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Chemical peeling of the face - what is it, how is it done at home, types and features. All you need to know about chemical peeling of the face: results and reviews How chemical peeling is done and its effect

Now any beauty salon is able to offer a woman a lot of procedures that will help preserve youth. Especially popular is chemical peeling of the skin of the face., but what it is and how it is carried out must be understood thoroughly.

This procedure helps to cleanse the upper layer of the skin of the face while enhancing internal regenerating processes with the help of specially selected chemical compositions. Peeling allows you to radically improve the structure of the skin without resorting to surgical intervention.

In addition, the procedure enhances the protective properties that stimulate additional production of collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin. This allows you to restore tone and even out the relief of the skin, get rid of wrinkles. In addition, the procedure allows you to remove scars, residual defects after acne, age-related pigmentation, freckles and normalize the sebaceous glands.

Most often, chemical peeling is used for the skin of the face, but the procedure is possible for the décolleté, neck and hands.

Effect and mechanism of action

The mechanism of action is based on the effect of weak acids on the skin, due to their penetration into the structural layers of the skin, followed by activation of cellular rejuvenation processes.

Facial peeling is a chemical burn, the depth of which is strictly controlled by the cosmetologist and helps to eliminate exactly those skin problems that require adjustment. As a result of the procedure, dead cells of the surface layer of the skin begin to exfoliate, and regenerative processes are activated to replace them with new cells.

The positive result of peeling is already noticeable after the first session. The skin becomes tightened, acquires a velvety surface, roughness and unevenness are leveled, the shade becomes uniform.

Advantages and disadvantages

Chemical peeling of the face, what it is and what is the essence of its implementation, should be known to every woman who has decided to preserve her youth and take drastic measures in the fight against the aging process. But before carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with its pros and cons in advance, which will make it possible to decide and make right choice.

The main benefits of peeling:

  1. Cleanses the skin of dead skin particles. Under the action of acid, dead cells of the upper layer of the epidermis soften and can be removed without any difficulty. This helps even out the surface of the skin and give it a natural even color.
  2. Normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands. Most often, cosmetologists recommend this type of peeling for owners of oily skin, as it helps to narrow pores, free the sebaceous glands from subcutaneous fat and improve their functioning.
  3. Helps smooth out wrinkles. Restorative processes after exposure to acid on the skin increase the production of collagen, which helps to increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin. These qualities help to smooth out deep wrinkles and mimic properties.
  4. Eliminates many skin problems. The use of chemical peels helps to eliminate scars, post-acne and scars, as sometimes this is the only possible solution.

Along with the obvious advantages of the procedure, experts identify certain disadvantages that you need to know.

The main disadvantages of peeling:

  1. Feeling uncomfortable. During the procedure, even with the most gentle composition, there is a burning sensation and tingling, which is due to the effect of acid on the skin.
  2. Long rehabilitation period. As a result of chemical peeling, redness appears on the skin, followed by peeling of the skin, which makes changes in the usual way of life and requires the necessary period for recovery.
  3. Possible complications. The risk during the procedure is minimal, but you should not resort to the services of dubious salons. Peeling should be carried out by a qualified specialist in proper conditions.

Indications and contraindications

Such a procedure as a chemical peeling of the face is gaining more and more popularity. This is due to the fact that it has a universal effect and allows you to use it repeatedly.

Cosmetologists prescribe holding in case of:

  • general skin fatigue (grey tint, uneven surface);
  • the presence of age spots and freckles;
  • eliminate the effects of acne and scars;
  • increased secretion of fat and enlarged pores of the face;
  • improve skin tone and elasticity;
  • smoothing mimic wrinkles and preventing ptosis.

In addition, chemical peeling is sometimes the primary step for more radical aesthetic techniques. It is allowed to use the procedure, both for medicinal purposes and as preventive measures to prevent early skin aging, but not earlier than 14 years of age.

There are certain contraindications that limit the possibility of using chemical peeling until the person's condition improves:

  • viral and infectious diseases;
  • pregnancy and period breastfeeding;
  • recent radiotherapy;
  • advanced form of acne;
  • fresh wounds or scars.

It is strictly forbidden to apply this procedure to people suffering from diabetes, hypertension, chronic pathologies of the kidneys and blood vessels, oncological diseases and with individual intolerance to the components.

Types of cleaning

Beauticians divide chemical peeling of the face into the following varieties: deep, median and superficial. Each of these species has its own characteristics that distinguish them from each other. Their main feature is the depth of acid exposure.


Deep cleaning of the face is possible only in a hospital and under general anesthesia. It is the best solution to eliminate deep age wrinkles, scars and scars.

Deep cleaning requires a long rehabilitation period of up to 6 months.

Since the applied phenol solution burns almost the entire epidermis at a depth of 0.6 mm.

After the procedure, a person remains in the hospital under the supervision of a doctor for 2-3 days, because there is a risk of complications.


This type of cleansing involves burning the epidermis to the basal layer of the skin. The recovery period takes about 7 days. It is used at the first clearly noticeable signs of age-related skin changes. When carrying out, a characteristic burning and tingling is felt, as it often passes with the use of trichloroacetic or salicylic acid 25%.

Helps to remove the following skin defects:

  • mimic wrinkles around the eyes, on the forehead and near the lips;
  • post-acne;
  • pigmentation;
  • not deep scars.


This type of cleaning has the most gentle property and is therefore often used for young skin. Recovery occurs within 3 days. The peeling effect extends to the upper layers of the skin: horny and granular.

When carrying out, the following types of organic acids are used:

  • glycolic;
  • fruit;
  • retinoic.

How is a chemical peel done?

The procedure involves several steps. Initially, it all comes down to choosing the right beauty salon, which has a good reputation and qualified professionals. This will help to avoid many serious problems in the future.

  • consultation with a doctor to determine possible contraindications;
  • a plan of preparatory procedures for home use is drawn up;
  • after two weeks, a chemical peel is performed, depending on the type chosen;
  • upon completion, the doctor determines the course of rehabilitation and gives recommendations for further skin care.

Preparation and Precautions

Chemical peeling of the face, depending on the method chosen, should be carried out after preliminary preparation. This will help prepare the skin for such a strong impact, which will prevent negative consequences in the end.

For superficial cleaning, in order to determine the level of tolerance of the components and further getting used to them, the doctor prescribes the application of an acid for peeling, but in a much lower concentration. Also, if the patient has herpes, preventive therapy is carried out to prevent its occurrence.

If a drying acid is used for cleaning, then a course of moisturizing the skin with special means is prescribed in advance on the recommendation of a doctor. Not all chemicals equally able to penetrate the skin structure therefore, a few days before the procedure, the skin is treated with degreasing agents.

During the preparation period, it is necessary to refuse to visit the sauna, bath and solarium, and also consult a doctor when taking medication.

For medial cleaning, the same preparatory stages, as in superficial peeling, but with a few additions. According to the doctor's prescription, a few days before the procedure, the facial skin is treated with glycolic acid, and subsequently impregnated with special creams containing fruit acid.

If necessary, therapy is carried out to strengthen the vessels on the face. During the preparation period, contact with ultraviolet rays, therefore, according to the doctor's prescription, it is necessary to use a special sunscreen. Do not use scrubs, washcloths and sponges of a rough consistency.

In deep cleaning, full examination to detect pathologies of the liver, heart and kidneys.

A course of therapy is prescribed to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Retinoids must be stopped 6 months before the procedure. The skin of the face is treated with special bleaching solutions for hyperpigmentation. 3 months before that, you must stop visiting the solarium. 2 weeks before cleaning, it is not recommended to carry out procedures that can violate the integrity of the skin.

Carrying out the procedure - the main stages

Chemical peeling is carried out in compliance with all stages of the procedure, which are carried out in a clear sequence one after another.

Stage 1

Initially, a gentle cleansing of the skin is carried out with the help of a gel and cosmetic milk. Then, disinfecting and degreasing components are applied to the skin. In addition, the skin should be additionally treated at this stage with a pre-peel composition, which improves permeability and evens out the surface. skin.

Stage 2

At the second stage, cleaning preparations are applied, starting from the forehead and gradually moving to the chin. The procedure is repeated as needed. Depending on the type of peeling, the composition remains on the face for a certain time.

Stage 3

After the allotted time, the dermis is treated with a neutralizer, after which it is removed along with the acid. After removing all the compounds, a soothing and moisturizing agent is applied to the skin.


The improvement of the skin structure after the chemical peeling becomes noticeable after the redness, peeling and swelling of the skin subsides. According to statistics, this happens within 2-3 weeks after the event.

Superficial peeling results:

  • complexion brightens,
  • becomes a uniform shade,
  • the relief is smoothed out,
  • pores shrink.

With median cleaning, the firmness and elasticity of the skin is noticeably improved, shallow scars and fine mimic wrinkles are smoothed out, dark spots.

The results of deep cleaning are the smoothing of deep scars and wrinkles, deep age spots are visibly lightened. In addition, the contour of the face is tightened, and the elasticity of the skin improves.

Skin care after the procedure

Further care for the skin is to follow certain rules and recommendations in consultation with the doctor.

Their precise implementation guarantees a quick recovery process and eliminates the risk of developing possible complications:

  1. You can drink for the next 12 hours only through a straw and it is strictly forbidden to brush your teeth and take solid food.
  2. You can only wash your face with boiled water at room temperature, but after that you can only absorb water from your face with a soft towel.
  3. It is not allowed to use facial cosmetics for 7 days.
  4. You can not touch the skin of the face with your hands, so as not to infect the infection.
  5. To avoid pigmentation, it is necessary to use UV protection products as recommended by your doctor.
  6. For additional hydration, it is necessary to use products based on hyaluronic acid and hydrogel.
  7. To reduce sensitivity, preparations containing fatty acids, shea butter and essential oils.
  8. In order to improve the exfoliation of the top layer, it is recommended to use products with panthenol, bisabol and vitamin A.

Side effects and consequences

As a result of chemical peeling, damage to the skin of the face occurs, so it is necessary to understand that it is accompanied by certain side effects.

But depending on their complexity, they are divided into expected and unpleasant consequences. In the first case, they pass without a trace after the rehabilitation period, and in the second, they require additional therapy to restore the body.

Of particular popularity is chemical peeling of the skin of the face, but what it is and how it is carried out must be thoroughly understood in order to prevent unwanted complications and consequences.

Expected side effects are:

  • swelling,
  • burning,
  • redness,
  • peeling,
  • tightness.

Unpleasant consequences, according to experts are:

  • prolonged allergic reaction;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • demarcation line;
  • acne and follicle formation;
  • herpes;
  • persistent non-passing inflammation;
  • seborrhea;
  • tissue infection.

Recovery and rehabilitation

Depending on what type of chemical peel was performed, the duration of rehabilitation will be different.

With superficial cleansing, the skin of the face will recover within 3 days.

It will take one or two weeks to recover after an average peel, depending on the individual characteristics of the person.

Deep cleaning requires a long recovery, so all residual effects after the procedure disappear within 6 months.

How often can you exfoliate

Each type of cleaning has its limitations. Therefore, before carrying out, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the possible courses of therapy and the number of their implementation.

Superficial peeling, since it involves a sparing effect, is carried out in a course of 5-10 procedures with a break of 2 weeks. The peeling effect lasts for 12 months, and then it is repeated. It is recommended to conduct a course no more than 1 time in six months.

Medium cleaning includes 4 treatments in a row with a break of 2 weeks. The course of therapy is possible no more than 1 time per year.

Deep chemical peeling is carried out no more than 2 times throughout life with a break between procedures of 1 year.

Cost of the procedure

Depending on the type of procedure chosen and the chemical used, the intensity and depth of exposure, as well as the area of ​​the problem area and the additional funds used, the cost can vary significantly.

Therefore, you can only focus on the minimum reference point:

  • surface cleaning - from 3 thousand rubles;
  • median cleaning - from 5 thousand rubles;
  • deep cleaning - from 10 thousand rubles.

Chemical peeling is based on the action of chemical agents (most often acids) and allows you to remove dead skin layers to a given depth, while simultaneously stimulating the regeneration of young cells. To date, this method of aesthetic medicine is still one of the most popular. The popularity of chemical peeling is facilitated by its high efficiency, combined with a relatively low cost. Unlike their physical and mechanical counterparts, chemical peels are simple to perform and do not require expensive equipment. If they are performed according to indications and, most importantly, by a professional specialist, their results are really impressive!

Depending on the depth of skin damage, all chemical peels are divided into superficial ones (glycol peel, milk peel, retinoic peeling, pyruvant peeling) and median. The superficial ones have an effect within the stratum corneum of the skin, the middle ones penetrate the skin to the entire depth of the epidermis without damaging the basement membrane, and the deep ones affect the basement membrane - partially or completely. It should be noted that deep chemical peeling is a type of surgical operation and is almost never used in the practice of a dermatocosmetologist.

Any chemical peel is, in fact, chemical burn skin. The risk of complications can be minimized by correct pre-peeling preparation, the use of modern peeling compositions, strict control of the depth of damage and the creation of optimal conditions for subsequent skin rehabilitation. The Medic Control Peel line includes not only preparations for professional peeling, but also a full range of additional products for pre-peel preparation and home skin care during the rehabilitation period, as well as to maintain the results of treatment. With such a reliable arsenal at your disposal, you can carry out chemical peeling in summer and winter.

Indications for use:

  • skin aging (wrinkles, decreased turgor, flabbiness, microrelief disturbances);
  • hyperpigmentation of various etiologies;
  • problematic skin (acne, rosacea, seborrheic and actinic keratomas, ichthyosis, xeroderma);
  • post-acne scars and other etiologies.

Chemical peel procedure

Any chemical peel involves three stages:

  1. pre-peel preparation;
  2. peeling procedure;
  3. post-peel rehabilitation.

Pre-peel preparation - very milestone, which determines the depth and controllability of peeling, its effectiveness. It is carried out at home and provides equalization of the thickness of the stratum corneum, stabilization or inhibition of melanogenesis, and also stimulates the regeneration of the skin (especially withering).

For chemical peeling, a number of techniques have been developed, each of which has its own characteristics. The peeling composition can be applied to the skin with a brush, gauze napkins, cotton pads or cotton swabs. Its exposure time is determined by both objective factors (erythema, swelling/pastosity, frost effect) and subjective sensations of the patient (soreness, burning sensation). A clear knowledge of the peeling protocol helps to perform the procedure quickly and confidently.

A task post-peel rehabilitation– leveling of the subjective discomfort of the patient, prevention of side effects and complications, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant therapy, stimulation of regenerative processes and protection of the skin from adverse exogenous factors.

Line Medic Control Peel contains a wide range of special tools that meet all of the above requirements.

Chemical peeling is an effective method for correcting involutional skin changes and atrophic scars. It is indispensable for skin whitening in order to improve its texture. Knowledge of the features of the interaction of a chemical agent with the patient's skin, methods for determining the depth of penetration of the peeling composition allows achieving excellent results and minimizing the risk of complications. Another advantage of the technique is the simplicity of its implementation.

Types of chemical peels

The effect of a chemical peel depends on the depth of skin damage. With increasing depth, the effectiveness of the procedure increases, but at the same time the frequency of possible complications, the duration and complexity of the rehabilitation period increase.

The choice of chemical peel depends on:

  • skin conditions;
  • features of healing of the wound surface;
  • zones of expected impact;
  • the type of chemical agent included in its composition, its concentration and pH;
  • forms of applied peeling composition (gel, lotion, cream, and so on);
  • technique and number of applications;
  • the quality of the preparation of the patient's skin.

Based on the assessment of the nature and degree of age-related and pathological changes, taking into account the type of skin, the classification of signs of photoaging and other objective data, the specialist selects the optimal peeling composition and the depth of its impact.

Peeling in the summer

Until now, there is an opinion that it is impossible to carry out chemical peels during periods of high solar activity. Indeed, in some cases peeling in the summer is undesirable. However, if you choose the right chemical agents and preparations for home care, then spending summer peeling beauticians can successfully solve a number of aesthetic problems in the summer.

The Martinex training center hosts seminars “Summer Peelings. Chemical peels during high solar activity ”, where you can get comprehensive information on this issue. Peeling seminars are held in the following cities: Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Samara, Tyumen, Novosibirsk.

Peeling with glycolic acid

Glycolic peel is the most common chemical surface peel based on alpha hydroxy acids. Glycolic acid has the most active molecule of all AHA acids, due to which preparations based on it have a pronounced exfoliating, stimulating and antioxidant effect. Peeling with glycolic acid is used to solve a wide range of aesthetic problems: age-related manifestations, hyperpigmentation, skin texture disorders, acne and post-acne scars. The concentration of glycolic acid in AHA peels varies from 30% to 70%, but the pH value plays an equally important role here. The most effective glycol peels are characterized by a pH value below 2.0, which implies the mandatory use of a neutralizing composition in the procedure. In addition to glycolic peels based on pure glycolic acid, there are combined glycol peels based on preparations that include acids such as phytic, kojic, lactic, salicylic. Thanks to various combinations ingredients in the composition of peeling agents, the specialist has the opportunity to work on a particular problem, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient as much as possible. It should be noted that all glycol peels based on alpha hydroxy acids are highly effective, easy to perform, and have a short rehabilitation period. The action of glycol peeling is well studied and can be accurately predicted, which makes glycol peeling extremely popular both among specialists and among clients of cosmetology clinics and beauty salons.

Milk peeling

Other popular peeling preparations are formulations based on lactic acid. They are characterized by high penetrating power, which allows them to be used in patients with severe hyperkeratosis caused by both unfavorable exogenous factors and skin aging. Due to the fact that lactic acid is a component of the natural moisturizing factor of the epidermis, milk peeling very delicately interacts with the skin, maintains a high level of moisture, and is recommended for correcting cosmetic defects of dry and aging skin.

Retinoic peeling ("yellow" peeling)

Recently, retinoic peels, which belong to the category of superficial ones, have gained particular popularity. Retinoic peels are also known as "yellow peels" or "weekend peels" (because of the short recovery period). The mechanism of action of retinoic peels is fundamentally different from the mechanism of action of other peeling agents. Retinoids included in yellow peeling”, do not damage the skin and do not destroy living cells, do not coagulate proteins. They interact with specific nuclear cell receptors. These receptors have been found on basal keratinocytes, melanocytes, and fibroblasts. Thus, as a result of the effect of retinoic peels on the epidermis, the level of mitotic activity of basal keratinocytes increases, the processes of differentiation and keratinization, as well as melanogenesis, are normalized, the synthesis of epidermal lipids and components of the intercellular matrix of the dermis is activated and stimulated, and the number of atypical cells is reduced. As a result, skin aging slows down, its texture improves, the relief is evened out, and a pronounced rejuvenating and brightening effect is achieved. In addition, "yellow peel" retinoids have a powerful antioxidant effect. Histological studies have shown that the stimulating effect of retinoic peels on the cellular structures of the skin persists for 4 months after the last application of retinoids. Other important reasons for the demand for retinoic peels are their atraumaticity and high safety of use, a short post-peeling period and an extremely low percentage of complications. Therefore, retinoic peeling can be carried out in the summer.

Almond peeling

Superficial almond peeling is in stable demand among clients of beauty salons. This is due to its many benefits. Almond peeling has a moisturizing, stimulating and antioxidant effect and is ideal for combating the initial signs of skin aging. Professional almond peeling Medic Control Peel has an additional antimicrobial effect, therefore it is often used for treatment problematic skin with signs of acne. The mandelic acid molecule is quite large, which causes a gentle effect of the peeling composition on the skin and almost completely eliminates the risk of post-peeling hyperpigmentation. Delicate almond peeling is recommended for year-round use in patients with any skin type, including dark skin.

Salicylic peeling

Salicylic acid was first isolated from willow bark in the 19th century. With a pronounced keratolytic effect and high penetrating power, this beta-hydroxy acid causes peeling of the epidermis at the mouth of the hair follicle, thereby preventing the formation of comedones. Salicylic acid has a powerful anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands, but it does not penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and practically does not cause side effects. Peels based on pure salicylic acid are recommended for patients with thick and liquid seborrhea, acne, early and moderate signs of age-related skin changes, photoaging, hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, skin microrelief disorders. They are also used to stimulate exfoliation in ichthyosis and psoriasis. Salicylic acid is an ingredient in many peeling products. And due to its excellent ability to “loosen up” the stratum corneum of the skin, salicylic peels are often used in the protocols of other chemical peels (for example, retinoic) to improve their penetration and obtain a more pronounced result.

Jessner Peel

Jessner peeling is a classic combined mid-surface peeling, the activity of which is determined by its ingredients: lactic and salicylic acids, as well as resorcinol. The effectiveness of Jessner peeling depends on the technique of the procedure: the more layers of the peeling composition are applied, the deeper the penetration will be. This allows the doctor or cosmetologist to individually select the number of layers - from 1 to 8 - for each individual patient, thus achieving the optimal result. Peeling causes active large-lamellar peeling and has a good keratolytic effect, due to which it is effective in hyperkeratosis, expressed age-related changes and skin texture disorders.

Trichloroacetic peeling

The principle of action of TCA peeling is based on the pronounced keratolytic and stimulating effect of trichloroacetic acid. The depth of penetration of the peeling composition is determined not only by the concentration of acid in it, but also by the number of layers applied to the skin. Moreover, as soon as the peeling application is completed, its penetration into the tissues also stops, since trichloroacetic acid is quickly neutralized in the skin layers, causing protein coagulation. TCA peeling provides renewal of the epidermis, stimulates the processes of reparation and metabolism, which helps to improve the texture of the skin, as well as correct wrinkles, various types of scars (post-traumatic, post-operative, post-acne) and other violations of the skin relief. Trichloroacetic acid does not have a systemic effect on the body.

You can buy peelings for cosmetologists, after providing documents on medical education.
The company Martinex conducts training in peeling on the basis of its own training center, and we also organize conferences with the participation of well-known cosmetologists.

Chemical peels, also called exfoliation, are on the rise. cosmetic procedure. This method of intensive cleaning with proper implementation and the use of high-quality preparations is less traumatic, and the positive effect persists for a long time.

The following describes what a chemical facial peel is, how it productively eliminates defects, makes age-related skin changes less noticeable.

What is Chemical Facial Peeling?

Chemical peel - salon procedure, in which the outer epidermal layer is removed, including dead cells. Cleaning with intensive chemicals.

The result is discoloration or removal of pigment formations, elimination of defects, smoothing of the skin surface, formation of an even and pleasant skin tone.

Chemical peeling - what it is: in essence, the renewal of the epidermis by burning it. But there is no need to worry: the cosmetologist keeps the depth of the burning effect of the drug under control.

In burned skin tissues, the process of regeneration of the active synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers is launched. The result is the renewal and rejuvenation of the cover, the disappearance of cosmetic problems.

Session steps:

  1. The patient's skin is cleansed of impurities and make-up. The areas of the face to which the drug will be applied are degreased.
  2. The master dips the brush into the preparation, removes excess liquid so that they do not get into the patient's eyes.
  3. The drug is gently applied with a brush to the skin. Application time is determined age characteristics and the physical condition of the skin, but usually takes half an hour.
  4. Processing is carried out from top to bottom: from the forehead to the nose, cheekbones, chin. Mostly the places of bends and many wrinkles are carefully processed. During application, the patient may feel a slight tingling sensation.
  5. The drug is left on the face for a time determined by the beautician.
  6. The final stage of chemical peeling is the removal of the composition, the application of soothing, protecting and regenerating masks.

Patients should understand that the result will be noticeable after a chemical peel only when the skin can be restored. After the procedure, more or less pronounced occurrence of side effects provoked by aggressive exposure is possible. chemical substances. The most common symptoms after a chemical peel are:

  • red spots;
  • swelling;
  • irritation;
  • intense itching;
  • blisters;
  • herpetic rash.

Chemical peeling is done only by an experienced master in a beauty salon or clinic. You should not clean the skin with aggressive preparations on your own: the consequences of home chemical peeling of the face will be extremely unpleasant.

The cost of the session is determined by the intensity of cleaning. So, in Moscow, the price of professional superficial chemical peels ranges from 800 to 1000 rubles, medium-intensity cleaning costs 3-4 thousand rubles, and 6-10 thousand will have to be paid for deep cleansing of the skin.

Preparations for chemical peeling are selected taking into account contraindications and personal characteristics of the skin. The following acids are the basis of the component composition:

  • fruit (AHA);
  • hydroxy acids (BHA);
  • other organic acids and their combinations (retinoic, mandelic, grape and others).

Fruit acids, or the so-called AHA acids, include lactic, citric, and malic acids. They accelerate the exfoliation of the outer layer of the epidermis, make skin moisturizing more effective, have an antioxidant effect, destroy pathogenic microflora that provokes dermatological diseases.

BHAs differ from AHAs in that they are fat soluble but not water soluble. This peeling is the best option for oily skin type.

Hydroxy acids practically do not differ in action from fruit acids, but also affect the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Synthesized sebum softens, more easily comes out of the pores, so that the face after chemical peeling is freed from acne, pimples, comedones. Of the BHA compounds, salicylic and glycolic acids are the most used.

The action of retinoic and other types of acids is basically similar to the action of AHA and BHA compounds. But these drugs also inhibit the work of melanocytes, block the synthesis of the tyrosinase enzyme involved in the formation of melanin, which affects how the face looks.

Peeling additionally gives a whitening effect, eliminates excessive pigmentation, it is recommended for patients with acne, traces of rashes, rosacea.


Any type of chemical peeling for the face is recommended for the following problems:

  • rapid aging of the skin due to the influence of ultraviolet radiation and other adverse factors;
  • excessive pigmentation;
  • scars and pigmented formations left after acne;
  • acne;
  • age keratosis;
  • low tone of skin tissues, many wrinkles.

But vascular formations, enlarged pores are not indications for chemical peeling. Visual rejuvenation becomes possible not due to the lifting effect, but due to an increase in smoothness and elasticity, an improvement in tone, and the elimination of pigment formations characteristic of mature skin.


Not every client of the cosmetology salon has access to the procedure. The following contraindications have been established for chemical peeling:

  • warts;
  • scars, other skin injuries;
  • bacterial and fungal pathologies;
  • dark skin type, or pigmentation of pathological origin.

Also, a contraindication to chemical peeling is the situation when the patient has been taking the drug "Isotretinoin" for the treatment of acne for a year.

Types of chemical peels

According to the intensity of action and the depth of dissolution of skin tissues, deep, middle and superficial cleanings are distinguished. Chemical peels for the face of all three types can also be used to treat the neck and décolleté.


The most aggressive of the three types of chemical peels. Acid preparations of intensive action are used, capable of dissolving tissues to the lowest skin layers.

Burning out an almost complete layer of epidermal tissue allows you to cope with such dermatological problems that cannot be eliminated by other types of cleansing. This is the main advantage of intensive facial peels.

From what age you can do the procedure is determined by its type. Intensive chemical peels are recommended for older women whose face is covered with visible wrinkles. It cannot be said whether deep peeling is harmful to the skin of the face, but it is painful, requires the use of anesthesia, and is carried out exclusively in the clinic by an experienced cosmetologist.

Manipulations last from 20 minutes to an hour, the more noticeable the defects, the more time is needed to eliminate them.

Expert opinion

Ekaterina Dudikova

Dermatologist, cosmetologist

After cleaning, a protective crust appears on the surface of the skin, the cover usually turns very red, begins to peel off. Rehabilitation takes about a month. The first week will have to be spent at home, the doctor will prescribe medications that accelerate skin recovery, prevent the development of inflammation, and tell you how to care for a cleansed face.

After the procedure of intensive chemical peeling of the face, the skin is significantly lightened, which is undesirable for a person with a dark skin type. After the completion of the rehabilitation stage, you can see the result: there is no trace of pigmentation, scars and wrinkles are smoothed out, age-related skin transformations become less noticeable.


Chemical medium peeling for the face - what it is: it is less aggressive than deep, does not affect the inner epidermal layers, but no less effectively smoothes wrinkles, brightens pigment formations. Suitable for patients of all ages. By means of median peeling, the face is refreshed and rejuvenated, scars and minor age-related defects are eliminated.

How often it is acceptable to do a chemical facial peel is determined by its intensity. Since the median cleaning is more gentle, it is carried out in 3 or 4 sessions. A positive result remains noticeable for six months. If necessary, the course can be repeated. The duration of the session is from 20 minutes to an hour. Anesthesia is not required.

Expert opinion

Ekaterina Dudikova

Dermatologist, cosmetologist

To enhance the effect of drugs, prepared skin is treated with emollients. Then acids are used that reach the middle layers of the epidermis. During the procedure, the patient may feel a slight burning sensation.

After completing the procedure, the beautician cleans the acidic composition from the skin. The usual after-effects of a chemical peel are redness and swelling, which should disappear within a day. In some patients, the skin flakes and tightens, this is also a normal reaction to aggressive contact. The lightening effect is insignificant, or not at all.

The rehabilitation stage after chemical peeling of the face takes up to 2 days. The cosmetologist will tell you how to smear the face so that the skin recovers faster, select the appropriate care products for the patient: moisturizers, nourishing masks, delicately cleansing preparations.

What you can’t do for the first 3 days: arrive in the sun, visit a bathhouse, pool, beach, use decorative cosmetics. Within a month after the procedure, before going outside, it is necessary to apply a cream with a UV filter.


The lightest type in the classification of chemical peels, based on less aggressive fruit acids Oh. The best option for women under 40 who are faced with the first age-related phenomena on the face.

Superficial chemical peeling of the face differs from the rest in that it can be done at home without fear. It perfectly removes acne, seborrhea, inflammatory formations, keratinized tissues, refreshes the skin, improves its tone.

But with its help it is impossible to get rid of excessive pigmentation and noticeable irregularities, since fruit acids penetrate only into the upper layers of the epidermis. They stimulate blood circulation in the skin tissues, due to which more nutrition and oxygen enters the cells, the face takes on a fresh and radiant appearance.

Both salon and home cleansing is completely painless, you do not need to prepare for it. To carry out dry cleaning of the face at home, it is necessary to squeeze the purchased product onto a cotton pad, apply it on a pre-cleansed face, and hold for about 20 minutes.

After superficial peeling, a rehabilitation period is not needed, there is no peeling and other symptoms. During the session, the patient does not feel discomfort. Post-procedural side effects are not marked, the skin does not peel off. The only thing you need to do without fail: use a cream with UV protection for a while.

How often can a chemical peel be done?

How often you can do chemical peels depends on the specific type. Deep peeling is allowed once every 2-3 years. Median, for example, retinoic, it is permissible to carry out every six months.

Superficial cleaning practically does not injure the skin, it can be applied once a month. But the frequency of sessions for each patient is set by the cosmetologist on a personal basis, while taking into account the existing pathologies and the general condition of the skin.

Pros and cons of chemical peels

It is impossible to say unequivocally which peeling is better. Each of the three types has its own advantages and disadvantages.


Benefits of surface chemical peels:

  • the possibility of holding in any season of the year;
  • absence of pain during manipulations;
  • exclusion of the rehabilitation period;
  • no temporary side effects;
  • low invasiveness, due to the limited effect of drugs on epidermal tissues.
  • obtaining a noticeable positive effect only after several sessions;
  • the impossibility of correcting problems that medium and deep peels can handle.


The median chemical peel for the face has its pros and cons. Advantages:

  • fast obtaining a noticeable positive effect (a week after the session);
  • pronounced rejuvenating effect;
  • maintaining the achieved result for a long period (from six months to 2 years).


  • slight discomfort during manipulations, since living skin cells are affected;
  • the need for a rehabilitation period;
  • the impossibility of eliminating deep age-related defects;
  • pigmentation disorder in a patient with a dark skin type.


This cleansing brings benefit and harm to the face if not carried out correctly. Advantages:

  • high efficiency (in terms of action, acid preparations are almost as good as laser resurfacing);
  • the ability to get rid of deep wrinkles, scars and other noticeable irregularities;
  • noticeable result after a single session;
  • maintaining a positive effect for a long time.


  • aggressive effect on skin tissues;
  • the need for anesthesia due to the pain of the procedure;
  • the appearance of redness and other post-procedural side effects;
  • the probability of a border between the cleaned and uncleaned areas of the face;
  • non-acceptance of tanning by treated skin;
  • ban to chemical peels if the patient has a dark type of skin.


Hello, I am 20 years old, I had very problematic skin after which there were scars and spots of a brown tint. Now there is practically no acne, but pores are constantly clogged and turn into black dots.

Facial cleansing helps, but gives a temporary effect. = (A lot of time and money was spent, but all wasted. In this moment I would like to bring my skin into perfect order: remove enlarged pores and spots. That is, I would like to try peeling. What do you recommend? Help, please... Thank you in advance.


Good afternoon Alina, a solution for problem skin care can only be found at a consultation with a doctor. There are too many factors to consider when compiling a program.

Giving recommendations on the Internet can hurt, not only help. Therefore, I can’t say which specific peeling is right for you. The choice must be made by the doctor. Moreover, you need to understand whether it is possible in your case to work aggressively, followed by a long rehabilitation period.

At the age of 20, they are not recommended (possible, but ... this is a separate issue). What remains is home care according to a special program (minor redness and swelling are possible during the entire course), or chemical peeling (racial and genetic characteristics, skin type, degree of damage, pathogenesis of the problem, skin reaction, individual tolerance, etc. are assessed). Moderately pronounced post-acne scars are well corrected by TCA ~ 25% or more. Several procedures will smooth out the scars (an accurate forecast without consultation is impossible), the spots will completely disappear.

With pores, the question is separate - it is necessary to use sebum-regulating products in home care, this will help keep the pores clean, the pore size will decrease. Sincerely, Natalia.

76 people said


Hello. I am undergoing a course of glycolic peels, I have already done the second one. The skin was porous, oily in the T-zone, and now it has become very dry, the powder stands like a pillar, mimic wrinkles have come out, I'm 28. All the money goes to peeling, I can't buy super masks. Can vitamin A, jojoba oil and other oils be applied to the face? What else to do so that the skin is not so dry? Thank you.


Good afternoon, Oksana. With porous skin, you should avoid using oils, they will clog the pores and you will inevitably get blackheads and pimples. Unfortunately, failure to follow the recommendations of a cosmetologist for skin care in the post-procedure period will not give a result from the procedure. It is possible, as an option, to contact a dermatologist for the appointment of home care products, and in this case it is better to spend money on quality daily care than for one-time trips to a beautician without systemic care at home.
Sincerely, Natalia

53 people said


Hello. I would like to know what kind of peeling you would advise me. I am 21 years old, enlarged pores (and black, almost the entire face) various cosmetics do not help (at home) on the cheeks (closer to the nose) is especially noticeable - the skin is flabby, small wrinkles appeared on the face, the skin became not very elastic. Pimples are few and they are temporary. And in the folds on the nose there were “stars” with them, what can be done?

I look a little older than my age = (Mom has a similar situation ... only more wrinkles, she is 39 ... She also thought, more like meso-peeling.

And another question already concerning the body, there are stretch marks after childbirth (3 years ago). They are small and light (if you do not look closely, you may not notice), but they are simply strewn with the lower abdomen and hips. Pimples very often appear on the back, and when they pass, traces remain, not scars, but rather dark dots. What is the best way to deal with this?
Thanks in advance.


Good afternoon Olga!

  1. Aging in women goes spasmodically, that is, up to 30 years, the signs of aging on the face are almost invisible. Therefore, if there are no chronic diseases, then flabbiness and enlarged polluted pores can be fought only by choosing rational daily care.

    I recommend Phyto-C's Active Serum and acne program. With its help, in 2-3 months the skin will become clear and the pores will decrease. Look at the ingredient composition of these drugs, and if it is not possible to purchase Phyto-C, ask the beautician to choose cosmetics for you.

    It is enough for specialists to make a course,.

  2. Telangiectasia- a small accumulation of dilated capillaries - " stars on the wings of the nose» - easily removed by electrocoagulation.
  3. Stretch marks (striae)- you can improve the skin, or fractional thermolysis, but there is no 100% guarantee that they will disappear.
  4. Acne marks on the back- It is recommended to use gels and lotions with AHA / BHA acids, arbutin. This will help whiten spots and be a good prevention against acne.

    If the problem with acne on the body is constant, it will not be superfluous to go to the gynecologist, check the hormones and the absence of diseases.

Please check out our . Sincerely, Natalia.

35 people said


Good afternoon, Svetlana. Enzymatic peels are light and work in the stratum corneum. They can also be used for peeling. If you are going to see a cosmetologist, then the cosmetologist will assess the current condition of the skin before the procedure, do not worry. If you do it yourself (since there are many enzyme peels for home use), read the instructions carefully. Do not forget to use protective creams for 2-3 days after (see the composition of the SHEALD iSCLINICAL balm).
Sincerely, Natalia

32 people said


Good afternoon. Peeling will not help much in the fight against wrinkles and. In this case, it is better to do and . Peeling improves the structure of the skin, can contribute to lifting, but indirectly, since the main purpose of peeling is skin exfoliation. By improving the permeability of the skin, peeling helps the active ingredients of the products applied after peeling (or those already included in the peeling) penetrate deeper, and, among other things, slightly “tighten” the skin. Procedures that tighten the skin, for example, provide lifting much more effectively than peeling. Sincerely, Natalia.

28 people said


Hello! I'm 34 years old, combination skin, but in winter the T-zone is almost not oily, and the cheeks were also in order. The first time I did an enzyme peel (kaolin, papaya and pineapple enzymes, kelp), I followed the instructions. The face was clearly refreshed, and the pores were cleansed, the skin became tender, but in the morning I noticed a slight sheen on my forehead, I did not attach any importance to this. A day later, the forehead and nose shone with oiliness in the morning. I didn't notice any other negative changes. What could be the reason for this phenomenon?


Good afternoon. Enzymatic peeling dissolves dead cells, the skin becomes fresh, this effect is often called “skin shines”, the effect of shine is the norm. If you notice the effect of oiliness, it is possible that the skin reacted very actively and is now restoring the lipid layer. Cleanse carefully, use restorative products, as after peeling - in a few days everything should return to normal.
Sincerely, Natalia

26 people said


Natalia, hello! I had rhinoplasty, and while walking with plaster it was difficult to take care of the skin of the face to the fullest, as a result of which the top layer of the skin became very dry. Serums and moisturizers don't help. I want to do a coral peeling to get rid of the dry layer. How soon after the removal of the plaster can I resort to this procedure? Or perhaps you can recommend a different skin restoration program. Thank you.


Good afternoon, Tatyana. We do not do coral peeling, I cannot tell you how successful it is for such problems. Theoretically, you need to do a course of superficial peels, but not aggressive, but soft, and one or two procedures, in a month the skin will recover.
Sincerely, Natalia

17 people said


Good afternoon! Chemical peels are controlled damage to the skin. The degree of damage may vary. It is likely that the doctor specifically made the peeling stronger in some places.

I'm sorry, but advise similar situation It is possible only after internal consultation. Be sure to consult with the doctor who performed the peeling. If the damaged skin was stronger than planned, you need to use special means to heal and restore the skin. Sincerely, Natalia.

7 people said


Hello! For the treatment of acne and post-acne, I had a median TCA peel. My next trip to the beautician is scheduled 18 days after the peel, and it was about doing another procedure.

My next question is: is it possible to repeat the procedure after such a period? Perhaps the cosmetologist plans to do another peel, and not TCA, and I will check with him at the meeting, but still I want to clarify with you whether it is possible to repeat TCA or even a lighter peel after 18 days. (I am 29 years old). Thanks for the answer.


Good afternoon! It is possible to have a TCA after 3 weeks if your doctor tells you to. You wrote that you had a median peel, which means that a rather serious procedure was carried out. Usually, experts recommend repeating a median peel no earlier than 4 months after the previous procedure.

But there are other points of view. Some doctors are of the opinion that it is possible to achieve positive results with TCA repiling after 3 weeks. This allows you to more successfully correct the consequences of unsuccessful peeling than repeated peeling at the usual time. With early peeling, it is important to accurately control the depth of penetration of the acid. The stratum corneum at this time is still very thin, its permeability is increased, this can lead to too deep penetration of the acid, which can lead to scarring.

If there is no good reason to rush to re-peel, it is better do not put too much pressure on the skin and give her a chance to recuperate. Please note that I comment on median peeling when the depth of skin damage is significant. Usually, within 4 weeks, the patient undergoes pre-peeling preparation for this kind of peeling. You didn't write about it.

You probably did a superficial TCA peel, otherwise 3 weeks for a second mid-peel is still a very short time and very few doctors practice such an aggressive method of exposure. Talk to your doctor, a high concentration of TCA does not mean that the peel was medium, the depth of penetration is important. Sincerely, Natalia.

6 people said


Hello! After acne, I still had small scars, I went to a dermatologist-cosmetologist at a dermatological and venereal dispensary. The specialist prescribed me a peeling, but I didn’t understand which one. He did it in November, the doctor said that it should not be done more than 4 times a year, both in spring and summer. Q-tip moistened in a solution and applied to the face, then applied an anti-inflammatory cream so that the face did not burn. After a couple of days, the skin begins to peel off. The next year she advised me to do it again. Was it a chemical peel? Why is it useful? (I am 23)


Hello Anton! TCA (trichloroacetic acid) is one of the oldest and most studied peels. One of the pioneers, American dermatologist Obagi, studied in detail the mechanisms of action of TCA and developed a comprehensive skin care program during TCA peels (OBAGI).

At its core peeling is exfoliation, or exfoliation, of the different layers of the skin. In your case, the use of TCA was carried out to correct problematic skin - both to normalize the function of the sebaceous glands (reducing the production of excess fat and normalizing its composition) and for more active exfoliation. The use of TCA at high concentrations causes controlled damage to the skin.

The presence of trauma is a necessary condition, since it is only thanks to it that the process of proliferative regeneration is activated. This mechanism, developed in the process of evolution, is necessary for human survival, since it allows you to quickly restore destroyed skin structures (functions of a protective barrier).

During the TCA it is desirable to carry out pre-peeling preparation within 2 weeks. This is the use of home preparations with acids of low concentration to level the stratum corneum. The average skin recovery cycle after a superficial TCA 20%-30% peel is a month, the appearance of the skin should improve significantly.

For optimal results, you must now use restorative products at home. Creams and serums to restore the lipid layer and always a cream with sun protection factor at least SPF20 (even considering the fact that we live in the city during this period, the sun is rare). Sincerely, Natalia.

5 people said


Hello! I am 20 years old! I have had acne since I was 14! I have been using Baziron ac 5% for 2 months already - it is a gel and I have visible improvements. Sometimes one or two abscesses appear and of course I still have scars after acne, but not big, but in the form of spots! I was advised to do a peeling, but I don’t know which one, please advise! And can I do it?


Hello! Start with superficial peels, several treatments spaced 3 weeks apart should give good results.

The type of peeling should be chosen by the doctor - in our clinic, in such cases, we do the peeling of the company Skin Medica. This peeling is combined - several types of acids, well suited for problem skin. Peeling is gentle and not very visible, but at the same time quite strong.

Many clinics now do peels holy land, there are specially designed for problem skin. They are softer than Skin Medica, but the result is not bad and they are cheaper in price. You need to see a doctor to determine if baziron should be continued and for how long. Because you need to choose adequate home care, washing, cream, cleansing masks and sun protection. When caring for problem skin, this is very important. Sincerely, Natalia.

5 people said


Hello! I am 23 years old, my skin is oily, I have been suffering from acne since I was 16, because of this my skin is covered in spots and scars! A week ago, they did a median TCA (trichloroacetic acid) peel, after the crust had come off, the skin had not yet healed, there was redness, new pimples immediately began to appear, possibly from the use of fatty creams during post-peeling rehabilitation. Please advise what to do in order not to return to the previous result, can mezo do it? What drug is better to inject? Thanks in advance!


Good afternoon Maria! Median peeling TCA is a serious procedure and requires special post-procedure care. Doctors prescribe special care products during this period, so if a cream was prescribed to you by a doctor, it is unlikely that it caused clogging of pores and provoked new rashes.

Be sure to see a doctor, maybe you need help exfoliating. In our clinic, they often do or, the healing process is milder. does not help, it must be done on already restored skin.

If you constantly have acne and blackheads, then it is better to approach the issue carefully, develop a home care program and specialist visits. This is the only way you can control your skin. Otherwise, after a period of improvement after the peelings, you will again return to the previous state.

I read the statistics on problem skin interesting fact that as soon as the patient stopped treatment after 3 months it returned to its original state. I don’t know if this is your case or there is no such big problem, but it seems to me that if you understand that problem skin requires constant increased attention and care, then you will spend time, work out a care regimen (again, I emphasize - a constant regimen) and will be able to successfully control your breakouts.

I know that there are a lot of advertisements around, a miracle cream, or a miracle procedure, peeling or mesotherapy, all this inspires vain hopes for a quick improvement. But only constant care brings results. Sincerely, Natalia.

4 people said


Good afternoon Olesya! There must have been a good reason for prescribing roaccutane. In fact, for any procedures, it is important when you have finished taking it and whether you are going to take roaccutane again.

You can do it like peels, but with great care, since the sensitivity of the skin while taking roaccutane varies greatly.

In addition, contraindications to a number of peels directly indicate that Roaccutane should not be used at least 3-6 months before the procedure. Discuss with your doctor the precautions and type of exfoliation, and pay attention to protecting your skin from the sun. Sincerely, Natalia.

3 people said


Hello. IM 33 years old. From the age of 25 pronounced nasolabial folds. Now they seem to have decreased, but in their place there are wrinkles about 1.5 cm long on one side and 1 cm on the other. In general, the skin has always been problematic (oily, with acne). Can peeling help, mainly from wrinkles in the nasolabial folds? Can wrinkles be reduced?


Good afternoon Natalie! Peelings can be performed for inflammation, but mechanical peeling is never used. That is, it can be a chemical peel of a special composition.

For example, a light surface peel from Phyto-C Skin Care, it will remove the upper stratum corneum, open and clean out the pores. After such a peeling, the doctor, usually with his hands (do not be surprised, the usual, so-called facial cleansing, replacements have not yet been invented, no matter what you read in the advertisement), with a spoon, needle or coagulator, will open the inflammatory elements, clean them and be sure to apply an antibacterial composition. Home care with special equipment is required.

But, of course, before carrying out the procedure, it will be necessary to find out the cause of the rash. An interesting case, when the rash is only on the forehead. There is a theory that the localization of rashes (constant) can be used to judge diseases internal organs. You should not rush to the doctor with a global body check :-), but you need to see a dermatologist. It may be that the cause of the rash is easily eliminated and peeling will be carried out exclusively in aesthetic purposes! Sincerely, Natalia.

2 people said


Good afternoon, tell me, please, I don’t know what to do anymore. I'm 21 with sensitive skin prone to redness. But especially in recent times, despite the constant moisturizing and use of oils (such as butter grape seed, wheat germ) permanent peeling.

I go to a peeling machine in a good spa salon. But apparently it does not help me, the skin is still peeling ... Apparently a bit weak. But I am afraid to spoil and overdo it with the removal of the top layer of the skin, since it is already thin. In general, I didn’t use anything and at home masks made from oatmeal and honey ... it helps for a while. Tell me what to do?


Good afternoon! Read on dry skin, it will help you figure it out in many ways (you can also look at our website).

In general, should help, but more important is home daily care. Without it, the effect of the procedure will be nullified. Ask your doctor to choose cosmetics for your home care.

Do not always believe the inscriptions on the cream "for dry skin", you need to choose a cream that restores the lipid barrier. You can determine the correct lipids are in a serum or cream with a simple test. Apply the drug to clean skin - if after a few minutes it is absorbed and disappears, then it suits you (this is because heavy nourishing creams, remaining on the skin after application, you do not need. Shine after applying the cream should not be. This means that the cream remained on the surface, and simply sealed the skin from above, including clogging pores).

The right moisturizers support the lipid barrier from the inside so they don't shine on the surface.
It may seem strange to you, but I would also advise you to change your face wash. You are most likely using a soft gel, you are afraid of overdrying the skin.

Pick up washing (cleansing) with hydroxy acids. Many doctors in dry skin care programs point out the need for proper cleansing and recommend low strength AHA/BHA gels.

The next stage is exfoliation (you have it), but when you finish the course, then at home 2 times a week you need to use scrubs or gommages, it is better to choose products with the inscription - micropolish, they do not injure the skin.

Then you apply serum or cream and do not forget about sun protection in the morning. Either buy already with SPF or apply on top. With such care, your skin will always look 21. Sincerely, Natalia.

2 people said


Hello, Natalia. I would very much like to know your opinion. I am 20 years old. Before, I didn't have any skin problems. At the age of 18, black dots began to appear on the nose and the skin on the forehead began to shine. But all this was not terrible compared to what is happening now. About six months ago, I began to remove black dots too often, and I managed to find them even on my forehead and cheeks. I didn’t notice how, but now I have a lot of dots on my nose, they appeared on my forehead and cheeks. The pores in these places turned into holes, the skin became very oily. Pimples began to appear. My life has become a nightmare. I blame myself so much that with my own hands I created a problem for myself, as it seems to me, for life. Maybe you can give me some advice, I'd be very grateful. I thought that maybe I should do a peeling and then the holes will even out, they bother me the most, and shallow black dots will disappear? I will be incredibly glad to your advice. Thanks in advance.


Good afternoon! Do not blame yourself, because a huge number of people face the problem of acne, and their cause is NOT mechanical cleaning, that is, what you did. You need to develop the right skin care regimen and the situation will improve. If my advice for those suffering from problem skin helps you, care should be daily, like brushing your teeth 2 times a day. This is the only way you can control the situation.
Read the article, please Phyto-C Skin Care. Of course, it is better to have a dermatologist (beautician) make up a care regimen for you, since the regimen will depend on the causes of acne, but in general, the approach is quite standard, if there are no serious diseases, this is the regulation of the activity of the sebaceous glands.
Despite the fact that many people regard acne as a cosmetic defect that can be eliminated by buying some kind of miracle product or doing some kind of miracle procedure, acne (pimples) is a skin disease, so it is wiser to consult a specialist. With it, you will minimize acne with the help of medicines and then keep the skin in good condition cosmetics. Almost all products that give good results irritate the skin to some extent. Therefore, the use of these funds at first should go under the supervision of a physician.
As for peels, they are very useful in the treatment of acne. The most commonly used is glycolic acid, which causes exfoliation of horny scales. It also improves the outflow of sebum and promotes deeper penetration of medicinal substances (retinoids, antibiotics, etc.) into the skin.
Peelings are usually carried out in a course of 6-8 procedures with an interval of 3-4 weeks. The relief of the skin will gradually even out and the “holes” will decrease. Glycolic peels are often combined with salicylic peels. During the entire course of procedures, you need to use home remedies with acids or herbal components of sebum-regulating and antibacterial action. This is such a long answer. As a summary:

  1. Get rid of acne quickly. They can only be defeated by developing skin care that minimizes this disease.
  2. The help of a specialist is needed.
Sincerely, Natalia.

2 people said


Good night, Natalia, I have a question. What means (perhaps a cosmetic line, or something more specific) would you recommend using, based on your quote above: "A complaint about oily skin and acne, acne - that .... will help to quickly cope with post-acne spots.".

What is the rehabilitation after TCA peeling and what is the average amount of funds needed to prepare for peeling and subsequent recovery after, say, in your clinic, I myself live in Moscow, so I'm interested in this question. I also did not see the price of Jesner peeling on the site, I would be grateful if you tell me.


Good afternoon! We work with several brands. Very good results when working with Phyto-C Skin Care (you can buy it in our center as well), Obagi (we don’t have it, but several other centers work with this cosmetics), Holy Land (you can order it online). Convenience is that it is sold in kits for home care for problem skin.

The cost of Jesner peeling is 2490 rubles (this is a modified formula of Jesner's solution). The peeling that I wrote to you about is called combined peeling (2 peels in one procedure, Jesner and TCA ~ 25% at the same time). The cost is 5500 rubles. Preparation - at least 2 weeks. Active Serum for leveling the stratum corneum. The cost of 15 ml is 3250 rubles.

I never get tired of writing about the importance of pre-peel preparation. Let me explain why again. The task of pre-peel preparation is to reduce the thickness of the stratum corneum, which allows increasing the effectiveness of the procedure by improving the penetration of acids. And also the alignment of the skin relief allows the acid to penetrate the skin more evenly. For pre-peeling, gels, serums, creams with a content of various types of acids of 10-20% are most often used. Usually these are glycolic, lactic, tartaric, mandelic, malic and polyhydroxy acids. These drugs act very carefully, do not cause irritation, gradually exfoliate the keratinized particles.

Undesirable the use of retinoic acid in pre-peeling, even at a low concentration, since dermatitis and exacerbation often occur against its background. The deeper the peel, the longer the preparation time. The day before the procedure, an increased water regime is recommended (8-10 glasses of water per day). Since there are a number of contraindications, during the consultation, the doctor gives additional recommendations based on the patient's health status, for example, in the presence of herpes.

Rehabilitation after TCA peeling (superficial median) - 7-10 days. During this period, redness, swelling, crusting, and active peeling are likely to persist.

Post-peel care - hydration, nutrition and protection. Due to damage to the lipid barrier, the skin after peeling is left unprotected for some time. Therefore, it is important: protection against dehydration, protection against secondary infection, protection from ultraviolet radiation, internal protection against free radicals. We recommend ACE Serum, Superheal O-Live Lotion, Icy Blue by Phyto-C Skin Care and Moisturize Cream during this period and Selenium in C Serum. In principle, any cream with antioxidants, vitamins C and E, bioflavonoids (green tea extract), COD and glutathione will be very suitable. During this period, you must strictly follow the recommendations of the doctor - in particular, never remove the film / crust / peeling on your own. Sincerely, Natalia.

2 people said


Good afternoon! Please specify what type of peeling you did, then I will answer confidently. Almost all peels (superficial) have no contraindications for washing with water, moreover, 2-3 times a day with a mild cleanser is recommended. It would be better if you ask the doctor who performed the peeling how to care for the skin, because improper care after the procedure can negate all the results. Sincerely, Natalia.

2 people said


Natalia, thanks for your reply. Yes, I did not undergo pre-peeling training. I only had a cleansing a week before the peel. And they planned to do a glycol peel, but then the doctor decided that the TCA peel was more suitable for me. Most likely, he really was not the middle one. Of course I will clarify. And I went through the rehabilitation period quite well: today is the 6th day and I am almost back to normal. If the peeling was superficial, then repiling after 3 weeks is this normal?


Good afternoon Julia, the appointment of the next peeling procedure is made by the doctor based on many data: the initial condition of the skin, the peeling that was performed, the reaction of the skin to the peeling, the speed of recovery, etc., so I can’t comment on the time appointed for you.

There are peelings that are done once a week. 3 weeks is quite an adequate period for recovery and follow-up procedure for superficial peeling. Do not be embarrassed to ask questions to the doctor during the consultation, such remote consultations are often misleading :-) Sincerely, Natalia.

1 person said


Thanks for the recommendation! Natalya lives in Omsk and has been to many clinics in our city, but for some reason they didn’t recommend any skin care products to me, but only did different nitrogen procedures, then manual cleaning, different masks and massages, and everyone said: Only this way You can improve the condition, but nothing helped me!

Once, at the presentation of new technologies, I met a cosmetologist from Moscow, and so she recommended me to use Baziron or Differen for 3 months and at the same time cleansers, lotions that contain fruit acids, and then peel. best advice don't know! And I have no one to help! Maybe you know in Omsk there is some good clinic???


Good evening Xenia! We do not know clinics in Omsk, but absolutely Omsk cosmetologists attend congresses and exhibitions, because we met them at exhibitions, and they know all the methods of treating problem skin no worse than Muscovites.

You just need to look for a doctor who specializes in treating acne. And the problem with acne and blackheads is simply not solved. If baziron helped everyone, then half the country would not suffer from acne. It's good that this drug came up to you, but the recommended period of its use is 3 months, so you should consult a doctor to determine how to care for your skin in the future.

The whole trouble is that after the cessation of therapy with Bazaron, the skin condition may worsen again within a couple of months. The same goes for Differin. Although this drug is sold without a prescription, you should not use it without consulting a doctor who will observe you.

You are great for taking care of your treatment. I'm just sure that you will be able to control your breakouts in the future and find a good dermatologist. Sincerely, Natalia.

1 person said


Good afternoon Alena! There are several factors in the effectiveness of a chemical glycol peel - the amount of free acid, the pKa of the acid (the ability of the substance to donate protons), pH (which is affected by the type of base used) and the buffering properties of the peel.

As you can see, due to the complex interaction of these factors, it is difficult to compare peels from different manufacturers. Glycolic acid produced by one manufacturer will be different from glycolic acid from another manufacturer, although their concentration will be the same (and the strength of the effect is different). This means that it is difficult to say what kind of peeling and whether preparation is needed for it.

Concerning pre-peel preparation- practice shows that this is a very important step, since it is the preparation that determines the depth and controllability of peeling, its effectiveness. Lack of preparation can lead to minimal results.

Too intense preparation can cause excessively deep peeling, up to necrosis and scarring. Therefore, before the procedure, it is desirable to adapt the skin to acid.

Pre-peel preparation is usually carried out at home and takes at least 2 weeks. The preparation program is written by the doctor, depending on the goals that you want to get with him and on the type of skin.

From all of the above, it logically follows that it is impossible to comment on the number of minutes of application. Sincerely, Natalia.

1 person said


Hello, I would like to know: I went for 3 superficial peeling procedures, the color improved and the spots disappeared, but some were still visible! And the pores have decreased, but not as good as I would like! I was offered to increase the course up to 10 times and do a course of 4 dermabrasion so that the skin becomes matte and a course of 6 (I don’t remember the name) a mask is put on the face and evens out the skin relief with laser flashes! What do you think about this? P.S. My pores are not very enlarged, but of course I want the skin on my face to be like a baby's ass))


Good afternoon! Superficial peels, as well as, can be carried out in large courses of 10-12 procedures. The fact is that during these procedures only the upper layer of the epidermis is affected - the horny one, just what we see. Therefore, the appearance is significantly improved, the relief is leveled, the skin color becomes uniform.

The composition of chemical peeling, correctly selected for your skin type, will also regulate the work of the sebaceous glands, and the pores will decrease in size. Although the changes in size will be small, they will clear up and become less noticeable. I can’t say anything about the second procedure, because I didn’t understand what it is - what kind of mask and what kind of laser flashes on the mask? Please clarify. Sincerely, Natasha.

1 person said


Good afternoon! Please specify which peeling you did, as there are several peels with this name. Green Peel Herbal Peeling treatment by Dr Christine Schrammek? Or an Australian herbal peel? Why don't you understand what it was? Did you make it yourself at home? You can write in English if it is easier for you. Sincerely, Natalia.

1 person said


Hello. My problem is acne. In the area of ​​​​the shoulders and back, a lot of large purulent acne is formed. I treated them and folk remedies, and ointments prescribed by a dermatologist. Thus, the number of acne has been significantly reduced, but the problem of scars remains.. And some of them are blue..: (What peeling would you recommend here, given that there are a lot of scars and their depth is different? (I'm 20 years old) Thanks in advance.


Good afternoon! Scars are a borderline topic, the issue is resolved by deramologists, cosmetologists, surgeons. There are many methods of treatment - from electrophoresis, phonophoresis, microinjections to peelings and dermabrasion. The presence of numerous scars on the body complicates the decision, but in principle, try to discuss with your beautician a scheme in which you will do superficial peels at home yourself. Do several procedures in the clinic, you will study the reaction of the skin, select the preparations, and then you will carry out peelings at home according to the scheme, showing the doctor once every 2 months. There are also many medicines that will gently exfoliate the skin and remove stagnant spots. But, of course, you will first need to remove the inflammatory elements, since peeling can exacerbate additional rashes.
Sincerely, Natalia

1 person said


Hello! I am 29 years old, under my eyes I have thin and dry skin with small wrinkles, when I smile, "crow's feet" appear in the corners of my eyes. When I went to a cosmetologist to carry out surface peelings Holy Land, I was told that for better renewal of the skin of the face and around the eyes, peeling can also be applied to the area under the eyes. Is it so? Applied several times, after a while the wrinkles were not visible. And now again I'm afraid to apply peeling under the eyes. What can you recommend?


Good afternoon Tatyana, in the last modification only the body has changed, due to the fact that the manufacturing company Syneron was rebranding. All software too. So there is no difference, SR or SRA applicator is used to remove pigmentation. Sincerely, Natalia.

1 person said


Good afternoon Maria! Do a course of superficial peels, you don’t need to severely injure the skin with a laser without good reason. Post-acne spots will disappear in 2-3 months. Recommended for home care:

  • Serums with whitening ingredients, apply in the evening on the entire face, or locally on spots for 2-3 months.
  • Plus, some drug that stimulates the exfoliation of dead cells from the surface of the skin for home care - a soft scrub (preferably synthetic granules, not vegetable), or enzyme peeling, or lactolan peeling - 2 times a week.
All skin will brighten and will look clean and well-groomed. In the morning, be sure to apply protection - mineral powder with SPF 20-25, at least, or a moisturizing cream with SPF 20 and above. Sincerely, Natalia.

1 person said


Hello! I am 22 years old. Mimic wrinkles appeared on the forehead. Decided to do a peel. The cosmetologist suggested "Velvet Peeling". A few days before the procedure, the face was cleansed and lightly peeled. During the "Velvet Peeling", the doctor applied some means in stages, and did not feel any special discomfort during the process. Then the doctor suggested applying some kind of skin remedy.

After applying this substance, I felt a strong burning sensation and "pulsation" of the skin, after a while the cream was applied, the pain practically stopped. After the procedure, I used, on the recommendation of a beautician, panthenol, ointment " Ambulance"from burns. She made lotions with a solution of chlorhexidine alcohol (1: 1). On the 6th day of the tears, a layer of skin. Today is the 8th day after the procedure - the skin is red, peeling in places, a couple of pimples, a little swollen.

Increasing relevance among cosmetic procedures acquires a chemical peel (an alternative name is chemical exfoliation). This method of cleansing the surface of the face is highly effective and less traumatic. In addition, such an effect on the skin allows you to solve age-related problems of the dermis.

Although the very word "chemistry" often causes distrust (if not horror) in patients, in fact, such an intervention is by no means scary. Of course, in the hands of an amateur, a container of solutions will bring nothing but problems to the skin. But a high-quality cleaning performed by a cosmetologist-dermatologist will leave a pleasant impression, give the face an updated and well-groomed look.

Chemical peel - what is it? What are the features of this procedure? For whom is it suitable, and in what cases should it be avoided?

What is a chemical peel? This procedure involves exfoliation of the upper layer of the epidermis, consisting of dead, keratinized cells. Such manipulation is carried out with special preparations. This cleaning method allows you to smooth out or completely remove age spots or other defects, even out the surface of the face, and give it a natural shade.

Women who decide on this cleansing for the first time often ask themselves the question: chemical peeling of the face - what is it? This method is not in vain called the “derma renovator”. In addition to their cleansing functions, acid compositions perfectly rejuvenate cells by triggering the synthesis of collagen and elastin. Thus, chemical exfoliation is a universal procedure that solves several cosmetic problems at once.

Why do you need a chemical facial peel? Its primary task is to exfoliate the upper, keratinized layers of the epidermis, thereby creating a cleansing effect. This technique allows you to achieve an improvement in the condition of the dermis without surgical operations.

Also, this procedure is used to prevent the processes of withering of the integument or to correct existing age-related changes.

The skin after a chemical peel becomes soft, cleansed and renewed.

How does peeling work? Acid exfoliation is a burn of the upper layers of the epidermis. Although it sounds scary, there is nothing terrible in such a formulation, because the depth of the drug's effect is controlled by a cosmetologist. In response to a burn, the body launches recovery mechanisms, due to which it is possible to achieve rejuvenation and renewal of the integument, as well as solve multiple cosmetic problems.

Under the influence of the burn, active cell division of the dermis begins, the regeneration process accelerates and the appearance of the skin of the face improves.

There are two types of chemical peels:

  • deep peeling;
  • middle cleaning;
  • superficial exfoliation.

A cosmetologist will help determine which type of chemical peeling for the face will be best in a particular case.

Note. In the case of available indications, it is possible to conduct non-traditional, original cleansing sessions, for example, blue peeling, etc.


Deep chemical peeling of the face involves burning the dermis down to the reticular layer. This manipulation is carried out exclusively in medical centers. Anesthesia is applied to the patient, and the procedure itself is carried out under the supervision of an anesthesiologist-rheumatologist. Deep peeling involves a long rehabilitation period (from 6 to 10 months).

Note. If the procedure was performed without anesthesia, and the patient was allowed to go home on the same day, provided only with auxiliary means, it is time to suspect a trick. Most likely, under the guise of deep (for the corresponding price), a median cleansing of the surface of the face was carried out.

The main goals of deep exfoliation:

  • replacement of the outdated collagen-elastin scaffold.
  • Stimulation of the production of hyaluronic acid in order to provide an optimal level of hydration from the inside.
  • Renewal of cellular resources of the dermis.


The average (medium) chemical peeling of the skin acts deeper and more thoroughly than the superficial one. But he cannot afford to renew the collagen-elastin skeleton and completely renew the dermis.

Note. Competition among master cosmetologists has provoked an unprecedented surge in the popularity of median exfoliation. Often, it begins to be used already from the age of 18. But until the age of 35-40, it is not necessary to practice such a procedure without special need.

The main goals of this skin cleansing method are:

  • Active cell renewal in the upper layers of the dermis, its smoothing and compaction.
  • “Pulling up” the level of collagen production to the previous, “young” indicator.
  • Strengthening of the vascular walls, improvement of blood microcirculation.
  • Slow down the synthesis of melanin.

What does the face look like after acid peeling? Basically, such manipulation does not cause pain or negative reactions of the dermis. But in some cases, post-peeling scars or areas of skin with hypopigmentation may form, which contrast sharply with the rest of the integument.


Superficial chemical peeling of the face has almost no effect on the deep layers of the dermis, affecting only its upper layers. That is, such drugs do not contain the necessary active ingredients for cell renewal.

In cosmetology, there are several main goals of surface peeling:

  • Stimulation of the renewal of the upper layers of the dermis.
  • Cleansing of the sebaceous glands.
  • Exfoliation of dead cells.
  • Antibacterial effect.
  • Elimination of hyperkeratosis.
  • Alignment of the surface and tone of the dermis.
  • An inhibitory effect on melanocytes that control hyperpigmentation.
  • People with teenage or young skin prone to oiliness, acne, acne or post-acne.
  • Patients 25-35 years old to maintain a good appearance skin and skin problems.
  • People 35-40 years old as a preparation for deep exfoliation.

The procedure for chemical peeling of the face includes the following steps:

  1. Skin cleansing, make-up removal, degreasing of areas where the composition is planned to be applied.
  2. The beautician wets a cotton applicator in a chemical solution, wringing it out carefully. The last action is performed to avoid getting the drug into the patient's eyes.
  3. The doctor rubs the solution with an applicator into the skin of the client's face (this takes about 30 minutes). The specific time depends on the characteristics and general condition of the skin.
  4. The "route" of movements is built in this way: forehead - nose - cheeks - chin. With the utmost care, the drug is rubbed into wrinkles and creases. During operation, the patient may feel a slight burning sensation.
  5. Maintaining the composition on the face. Time is determined individually for each type of dermis.
  6. At the end of the chemical peel procedure, the preparation is removed from the skin surface.
  7. Application of protective and regenerating masks.

The procedure for chemical peeling of the face requires the use of special preparations. They are selected according to individual characteristics client's dermis. The main components of these solutions are:

  • Beta hydroxy acids.
  • fruit acids.
  • Other types of acids: azelaic, retinoic, kojic, trichloroacetic, pyruvic, mandelic. Most often, a combination of these acids is used.


The so-called AHA acids or alpha hydroxy acids. These include citric, glycolic, malic, lactic and tartaric acids.

The main properties of AHA acids:

  • Stimulation of hydration of the epidermis.
  • The ability to accelerate the exfoliation of the upper layers of the skin.
  • Antioxidant effect.
  • The damaging effect on pathogens, which are the main cause of dermatological diseases.

Beta hydroxy acids

The so-called BHA acids. Unlike fruit acids, these acids are poorly soluble in water, and well - in fats.

Chemical peeling with BHA acids is used mainly for oily skin. These substances have an action similar to AHA acids, additionally affecting the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Under the influence of such acids, sebum softens, which is the prevention of the formation of acne, ureas and comedones.

The main representative of beta-hydroxy acids is salicylic acid.

Retinoic, kojic, azelaic

Includes all properties inherent in hydroxy acids. Also, these substances reduce the activity of melanocytes by blocking the enzyme tyrosinase, which is responsible for the production of melanin. The effect after peeling with these acids is predominantly whitening - age spots, freckles, acne and post-acne disappear. Peeling with these acids is relevant for clients suffering from rosacea.

Popular preparations for chemical peeling:

  • Russia. PREMIUM Professional.
  • Australia. Skin Doctors (product suitable for home use).
  • Japan. Bb Laboratories and
  • USA. Neostrata.
  • France. beautymed.

Despite the obvious benefits, chemical facial peels have contraindications and side effects. The latter do not always occur, but only in a number of cases when the recommendations for the procedure were not followed or due to individual reactions of the patient's skin.

Acid peeling can provoke the following consequences:

  • Edema.
  • Pain syndrome.
  • Scar formation.
  • Redness.
  • The introduction of infections.
  • Allergy.
  • Hypo- or hyperpigmentation.
  • Peeling of the skin, the formation of crusts.

The cosmetic procedure of acid peeling has the following contraindications:

  • Pregnancy, breastfeeding.
  • Colds.
  • Chronic diseases in acute form.
  • Tendency to scarring.
  • Fresh tan.
  • Traumatic procedures performed less than 2 months ago (laser resurfacing, deep cleaning, etc.).
  • Mental illness.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Hypertrichosis.
  • Nevi, warts, papillomas on the face.
  • Skin hypersensitivity.
  • Injuries in the area of ​​application (abrasions, wounds, scratches).
  • Hypertension.
  • Individual intolerance to the ingredients of the composition.
  • Couperose.
  • Menstruation.
  • Patient's age (less than 18 years).

What to expect from a chemical facial peel? This indicator will also be individual, because a lot depends on the client's skin type. There are 4 main skin types. Peeling can be carried out on each of them, but with different results.

1 type. No wrinkles, the client needs a three-fold peeling using weak acids. The procedure aims to prevent aging and is carried out once a year.

2 type. Presence mimic wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, deep creases during the manifestation of emotions, there are local areas of hyperpigmentation. Seven peelings with fruit acids are recommended. It needs to be done twice a year.

3 type. Impaired pigmentation, wrinkles around the eyes, mouth, forehead. Regular peeling with fruit acids is recommended.

4 type. Impaired pigmentation, multiple deep creases on the surface of the skin. In these cases, fruit acids are not enough. Three cleansings with trichloroacetic acid and further peelings with glycolic acid are recommended.

The best results after chemical peeling are usually achieved by the epidermis of skin types 2 and 3. But representatives of type 4 can also count on improving the condition of the skin, subject to the correct actions of the master.

The face after chemical peeling becomes cleansed and renewed. High-quality exfoliation helps to achieve additional results:

  • Skin rejuvenation.
  • Softening, giving velvety to the covers.
  • Toning.
  • Regeneration.
  • smoothing fine wrinkles, cut deep.
  • Ripping out of the relief of the skin.
  • Elimination of age spots.


Chemical peeling for the face is a modern and effective way to cleanse the skin. This procedure is also suitable for those who strive to have a clean face, as well as for clients who want to restore youth to the covers. After the applied acid peeling, the skin regains its beauty, freshness, even tone and softness.

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