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What to give for a wedding 30 years together. Pearl wedding

30 years of marriage is a lot. This solemn anniversary testifies to the fact that the spouses were really created for each other, and their love grew stronger, despite all the troubles, everyday troubles and even the blows of fate. And today, many are interested in the question of what kind of wedding is 30 years of marriage? How to celebrate an anniversary? Are there important traditions to follow? And, finally, what to present to the heroes of the day?

30 years together - what kind of wedding is this?

30 years of marriage is a long time. And this anniversary is called a pearl wedding.

This is an extremely important date, an important stage in married life. That is why the anniversary must be celebrated with family, children and close friends. Naturally, there are some ancient traditions here that it is desirable to observe. There are also some rituals that are important for the future life of the spouses - they must be included in the celebration scenario.

What does pearl symbolize?

Now that we have figured out what the name is worth considering the features and anniversaries. It's no secret that pearls are quite an expensive piece of jewelry. This gem is created by some shellfish. One grain of sand accidentally trapped in a shell gradually turns into a beautiful pearl. Year after year, the layer of mother-of-pearl becomes thicker, and the pebble itself becomes more beautiful and more expensive.

Pearls are considered to be a symbol of love, purity, chastity and fertility. And 30 years of marriage is like a jewel. Year after year, the couple overcome obstacles together, solve problems, learn to understand each other without words. Year after year, married life becomes more and more valuable, beautiful and harmonious.

Where is the best place to celebrate the anniversary?

Symbols and traditions are extremely important, as in part they determine how which wedding is celebrated. 30 years of marriage is a pearl anniversary, and, as you know, pearls are associated with water.

That is why the anniversary should ideally be celebrated next to the sea. Naturally, not everyone can afford such a trip. Therefore, for the celebration, you can choose a restaurant or any other place near the water, be it a lake or a river. But if you do not have such an opportunity, then the celebration can be held at home.

How to arrange a festive table?

Naturally, you need to solemnly celebrate the anniversary of your life together. 30 years together is an important date. And since pearls belong to the sea element, the table and the room (or the hall in the restaurant) need to be decorated accordingly.

It is best to decorate the table with silk or satin tablecloths, preferably beige, pearl color. And in the middle of the table, you can build a small composition of different colors of light shades, beads or even beautiful shells. By the way, on this occasion, you can buy a traditional pearl tree of happiness, which is made of beads and pearl beads - this will become a symbol of the years lived together (by the way, this is a great gift idea, since such a tree can be made on your own).

As for the menu, it should include at least a few seafood dishes. And do not forget about the birthday cake - let it be decorated with small shining beads with beige icing.

Important Traditions: Morning Vows

As already mentioned, it is ancient customs that determine how which wedding will be celebrated. 30 years of marriage is a tradition rich anniversary. And the celebration begins in the morning. At dawn, the couple go together to the nearest body of water. Some couples in honor of such a significant date go to the sea, but if you do not have such an opportunity, you can visit the nearest river or lake.

Here, at sunrise, the spouses throw a pearl into the water, swearing to each other that they will stay together as long as the stones lie at the bottom of the reservoir. If you don't have pearls, you can throw a coin into the water.

They also say that on this day the heroes of the day must be poisoned for morning prayer in the church. Three candles must be put together in the temple: the first is for the health of the husband (wife), the second represents gratitude for the years lived together, and the third candle symbolizes the hope for the further favor of fate.

After that, the couple returns home, where another important ceremony awaits them. Husband and wife should join hands, stand in front of a mirror, and once again take vows of love and loyalty to each other. After all, it has long been believed that the mirror has magical properties. Besides, the mirror never lies. Taking him as a witness, the spouses confirm that their intentions are crystal clear, that over 30 years of living together they have no longer kept secrets, secrets and omissions from each other.

Gift exchange - what do spouses give each other?

Naturally, the thirtieth anniversary is an important day that requires appropriate gifts. So what to give your spouse for 30 years of marriage? A man must give his wife and there must be exactly thirty pearls on the string, each of which symbolizes a year lived together. But the wife can give her husband cufflinks or a tie bar, decorated with pearls.

It is generally accepted that pearls are only beige. But in fact, these stones can take on completely different shades, each of which symbolizes something. For example, blue pearls on a wife's necklace symbolize dreams that have come true, and green pearls are hopes for a brighter future. Red pearls are a symbol of love, the fire of which will not go out soon, into black stones - this is the path that you still have to go hand in hand.

If you give your husband pink pearls, then it testifies to his dreamy nature. Bronze stones symbolize confidence in the future.

What to give for 30 years of wedding? Interesting gift ideas for anniversaries

Of course, you cannot go to such an important holiday empty-handed. What should guests give to a married couple? It is believed that the best gift will be a pearl jewelry. Of course, you can present a necklace or earrings - it will be pleasant for the heroes of the day. But natural pearls are not cheap, so not every guest can afford such a present.

In fact, there are many gift ideas. For example, you can give your spouses a picture frame decorated with pearl beads. As mentioned above, you can make a pearl tree yourself (it is not necessary to take expensive natural stones for this).

You can make an album by placing photos of the spouses in it in chronological order - so they will not be able to remember the best moments of their life. The album can be trimmed with silk fabric, decorated with ribbons and beads. A box encrusted with pearls will also be an excellent gift.

Gifts can be very different - the main thing is to bring sincere congratulations. 30 years of marriage are symbolized by pearls. But you can also give silk. Yes, silk bedding or garments will also be fine.

Scenario - celebrating 30 years of marriage

Of course, the spouses must be congratulated on the pearl wedding. Congratulations and

Quite popular is a ceremony called "Baptism of Fire", which will help brighten up the evening. To carry it out, you will need household items. In particular, the wife should bring with her a frying pan, rolling pin, broom, rag with a bucket, a knife or other items that she uses in modern life. The husband brings his tools - hammer, drill, saw, pliers, screwdriver, etc.

30 years of married life is a great happiness. But you never know what tomorrow will bring. Therefore, spouses must see if they can fulfill each other's responsibilities. Therefore, the husband and wife exchange things and demonstrate their skills.

Solemn vows of the spouses

It is known that spouses exchange rings for silver and gold wedding anniversaries. And on the 30th anniversary, there is an exchange of pearls. It is best to perform this ceremony at the end of the evening, for example, before serving the cake.

The spouses should stand in front of the guests and solemnly take oaths of love and fidelity. Husband and wife promise each other constant support, attention and unshakable trust. After that, you need to exchange two white pearls.

By the way, there is a belief that if one of the spouses breaks his oaths, the pearl will turn black. Therefore, it was customary to make pendants or rings from this stone that could be worn constantly. This is a kind of demonstration that both husband and wife stick to their promises.

Rite of passage of happiness

Thirty years of marriage is a huge experience that the heroes of the day must pass on. Surely, the spouses have children or other relatives who have just got married or are just getting ready for the wedding. It is to them that the heroes of the day will pass on their "happiness".

To carry out the ritual, you will need a clean notebook and pen, as well as a rope, ring, ribbon, plate and coins. First, the spouses give their “receivers” a blank notebook (or sheet of paper) - here the young couple must write down all the good events of life. Then the heroes with parting words give the young people a pen, which will be used to make notes.

After that, the legs of the young man and woman are tied with a rope, which symbolizes their unity. A long ribbon is placed in front of the pair, and a plate or other container at the end of it. Young people with their legs tied must go all the way together, and for each step they take, guests throw a coin into the bowl. This ritual symbolizes unity and the fact that a happy life can only be created together, going through troubles together.

On the eve of the anniversary, spouses often have a question about what, if they have been married for 30 years, what kind of wedding it will be. The solemn event is symbolically endowed with the status of a pearl wedding. It is believed that 30 years from the date of marriage is a confirmation of the spouses' fidelity.

It is interesting to get acquainted with the process of formation of a natural mineral that is a symbol of a wedding. A grain of sand enters the shell of a mollusk, causing pain: the sensations are similar to those that occur when a speck hits the mucous membrane of the eye. To neutralize the resulting discomfort, the mollusk begins to actively envelop the grain of sand with mother-of-pearl.

Gradually, in the course of painstaking work, a pearl is formed. Therefore, 30 years of life together is usually called a pearl wedding, since the spouses worked year after year to improve their relationship, despite the sometimes heartbreaking pain and disappointment that often accompany almost all married couples in life.

It is important to figure out what congratulations on a pearl wedding can be.

Congratulations from relatives

People close to you sometimes cannot find the right words to express their feelings. Relatives are very often biased, overly demanding, but they also love you with all your flaws. And it can be difficult to compose a congratulation for 30 years of a wedding.

Emphasize the importance of loyalty in a relationship in your congratulations

Therefore, you can use the scheme developed by philologists together with psychologists:

  1. Remember the day when you were terribly angry with the heroes of the occasion. Write down all your feelings and thoughts about the topic.
  2. Think back to a moment when you felt infinite gratitude.
  3. Now write congratulations on your wedding anniversary: \u200b\u200b30 compliments to the spouses.
  4. Choose the ones that the couple should definitely like.
  5. Think again about the once-experienced anger and feelings of gratitude, and then write congratulations on your wedding anniversary: \u200b\u200b30 years spent by your relatives in marriage can be described briefly and with love.

It is worth considering the following version of congratulations on the wedding day in prose: “Happy 30th marriage anniversary, my dears! It’s hard to believe that so many years have passed since the wedding, but I am glad that there is an opportunity to congratulate you personally, despite my already middle-aged years.

I remember my 30th wedding anniversary: \u200b\u200bthere were few guests, but every guest was welcome. Many people have gathered in this hall today.

Everyone wishes you health and love. But today I would like to wish you longevity so that you have the opportunity to congratulate your grandchildren on your wedding day. My dream has already come true, so I wish you the same. "

A beautiful congratulation on a pearl wedding to parents from children can also be made in prose. For example, it may look like this: “We never had a reason to complain: we were loved and did not know hardships. Thanks to our parents, we chose the right path in life, managed to realize our abilities. But on this day, I want to talk about you as a spouse who managed to carry the fire of love through life's troubles and even losses when other married couples would decide to divorce. But you held out, and your feelings became even stronger. For an example of congratulations on a wedding, see this video:

You are wise and generous. Your marriage is imbued with pearls: patience, willpower, and extraordinary sensuality. Selfless service to each other has made your union strong. Therefore, we believe that today is the thirtieth awards ceremony for the art of being a loving husband and faithful wife. You will receive a real Oscar later. We love you".

Congratulations from friends

Friends seek original congratulations on a pearl wedding. You can make a congratulation in verse or prose.

Many people like it when friends write a script for their wedding day.

After all, the toastmaster is not always able to fully satisfy the wishes of the spouses, since he uses only jokes and contests that are loved by many.

Friends who utter warm words cannot help but touch a couple

But friends know a lot more about the needs of a husband and wife. Consider the following congratulations:

  1. Today is your next wedding day: 30 years of congratulations could sound monotonous and laconic. But this wedding is called pearl, so today everyone should show the pearl shine of your smiles. I suggest you play a game in which you will simultaneously answer questions about each other. We'll all see how well you know each other's desires. Questions will address personal preferences in various areas of life. Therefore, be careful. But I would also like to wish you to live up to the celebration of the 100th anniversary. And we together with you will come up with the name of such a wedding.
  2. Today your couple turned 30: there is no more beautiful wedding anniversary, and there is no more beautiful name for this wedding. Funny congratulations will make you smile, the philosophical reflections of especially educated gentlemen can make you want to take a nap, and congratulations in your own words often provoke you to search for speech errors. We are glad that our congratulations fell into the category of cool ones, because you smiled. But seriously, just be our friends. We love you! For an example of congratulations from friends, see this video:

How can a husband congratulate his wife?

It can be difficult for men to compose a beautiful congratulation on their wedding anniversary: \u200b\u200b30 years of experience prevent them from showing their most tender feelings.

Husband can accompany congratulations with a beautiful gift

You can familiarize yourself with the following options for congratulations in prose:

  1. Several years earlier I didn’t know that I would love you more. Every man worries that his woman will grow fat over the years, will cease to cause a wave of passion in him. But all this is not about you: every year you become even more beautiful. I would like to believe that this is also my merit. I am jealous and afraid of losing you even more than in my youth. It's not that he was always jealous, but that you always need to be conquered. Love you my girl.
  2. They say that our wedding is called a pearl wedding. After all, the husband often has questions when he has been married for 30 years: what kind of wedding, what to give? So many wishes were told to us today, but the most important thing is the husband. After the wedding ceremony, we went with you to a restaurant 30 years ago. You were so fragile and vulnerable that I wanted to protect you from even the slightest breath of wind. And today I want to say that you, being a gentle and such a sensual woman, were able to support a healthy and strong man in all his endeavors. Thanks to you, I became who I always wanted to be. I'll give my life for you if need be. I will always love only you alone!

If you have difficulties with congratulating verbally on the day of celebrating 30 years of the wedding, then you can write a wish by hand to the spouses. A beautiful postcard will help you out in this situation. Pearl wedding - 30 years of dedication and love. Just rejoice with your spouses in their great achievement and happiness.

As early as the nineteenth century, the tradition of celebrating wedding anniversaries was born. Almost every year the spouses live together has its own name, its own customs and signs. So how to celebrate 30 years and what kind of wedding is it?

What is a pearl wedding

A wedding is a union of two loving hearts, on the path of which many trials, joys, sometimes disappointments, adversities arise. To remind the spouses that together overcoming all these obstacles, the family becomes stronger every year, almost every year people celebrate the anniversary of their marriage.

The thirty-year anniversary of living together is commonly called a pearl wedding. After all, real pearls, like the marriage of newlyweds, only get stronger over the years and become very durable.

Pearls are a mineral that is formed from a microscopic grain of sand and grows and gets stronger for a long time, becoming a real embodiment of purity and nobility.

Pearl wedding traditions

For a 30 year wedding, there are many traditions and rituals that must be followed in order to be believed to live happily before the golden wedding.

Ancient traditions

For thirty years of weddings, the "newlyweds" at dawn went to the river or to another nearby reservoir and threw one snow-white pearl into the water. It was believed that the duration of pearls is about fifty years, and as it will grow and strengthen in the water, so the life of the spouses together will be even stronger, and they will live until the fiftieth anniversary.

The couple went to church and put three candles each in front of the three icons. The Most Holy Theotokos - she protects health, Jesus Christ - they asked for domestic well-being and peace and the Holy Trinity - they asked for long years of marriage.

The couple had to stand in front of the mirror, which is a symbol of purity and sincerity, and swear to each other in love.

Modern traditions

Throw a snow-white bead or pearl to the bottom of a champagne glass and drink it to the bottom. Then the “newlyweds” consolidate their union with a kiss until the guests count to thirty.

The spouse presents his wife with a necklace of thirty white pearls, which symbolically indicate the number of years spent in a joint marriage.

It is customary to release a pair of snow-white doves as a symbol of gratitude and mutual love.

How to mark

Having lived together for many years, the "young" celebrate thirty years of wedding in different ways: some only among family and friends, who arrange banquets for friends and acquaintances, and who even want to retire from the noisy bustle and enjoy only each other's company.

Therefore, everyone acts as they see fit, focusing on their wealth, desires and preferences.

For those who prefer to celebrate their anniversary with family and friends, you should know that the pearl is a symbol of wealth and fertility, therefore, those spouses who have grandchildren, their presence at the family table is mandatory.

For spouses who prefer to retire from everyone, it is advisable to go somewhere to the sea. So that you can observe the traditions of celebrating a wedding, enjoy each other's company and together remember the good moments of past years, make plans for the future.

If you are used to being in the circle of everyone's attention, then thirty years of the wedding should be celebrated in a cafe or restaurant so that all invited guests, relatives and friends can have fun, comfortably celebrating this significant date with you.

It is worth celebrating the thirtieth anniversary of the wedding solemnly: lay a snow-white tablecloth on the table, serve the table beautifully, the presence of seafood dishes is desirable on the festive table. An obligatory dish is, of course, fish pies, which the daughter and daughter-in-law can help prepare.

You can make a symbolic wedding ceremony: invite an employee of the registry office, make an exit ceremony, in some picturesque place, for example, on the banks of a river or another body of water, once again visit the places where you first met, where there was a first date, you can also celebrate a wedding in the same place as thirty years ago.

Before the upcoming celebration, you can arrange a bachelor party for the “groom”, and a bachelorette party for the “bride”, so that with the most faithful friends and girlfriends who have been with you for many years of married life, you can have fun, and maybe remember how it was for the first time.

Everyone knows that pearls are not only pure white, there are many shades - green, pink, blue, gray, cream and even black. When preparing for the wedding, you can study in detail what and what color means and conduct a quiz on this topic.

How to congratulate and what to give

Many will ask the question: what do 30 years of marriage together give for a wedding? There are many options and these are not necessarily expensive pearl jewelry.

It is customary for a spouse to give his wife a pearl necklace. The number of pearls in the necklace is equal to the number of tears shed by the wife over the years of their life together, and the husband, as it were, pays off and promises that in the future there will be no more tears and sorrow in their life together.

You can present your wife with a ring or earrings with small pearls, your husband - cufflinks for a jacket. But if all this is irrelevant or not affordable, then you can give something purely symbolic, not expensive and necessary in everyday life.

You can also give something related to the sea - a beautiful shell as an element of home decor, fish in an aquarium, a trip to the sea, a fishing rod and tackle, a frame for family photos, decorated in a marine style, a jewelry box and much more... There are actually a lot of gift options for a pearl wedding.

Guests can give anything they want: from a postcard with warm and sincere wishes to household appliances. This is who what garazd. After all, the main thing is not a gift, but attention, support and care for dear and dear people. The main thing is to congratulate with all my heart and sincerely wish you happiness.

List of anniversaries after the pearl wedding

Not many people know what a wedding is after 30 years of marriage. Significant anniversaries and not a very large number, since in one year there can be not one, but two. Below is a list of the main wedding anniversaries so that you can prepare a gift or surprise for your second half in advance:
  • 35th birthday is a coral wedding
  • fortieth anniversary - ruby
  • forty-five - sapphire
  • fiftieth anniversary - golden
  • fifty-five - emerald
  • seventy five years - diamond

A pearl wedding is a serious date. Not every couple is destined to celebrate it! If your parents, relatives or friends are on the verge of a significant event, it's time to think about gifts for the anniversary. There are plenty of interesting ideas, but it is difficult to choose a good one. The problem is that each family has its own customs and traditions. Someone believes that the priority should be beautiful, but classic things. Representatives of the younger generation believe that something original should be donated. In this regard, the advice of our specialists can be useful. Pay attention to the following nuances.

  • Pearl products are considered traditional gifts. These include decorative wood, jewelry in the form of tiaras, beads and earrings. It's a great idea to present a pair of mother-of-pearl beads in a miniature box. According to tradition, spouses should throw them into the water, swearing of love and fidelity.
  • For 30 years of marriage, it is customary to go to church to thank the Almighty for a long family life. Present a happy couple with a leather-bound Bible, an image of a saint with a mother-of-pearl setting, an icon lamp decorated with a pearl. Things like this will remind you of the event all your life.
  • A wedding anniversary is an event for two people. Give preference to a gift that both husband and wife will gratefully accept. A universal family present - a large album for photos, a tea set, a set of dishes from a well-known manufacturer.
  • Today you can buy almost anything. However, the most valuable are things that will be made personally for the heroes of the occasion. A specially minted medal should be presented and decorated with the names of the newlyweds. The date of their wedding looks appropriate.
  • 30 years of living together have taught the couple that externalities are not the main thing. Therefore, gifts should be, first of all, practical. Among the items purchased for the wedding, household appliances stand out. Vacuum cleaner, microwave oven, water heater - time-tested win-win ideas.
  • A wedding anniversary is a reason to fulfill an old dream. Children should know what to give their parents. If the present is selected for friends, you can ask what the couple lacks for complete happiness.
  • A bouquet or a basket of flowers must be purchased for round dates. Wedding anniversaries are no exception. But remember, they are not a gift. A beautiful addition enhances the impression of the main presentation.

When choosing a pearl wedding courtesy, check out this list of versatile options. For spouses celebrating 30 years of marriage, you can give:

  • Composition of balls, ice cream, chocolate.
  • Cake with chocolate figures or the names of the heroes of the occasion.
  • A box of your favorite wine, champagne or cognac.
  • Clothes adorned with pearls, interior items.
  • Paired portrait or statuette from a photo.
  • Award diploma, gift orders, cups, steles.
  • Original souvenirs related to the wedding.
  • Intangible gifts in the form of travel vouchers, exciting adventures.
  • Gadgets, car accessories.
  • Certificates for purchases in stores, visits to beauty salons, sports clubs.
  • Tickets for a concert, theatrical premiere, exhibition.

Gift for parents for a pearl wedding

By the time mom and dad celebrate the 30th anniversary of their marriage, the children have time to become adults. Independent people can afford almost any gift, but a pearl jubilee involves giving touching, soulful things. You can order knitted sweaters, terry dressing gowns with embroidery or a blanket for two with sleeves. Such a present will make a good impression.

A set for growing, a hammock, a set of folding chairs and a table will allow to please parents for a pearl wedding. In addition, it is appropriate for people who often go to the dacha or picnics to give a barbecue grill, a barbecue set and a cooler bag.

Wall key holder "Gift with love"... Stylized as a present in bright packaging. Instead of a bow, a heart is used, emphasizing the attitude towards parents.

Figurine "Doves with a Heart"... Decorative composition made of glass and metal. It symbolizes the union of people who managed to carry feelings through storms and hardships.

Map of our travels... The heroes of the occasion must have visited many interesting places. The purpose of the gift is to help build a new route.

Jewelry box with "Love" engraving... The heart shape speaks for itself. Add a nameplate with your name engraved and your surprise is ready!

Pine burl fruit bowl... Made by hand and polished with vegetable oil. If handled carelessly, a tree, like family relationships, can crack.

Gift to relatives for a pearl wedding

You can ask grandfather and grandmother, uncle and aunt: what gifts to please you with? Family members are likely to show modesty and point out some inexpensive present. If the wedding involves a surprise, start your selection with haberdashery items. A tie clip for a man and a brooch for a woman are a suitable option. It's great when things are inlaid with pearl inserts.

A good gift for relatives will turn out if you use the family archive. Especially for the anniversary, order the production of a lightbox, floor lamp, magnets with photos. The images may be related to a wedding that took place 30 years ago.

Plaid with photos... Printing images on a lightweight duvet is also possible! The presentation will be unique, because the pictures are taken from a personal collection.

Magnetic calendar "Bright frame"... Easily attaches to the refrigerator door. Every day, the attention of relatives will be focused on this particular gift.

Cushions "Love"... Made to order, because the print contains the names of the "newlyweds". They can be used both for recreation and for decorating rooms.

Sweaters for cups "Bride and Groom"... A cute gift that can move you to tears. The designers made the jumpers look like a tuxedo and a wedding dress.

Figurine "Talisman of well-being"... The certificate states that the present should be placed in a strictly defined place. Then the flow of finances to the family is guaranteed.

Gifts for friends for 30 years of marriage

Friends are most often people close in age. You know what hobbies they have, and how many poods of salt the spouses have eaten in 30 years. The easiest way to congratulate a couple on a significant anniversary is a universal gift. For example, look after the heroes of the occasion with a modern electrical appliance. The best thought is to buy a robot vacuum cleaner, fan or air ionizer.

High-quality textiles are a popular present. In honor of the long-awaited anniversary for the spouses, you can purchase a beautiful tablecloth, bed linen, a set of curtains for the bedroom. Presented in appropriate packaging, they will help to preserve pleasant memories of the wedding.

T-shirt set "Ideal husband / wife"... It is useful not only for a festive photo shoot. Versatile summer clothing is worth wearing while on vacation.

Personalized flower vase "Wedding"... A classic gift for a serious date. Laser engraving with the author's text is designed to make a surprise memorable.

Panel "Chalice of Abundance"... The drawing on the metal was made in a specialized workshop. The copper plate is fixed on a lacquered wood base.

Piggy bank for corks "Our wine"... A present that charges you with positive. Each exhibit in the collection is associated with a specific event in the life of the heroes of the day.

Set of candlesticks "Francis I"... Not a single romantic dinner can do without it. Includes a 16th century brass silencer.

An original gift for a pearl wedding

An unusual gift will impress not only the heroes of the occasion, but also the guests attending the wedding. To make the anniversary of your life together become bright and memorable - make an intangible present. Pearl jubilees can be invited to take a romantic boat trip, attend a real tea ceremony, or go on an excursion to another city.

One of the most original gifts is vineyard rentals in France. You don't have to fly to Bordeaux and grow crops. However, by the next anniversary, the newlyweds will receive several bottles of branded wine. Call it Our Wedding.

Horse ride... It involves familiarization with the basics of horse riding and horseback riding for an hour. If desired, the time can be increased.

Hot air balloon flight... Almost any couple dreams of this gift. Being under the clouds with your soul mate is a romantic adventure.

Swimming in the pool with dolphins... An unforgettable experience. Experts assure that communication with mammals helps to treat serious diseases.

Professional photo session... It is difficult to imagine a more original gift. The home archive will be replenished with a series of gorgeous pictures.

News-style video greeting... A video disguised as a news release. A famous presenter or artist will congratulate the heroes of the occasion.

What to give for a pearl wedding memorable

Such gifts often have a high price tag. But in the category "luxury" you can find rare and exclusive items. Why not shop for your wedding anniversary with fine wood furniture or antiques? Connoisseurs will be pleased to become the owners of a picture of a famous artist, a sculpture of a world-famous master, ornaments from famous jewelers. Let's take a look at several presentations that are appropriate for luxurious weddings.

Pedigree book "Gold"... Create a family history using a genuine leather folder. The decor will emphasize the aristocratic design.

Diamond Fund set... 2 champagne glasses from Castello Giorgio. Wine glasses are covered with silver plating and decorated with rhinestones.

Metal table "Corfu"... The heroes of the occasion must find a worthy place for a gift. For example, in the living room of a country mansion.

Bronze clock "BERCEO"... When casting, the Portuguese craftsmen used the alloy used in the time of Vasco da Gama. It turned out to be a true masterpiece.

Coffee couple "Breakfast of the Emperor"... Exclusive set of gilded dishes. Can be presented with a package of elite coffee.

30 years of marriage after marriage.

Pearls were chosen as the symbol of this anniversary. After all, like this precious stone, the love of the spouses was built gradually. Year after year, they left only happiness and family comfort in their relationship, displacing everything negative. And now their love is like a pearl - it contains all the best.

According to a long tradition, on this day, the couple went early in the morning to the nearest reservoir, each with a pearl in his hand. They threw these precious stones into the water with the wish that their marriage would live as long as pearls. If there were no beads appropriate for the occasion in the house, the spouses took a coin. The main thing is to make a wish for a happy and long marriage. According to another tradition, the couple put a pearl under each other's pillow, and in the morning they looked at the “present”. If the pearls were light, without spots and color changes, this meant that further life together would be happy. If flaws were found, then attention should be paid to family relationships and each other's health.

The spouses celebrate the 30th anniversary of their marriage on a grand scale. Be sure to invite parents, children and other close relatives, witnesses. Since the element of pearls is water, the celebration is celebrated on the seashore or even on a cruise. An alternative option is a trip to nature to the nearest reservoir. Seafood must be placed on the table - mussels, squid, fish.

Gifts for the thirtieth wedding anniversary

For 30 years after the wedding, the spouses are given any present. Before buying a gift, it is advisable to carefully clarify what they dream about. Presentation options:

  • pearl products: beads, bracelets, earrings, rings, hairpins, handbags, clutches, watches - for the wife, cufflinks and a tie clip - for the husband;
  • household appliances: coffee maker, multicooker, blender, etc .;
  • decor elements: figurines and figures with pearls, inlaid boxes;
  • memorable photos and videos: the spouses will be delighted with old joint photos and videos presented in a frame or in the form of a professionally made video.

Gift for husband / wife

According to tradition, the husband on this day gives his wife a bead of 30 pearls as a symbol of the past. In addition, the beloved second half is presented with any jewelry with pearls. You can slightly change the theme of the holiday to "sea" and present an adornment with a blue or turquoise stone or a dress of the same color. The husband is presented with cufflinks, pearl tie clips, spinning rods and other accessories for fishing (if he is fond of fishing).

Gift from guests to spouses

To include a holiday symbol in congratulations, guests can order a pearl-decorated cake with the anniversary numbers “30 years together” together. If you don't want to get attached to the theme of the celebration, the spouses will be delighted with any gift: small household appliances, decor elements, etc.

Gift from children to parents

Most of all, the heroes of the day will be delighted with the gift made by the children with their own hands. It can be a collage with a parent's love story or family photos. A good option is a verse or song of your own composition about your family. You can arrange a date for your parents in a memorable place - where they met or first confessed their feelings.

Congratulations, toasts

The words spoken from the bottom of their hearts will be pleasant to the jubilees. Congratulations options:

Our dear ...!
Today we are gathered to celebrate the 30th anniversary of your marriage. Your love and family comfort is not an accident, but the merit of your many years of work. You have become an example of what true love is. So be an example for us in the future. Just be happy together!
Dear heroes of the day!
Let your eyes always shine with a sparkle of happiness, like pearls. I wish you health and well-being to your home. May your dreams come true. Keep walking hand in hand and further - only in this way you will save your happiness. Happy anniversary!


The competition program is suitable for the entertainment of guests. Options for games for a feast:

1. "Why"
This competition requires an acting presenter. He should think up and ask questions at a quick pace to each of the invitees. Those who did not have time to answer or did not come up with anything better than the duty officer “I don’t know” is eliminated.

Example of a competition
Question from the presenter to the first participant: "Why do women open their mouths when they are painting?" The answer of the first participant: "Because it is more convenient for them." Question to the second participant: "Why is it more convenient for them?" etc. It is not necessary to follow a logical chain of questions and answers to them. You can change direction abruptly and ask a topic that is completely unrelated to the previous questions.

2. "And I recognize the sweetheart by the knee"
Competition for any man who came to the celebration with a soul mate or for a hero of the day. It is necessary to recognize your beloved by the knee. The participant must be blindfolded, and ask the lovely young ladies not to laugh.