess of any event.

  • Treat each strand with fixing foam and place them on the side. Twist with a round brush.
  • Comb the tips in the opposite direction from the face and spray them with varnish. You will get a retro look.
  • Use a heat protection spray and flat iron.
  • Negligence will turn out if you apply mousse to clean hands and randomly distribute it. Then you need to dry the naturally moist curls, slightly crushing them with your hands. You will end up with an organic mess.

Advice! For girls with naturally curly curls, it is better to cut the bangs so that one wave remains below.

Who suits

Oblique bangs ideally help to adjust the appearance. You can soften an angular chin, hide asymmetrical features, and hide scars. The main thing is to put it on the right side.

Keep in mind that each girl's haircut looks different. Pay attention to your body type and oval. For example, it is better for owners of a thin physique to refuse long strands, and for seductive "donuts" from too short ones.

If you don't know how to determine your type, use in a simple way. Gather your hair into a ponytail and carefully examine yourself in the mirror. When choosing, do not worry about girls with a round, trapezoidal and rectangular version. In this case, any instance looks perfect.

  • For triangle fits a straight cut. The front curls should start at the crown. It is important that one eyebrow is closed. Avoid filtering.

  • Smooth out extruded oval can be of different lengths. Note the ragged hairs. They will save you from excessive elongation.

  • Layering perfectly combined with the square. In this case, it should be an average size. It is permissible to leave flowing curls to the middle of one of the cheekbones.

  • Rarity and uniform cut characteristic of the heart.

Note that many celebrities prefer the proposed options. For example, Emma Watson used it to look a little more mature and feminine. The direct model made it "its own on the board." Keira Knightley corrects in this way square type. Kerry Underwood secures her chic curls with a bandage. Jennifer Aniston skillfully hides her wrinkles, and Reese Witherspoon with a new hairstyle began to attract directors to play in serious films.

Jennifer Goodwin showed everyone her boyish impudence, which is perfectly combined with childish naivety. At the same time, she transforms a narrow oval and improves a low forehead.

As we can see, even Hollywood stars use little secrets to improve their appearance. Let's take this on board.

Advice!To create a unique bright image trim it from temple to ear. So you can experiment with it. Use not just as an independent element, but as part of a double variety. Excellent harmony with short strands.

Oblique bangs on long hair- trend

Any girl knows that a change in hairstyle will always help to slightly correct the style, for example, oblique bangs for long hair is a great idea for a new look. This variation of the bangs is the best suited to make the desired adjustments to the appearance, emphasize the dignity of the face, and also refresh your appearance, giving it a little more showiness.

Selection of bangs according to the type of face

With any experiments with hair, it is always important to choose the right hairstyle model. You can decide on the choice of the type of bangs and cut it correctly, focusing on the structure of the face. It is important to know that the feature of oblique bangs, unlike straight ones, is how great it goes with absolutely any face shape and hair length. But there are some universal tips on how to choose a bang model.

Girls with small facial features should pay attention to the short variation of the bangs. Also, this model is recommended for the owner of oval faces.

Oblique bangs on long hair look amazingly harmonious precisely because any hairstyle with such an element acquires a unique charm. This styling looks great both in the office, with hair gathered in a bun or ponytail, and in an informal setting, on loose curls, and also harmonizes perfectly with an elegant evening hairstyle. It allows you to create a lot of hairstyle options, as it is easy to style, weave, etc. It looks most organic with this type of haircut, like a cascade.

Advice!Long oblique bangs for a cascading haircut are especially suitable for those long-haired girls who want to hide wide cheekbones.

Cascade with bangs

A haircut made using the cascade technique is one of the most popular and fashionable, as it is a great way to give expressiveness to the face and extra volume to the hair without losing length. The cascade haircut is especially suitable for either very straight hair or slightly curly hair. It is on such curls that she looks most advantageous. This haircut goes well with oblique bangs, especially made on long hair. A slanting bang is able to visually narrow and lengthen the face, creating an emphasis on the eyebrows and eyes, and visually reduce a nose that is too large. The bangs visually add volume and smoothness to the cascade, and also open up immeasurable styling possibilities.

Advice! When performing a haircut, a cascade with a long oblique bang, especially on Wavy hair, it is recommended to carry out the highlighting procedure to give the hair extra brightness, shine and smooth color transitions.

Long oblique bangs

Most often, girls who are prone to experimenting with hair, but not ready to take decisive steps, choosing extravagant hairstyles, opt for long oblique bangs. She looks great on enough long curls, creating a single whole hairstyle that has many advantages, namely:

  • remarkably lengthens the face, softens the sharpness and excessive massiveness of the features;

  • lends itself to many styling methods, harmoniously fitting into any hairstyle, for example, bangs can be easily hidden, curled, giving an image of romance, braided and much more;

  • hides elementary skin imperfections;
  • gives the whole look of mystery and femininity, attracting everyone's attention.

Advice! If your hair is not thick, then make a multi-layered elongated bangs, which will give the hair the missing volume, and the whole image of light playfulness.

Oblique short bangs

If you are a fan of experiments and are ready to take decisive steps in changing your style, then such a hairstyle option as an oblique short bang is suitable for you. This model also has many advantages, such as:

  • can visually increase small facial features, visually make it wider unnecessarily narrow face, hide a wide forehead;
  • such a model greatly rejuvenates the face, makes the appearance less strict;
  • a short variation on long hair creates a contrast and attracts attention with the severity of the lines.

Most short model suitable for owners of oval and elongated face shapes, as it helps to visually reduce the length, correct too high forehead or too voluminous chin. In general, a short playful bang can give you youthfulness, enthusiasm and lightness, bringing some coquetry even to the classic style.

Advice! If you want to hide short bangs, then in the best possible way there will be a curl of all hair and a neat fixation of the bangs with a special tool so that it does not stand out from the total mass.

torn bangs

The main advantage of this model is its versatility, because it looks great on absolutely any hair. If you opted for a torn oblique bang, then you need to decide which of its varieties is right for you? Ragged bangs can be long or short, asymmetrical or milled.

Ragged bangs are suitable for almost everyone, regardless of the features of the face. The advantages of such a haircut are simply amazing, because it draws attention to the eyes, shading their depth and color, hides the excessive largeness of the features, softens the sharpness of the oval of the face, and also gives youth to the whole appearance of its owner.

Long torn bangs give the image a strict structure, but at the same time lightness, a certain airiness, besides, it is quite easy to care for. A short, ragged variation will give you sexiness and add some mystery to your face and eyes. The milled bangs help your hairstyle to acquire the necessary volume and airiness, while the classic asymmetric bangs give austerity to the features, and everything image light touch of elegance.

The disadvantage of wearing torn bangs is the difficulty in care, the constant need for careful styling, besides, it is almost impossible to cut such a model on your own, and you should contact the master to correct regrown hair. It is also not recommended to choose a torn model for owners of curly curls.

Advice! Torn bangs stand out especially brightly dark hair giving everything appearance some audacity. On fair hair, such a model creates a perky and cheerful effect.

Side swept bangs

One of the most popular ways to style oblique bangs is to comb them to the side, which, although it requires certain skills, looks very fashionable and attractive.

One of the most popular ways to style oblique bangs is to comb them to the side, which, although it requires certain skills, looks very fashionable and attractive.

This styling is suitable for everyone, but it looks especially advantageous on perfectly straight and, of course, long hair. It goes well with sharp facial features, which, under the influence of such a model, are smoothed out and become smoother. This model gives you tenderness and charm. In general, laying on the side fits any oval of the face, except for a very elongated one, which runs the risk of lengthening even more, and such styling is done as follows:

  1. After washing your hair, dry your hair, including bangs, with a hairdryer;
  2. Shape the bangs using a comb and hot air;
  3. Fix the result with a jet of cold air;
  4. If necessary, use by special means for fixation.

Advice! With this type of styling, stylists strongly recommend keeping the stream of hot air no closer than 30-40 centimeters, otherwise after a few hours you risk getting disheveled hair that will start to fluff and lose shape.

Hairstyles with oblique bangs

Being the owner of a slanting bang, feel free to allow yourself absolutely any experiments with hairstyles, because whatever you choose, everything will look modern, rather intricate, but not vulgar. As noted above, oblique bangs are easily transformed with any styling, they can be correctly beaten in any hairstyle so that it will only emphasize your winning sides. Most simple options settings are as follows:

  • smooth bangs, straightened with an iron, create rigor and fit perfectly into the working atmosphere;
Smooth bangs, straightened with an iron, create rigor and fit perfectly into the working atmosphere

Advice!For high-quality bangs styling, use an ordinary comb to slightly smooth the hairs and varnish to fix the result. Refrain from using too much styling products, otherwise the hair may take on an untidy, sticky look.

Fashion oblique bangs

This year, such a model of bangs still does not lose its relevance, and vice versa, according to the assurances of hairdressers, it is only gaining popularity, remaining one of the most trendy hairstyles. recent years. Such a hairstyle always looks fresh and spectacular, in addition, many types of styling are available to the owners of the oblique variation, of which the following stand out:

  • fixing the bangs as a small cook, which goes well with a high tail;
  • weaving a variety of braids; Thick oblique bangs
    • dyeing or highlighting hair bangs in accordance with the main color or vice versa, in a contrasting color;
    • The bangs can even be hidden under the hair, fixed with an invisibility or combed back.

    Obviously, the owners of such a model of bangs have much more advantages than disadvantages, mainly because it gives many options to become even more beautiful and spectacular. However, there are also minor difficulties in handling such a model, namely:

    This type of bangs will be appropriate for any type and color of hair.

You can’t let such a bang go by itself, it needs constant care

There are very few downsides to a haircut, and a real fashionista can easily put up with the need for careful care for oblique bangs. And if you get tired of it, then it will not be difficult to grow this particular variation, because it naturally merges with the hair and in just a couple of months it will be completely imperceptible that until recently you were the owner of a bang.

Advice! For competent care of bangs at home, use a wide range professional tools, presented in stores, which will give the hair a healthy look and natural shine, as well as prevent overdrying of the tips.

Short oblique bangs on long hair

What kind of bangs you would not choose, always remember that the most important thing is competent daily care behind the hair, so that your oblique bangs please the eye and subtly emphasize all the advantages of your face, emphasizing its winning features. After all, it is she who complements your image, gives it precisely those personal features that are peculiar only to you. And in order not to make a mistake with the choice of a suitable variation, it is best to seek advice from a master who, based on his experience, will tell you which model to choose for you and will be able to quickly and accurately give your hair the desired shape.

Those who like to bring new things to their appearance, experiment with ease and already cut oblique bangs, have noticed constant female curious looks on themselves, as if evaluating and trying on such a style for themselves. It is not surprising, because a variety of hairstyles with oblique bangs attract attention and can make dramatic changes in the appearance of their mistress. Moreover, it is the oblique bangs that make many haircuts and styling, which are at the peak of popularity in 2019, stylish, fashionable and recognizable.

Since it is important for those who are interested in obliquely cut bangs to know as much information as possible about how this stylish idea To your face, its advantages and disadvantages, about its practicality as a basic element of hairstyles, Last-Trend will focus on these issues.

Starting a conversation about such a bang, we immediately make a reservation: the options for oblique bangs are very numerous and varied. Varying in length, density and shape, they always have an even more important difference based on the individuality of your hair, its texture, features and color. That's why pretty haircut with oblique bangs on each woman will look unique and meet another one of the same, you have no chance.

Benefits of oblique bangs

if you are looking for novelties, but are not ready for radical changes, the oblique bangs idea deserves attention;
the possibilities of this type of bangs for effective visual correction the shape and features of the face are difficult to overestimate;
will help to hide wrinkles on the forehead, moles, age spots;
versatility for hair styling different types and styles: from sweet and romantic to bold and bold;
the installation process takes little time and is not complicated;
fashionable oblique bangs look equally impressive on voluminous, combed or absolutely smooth hair;
with its help, you can achieve a visual increase in hair volume.

Long oblique bangs: Photo

Types of oblique bangs

For those who strive to follow fashion in everything, hair stylists in 2019 advise several types of bangs with a braid, which, in their opinion, will be popular and dominant:

The straight line is the classic solution;
Complex multilayer;
Expressive torn;
Noticeably thinned, milled;
Short oblique bangs (shortened)

The presented photo examples of how they look, of course, enjoy universal success, attention, however, when choosing an oblique bang for yourself, do not rely only on the choice of your idols and stars, it is important to make “your own face”. It is not difficult to assume that over the creation of a beautiful, stylish look celebrities employ several specialists who skillfully correct natural data, find and emphasize the “speciality”, achieving unique results.

It can be said without exaggeration that by working on the image of each of us with so many hairdressers, makeup artists and stylists, it was possible to create an external image that would compete with many beauties from fashion covers. If you still decide to copy the type of haircut with oblique bangs of some fashionable celebrity, choose from those whose face shape and features are as close as possible to your appearance. Thus, the method verified and tested by stylists will also serve you.

But since, most of the time, we don't have that army of helpers, the Last-Trend team offers you some definitive tips to help you avoid mistakes when choosing oblique bangs, and provide you with the opportunity to look beautiful and fashionable.

Short oblique bangs: Photo


Oblique bangs and face types

A properly selected haircut not only adorns the appearance, it gives confidence, charm, which in turn changes the life of its owner for the better.

The solution to the most important question of who suits the oblique bangs, start by determining the conformity of the outlines of your face with such a choice.

Face types:

We immediately note that rectangular or trapezoidal, you can safely choose oblique bangs for every taste. Such a bangs haircut will visually change the symmetry, smooth out sharp outlines, and narrow the face. The same applies to a round face, more details in the material.

And for other types, there are some basic recommendations:

triangular type

Such a bang should be even, start at the crown, not milled, cover one of the eyebrows.

oval type

Visually, the outlines of bangs of different lengths will not stretch. The perfect solution is a light torn oblique bangs. Give up long bangs with a braid, she visually stretches the oval of the face.

square type

Stylists use the advantages of sloping bangs to give the oval a more rounded, soft classic shape. Recommended: layered oblique bangs, moderate length to the middle of the cheekbone.

Haircuts with oblique bangs

Bangs in a haircut are the most important element of style, closing the impression of the whole hairstyle. Short haircuts, which have so thoroughly taken the leading positions in the fashion world, most often use slanted bangs. On the short haircuts oblique bangs become the prevailing, dominant stroke, on which the integrity of the image depends.

Oblique bangs for short hair

On hair of medium length and long - it will become a touch to a trendy image. very often this type of bangs is used as a characteristic feature of the created image.

Curly hair deserves special attention and caution when choosing oblique bangs. To maintain its shape, curly oblique bangs will require constant use of styling products and straightening with an iron. But even this does not guarantee that in wet and windy weather your curls will not take on natural wavy and fluffy forms.

Such bangs easily and harmoniously fit into the vast majority trendy haircuts She is age friendly. These are both super youth ideas and wonderful ones.

The use of varieties of oblique bangs in haircuts of different types on the very different lengths Hair allows you to create stylish hairstyles with a bright personality. How to lay oblique bangs will show photos of the most successful and fashionable hairstyles.

Pixie haircut

In pixie haircuts with a short top, the braid of the bangs allows you to successfully smooth out the excessive geometry of cutting, gives femininity and aristocracy to the look. Rare bangs, raised with a brush, will add youth and mischief to supporters of a boyish image. Thick, multi-layered oblique bangs, combined with short-cut hair at the back of the head, will become the pivot, the main decoration of the pixie.

Bangs on the side gives a special pixie charm, and in most cases, this stroke is the only possible and true one. shows an interesting variety of angled bangs.


Bob haircut with oblique bangs

There is no doubt that the 2019 bob-car reached its heights on the fashionable Olympus in part due to the combination with the oblique bangs. Favored by stylists, oblique bangs with a corner, which provides a lot of styling methods, are surprisingly able to transform a face, pulling its perception to the ideal.

short bob with oblique bangs - a trend of predominantly youth fashion. Visually dynamic, an excellent choice for an active, energetic and active person. In addition to harmonious merging with the mood and lifestyle, it allows you to successfully veil the flaws of the oval with oblique bangs, adjusting them at your discretion.

An elongated bob with oblique bangs, emphasizing the benefits of hair and face, brings style, freshness and attractiveness. female image. And an asymmetric or torn braid of a bang is perfect for young people leading an active lifestyle, giving the image lightness and dynamism.

The undisputed trend of the season - a legged bob with its long front strands on the shoulders - is an excellent occasion for creative experiments on the length, volume and angle of the bangs. It was adequately appreciated by the owners of all types of face drawing. And for those who have square, trapezoidal or round shapes, a bob with oblique bangs has become a real find with which a radical transformation became a reality.

Super trendy varieties of bob - grunge bob, pixie bob, layered bob - without leaving oblique bangs without attention, they only added to the chances of looking fashionable, creating visually proportionate facial features and feeling a sense of comfort and self-confidence.

Kare with oblique bangs
The positions of the bob haircut have remained consistently high for more than a season. The dominance of style, femininity, individuality are its most important features. Smooth oblique bangs are an integral part of its most spectacular variety - an elongated caret. Taking into account the properties of the hair and the features of the face, hairdressers with the help of oblique bangs in a bob for elongation correct the pattern of the roundness of the oval. If you are the owner of beautiful lips and cheekbones, then this is a chance to emphasize their advantages even more clearly.

With thinning and without, using asymmetrical cutting in a bob haircut, stylists with oblique bangs will visually add volume, enhance the effect of attractiveness and novelty of the created image.