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Which nan mixture is better. Composition of infant formula: what to look for! Non-GMO baby formula

This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Breast milk is, of course, the main source of nutrition for the baby. It is very difficult to replace it, as this is the best option that was created by nature. But not always the mother has the opportunity to breastfeed the child for many reasons. For example, sometimes additional feeding is required, since the baby does not have enough of the amount of milk that is, or it may disappear altogether due to stress, illness. In such situations, artificial milk mixtures come to the rescue. They should be chosen very carefully, because they are the key to the health and proper growth of the crumbs.

Expertology experts come to help with the purchase, having compiled a rating of the 14 best milk formulas, based on the assessments and recommendations of pediatricians.

Choose highly adapted milk formulas. It is these that are as close as possible in composition to mother's milk, which means they contain everything necessary for the full development and growth of the crumbs.

    Let's see the composition. There should be no starch, sugar or preservatives. But Omega-3 and Omega-6, as well as basic nucleotides and prebiotics, are very necessary. They help in the development of vision and the brain, the proper process of digestion of food. Do not be afraid of palm oil, its presence, despite all the myths, is acceptable. Not so long ago, mixtures with probiotics appeared, however, so far not many companies produce them.

    Age appropriate. Pay attention to the numbers indicated on the package: unit - from birth to 6 months; deuce - from six months to 12 months; three - from a year and older.

    Additional inscriptions on the packaging. If you see words such as: "satisfying", "comfort" and so on, then focus on them. If the child does not have enough of the prescribed norm, then a “full baby” will do, and if there are problems with stool and regurgitation, then the “comfort” mixtures will correct this, normalizing the necessary processes in a small body.

    Price. Do not skimp on buying formula, as a good one cannot be too cheap. But you don't have to pay too much either. For example, goat milk mixtures are needed only for those babies who have protein intolerance. cow's milk. Otherwise, they are no better than their counterparts and have identical compositions, although they are more expensive.

    Product availability. If you find a great blend, but it's only sold in one place, and even then it's not always in stock, then it's better to change it to another product. Banks will be enough for about three days, so you will have to go shopping often and you need to always have the mixture in the nearest store or pharmacy.

    The child's reaction. Starting to feed formula or changing from one to another, watch the baby for several days. Small difficulties are not terrible. The body must adapt, but reactions such as allergies will be a wake-up call. You should immediately contact your pediatrician for a recommendation.

    Don't Experiment. Having a well-chosen and suitable milk formula, do not change it without urgent need, because a change in nutrition disrupts the state of the baby's body for some time.

    Contact pediatricians. For the selection of therapeutic milk formulas, it is better to immediately go to the doctor without risking. Only he, after collecting the tests, will be able to recommend the best option.

    Rely on proven manufacturers. Firms that have been in this market for a long time will not risk their reputation and produce bad products. Therefore, avoid unknown companies, even if the mixtures are cheaper and someone advised you to try them.

Rating of the best milk mixtures

Nomination place Name of product price for 400 gr.
The best milk formulas for newborns 1 949 ₽
2 355 ₽
3 375 ₽
The best hypoallergenic mixtures for newborns 1 703 ₽
2 903 ₽
3 1 054 ₽
The Best Milk Formulas for Premature Babies 1 799 ₽
2 627 ₽
The best fermented milk mixtures for newborns 1 584 ₽
2 323 ₽
3 462 ₽
The Best Lactose-Free Formulas for Babies 1 741 ₽
2 769 ₽
The best anti-colic mixture 1 187 ₽

The best milk formulas for newborns

The first place in the ranking is occupied by an adapted milk formula designed for children from birth to six months. It is 100 percent free of cow's milk, so it is suitable for babies with lactose intolerance. Instead, goat is used here, which is highly digestible. The content of linolenic and linoleic fatty acids, as well as arachidnic (ARA), docosahexaenoic (DHA) is important for the development of the brain and vision of the child.


    no preservatives and sugar;

    promotes proper digestion;

    strengthens the naming system.


    high cost - a can of 800 g is about 2 thousand rubles;

    there are fakes;

    not available in all stores.

On the second line of the rating is a milk formula, balanced in terms of the amount of proteins, so that the baby grows up healthy and strong. Includes live bifidobacteria BL, which strengthen the immune system. It also contains DHA and ARA fatty acids found in breast milk. Designed for age group since birth. When taking, there are no problems with stool and regurgitation. Suitable for healthy babies. The product is made from quality raw materials that have passed mandatory testing.


    free of palm oil, sugar and starch;

    as part of vitamins C, E, PP, A, B1, B6, B2, as well as group D;

    contains pantothenic and folic acid, as well as biotin;

    large volume - 800 g;

    acceptable cost - 600 rubles.


  • not found.

The third position in the ranking goes to the adapted milk formula with the unique Pronutri+ complex. Contains prebiotics GOS and FOS, which contribute to the formation of a healthy intestinal microflora of the child. They also help support the immune system, reducing the risk of infections and allergic reactions. Special fatty acids ARA and DHA improve brain development and vision. Includes a balanced complex of minerals and vitamins proper growth babies up to a year old. Designed for children from the first day of life.


    contains prebiotics;

    easy to breed;

    does not cause colic and stool problems;

    reasonable price - a can of 800 g about 680 rubles.


  • there is a specific smell.

The best hypoallergenic mixtures for newborns

The first place in the category is occupied by powdered milk formula, as close as possible to breast milk. It has a balanced composition to provide the baby with everything necessary for a harmonious mental and physical development. The product reduces the risk of development and occurrence of allergic reactions. Contains live Bifidobacterium BL to strengthen the immune system. The milk mixture is made from high-quality raw materials, does not contain GMOs, flavors, dyes and preservatives.


    easily digestible;

    without bovine milk protein, starch and sugar;

    includes a large vitamin complex.


    poorly bred in warm water;

    relatively expensive - a can of 400 g is about 700 rubles.

The second position goes to a dry adapted mixture for children from birth. Made on the basis of hydrolyzed whey proteins. Contains prebiotics. Is ideal option for feeding babies with food allergies. Immediately after the introduction of the milk mixture, the symptoms begin to go away, irritation, rash, redness subside. Helps with atopic dermatitis. Contains an enhanced complex of ARA and DHA fatty acids to help boost immunity. Efficacy proven in clinical studies. May have a bitter taste due to hydrolyzed whey protein.


    dissolves well;

    pleasant to the taste;

    contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals.


  • high cost - a can of 400 g is about 1 thousand rubles.

On the third line is powdered milk formula with a special formula for therapeutic nutrition of babies prone to allergies caused by the use of cow's milk protein. The product contains a deep casein hydrolyzate, which relieves allergy symptoms in a short time. Includes all essential nutrients for healthy growth and development of the baby. Contains nucleotides, linoleic and linolenic acids, as well as choline. Designed for feeding children from birth. For older ones, from six months, it can be used as part of a special diet with other products. It has a bitter taste, which is the norm for this type of mixture. Before use, consultation with a pediatrician is required.


    high efficiency;

    without preservatives, sugar and starch;

    easy to breed;

    does not cause problems with stool and regurgitation.


  • high cost - a can of 400 g about 1170 rubles.

The Best Milk Formulas for Premature Babies

The first place in the category goes to dry milk formula for feeding small and premature babies with a balanced complex of elements. Helps to develop and grow faster, as it is designed with all the needs of underweight children in mind. Not suitable for infants allergic to cow's milk protein. Contains DHA (omega-3) and ARA (omega-6) fatty acids, which help to strengthen the immune system, as well as the development of vision and brain.


    easily digested and absorbed;

    has an optimal ratio of phosphorus and calcium;

    without starch and sugar;

    does not contain preservatives, fragrances, dyes and GMOs.


    there are contraindications;

    relatively expensive - a can of 400 g is about 870 rubles.

The second line goes to formula with a higher nutrient content to ensure the acceleration of development and growth of premature or underweight children. Contains the necessary nucleotides, a mixture of vegetable fats, which helps to strengthen the immune system, as well as the formation of soft stools. The product has a reduced amount of lactose, which reduces the risk of gas formation, so the baby will not suffer from colic.


    without palm oil;

    increased amount of protein and calories;

    complex of necessary minerals and vitamins;

    without sugar and starch;

    does not contain preservatives, dyes and fragrances.


  • high cost - a can of 370 g is about 1 thousand rubles.

The best fermented milk mixtures for newborns

The first line in the category goes to the adapted milk formula, which improves the digestion of the baby. The product was obtained by fermentation using a special strain of bacteria. The baby’s not yet mature digestive system can easily cope with digestion and absorb the mixture well. Natural enzymes in the composition will contribute to better digestion of lactose, which will reduce the risk of colic. The acidity level of the milk mixture is as close as possible to breast milk.


    clinically proven efficacy;

    includes bifidobacteria;

    without sugar, starch and preservatives;

    low cost - a can of 400 g is about 450 rubles.


  • not found.

In second place in the rating is an adapted fermented milk mixture with an improved fat composition, not containing rapeseed and palm oil. Contains natural milk fats, bifidobacteria and important nutrients. Ensures the full development of children with a weak digestive system. Includes beta palmitate, which gives the body energy, as well as phospholipids, sphingomyelin, gangliosides, which form the meninges, developing the baby's intelligence.


    probiotic complex for better digestion and absorption;

    contains lutein to protect the retina from UV rays;

    the mixture was developed jointly with leading specialists of the Scientific Center for Children's Health;

    acceptable cost - a box of 370 g is about 350 rubles.


  • not found.

The third position goes to a balanced dry milk formula with all the necessary nutrients so that the baby develops harmoniously. The product helps to normalize microflora and improve digestive processes, which protects the child from intestinal infections. Contains bifidobacteria BL and a complex of essential vitamins and microelements.


    high efficiency;

    reduces the risk of colic;

    without sugar, starch and preservatives.


    used only after consultation with a pediatrician;

    relatively expensive - 400 g about 670 rubles.

The second line goes to dry milk formula based on calcium caseinate. The product effectively eliminates the symptoms of lactose deficiency, ensuring the absence of negative reactions from the gastrointestinal tract. The lactose in the mixture was replaced with an easily digestible and assimilated glucose syrup. Quickly relieves symptoms by normalizing intestinal barrier functions, as well as improving digestion due to the content of nucleotides.



    without starch, sugar and preservatives;

    easily digestible.


  • relatively expensive - 400 g about 600 rubles.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

A very responsible job. The immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract, enzyme deficiency, reaction to allergens, the delicate health of the baby require a careful study of the composition of baby food. The same food can be great for one child and cause an allergic rash or spit up in another. Every mother recommends exactly the products that best suited her child. The price of the product also plays an important role. Therefore, it is difficult to rank infant formula. Everyone should choose what is most suitable for the child.

The best food for a baby is breast milk

Given the immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract of the baby, mother's milk is an ideal food. It is easily digestible, contains all the necessary trace elements and vitamins that are so necessary for the growth and development of the baby, antibodies and leukocytes protect the child from dangerous infections. Surprisingly, the composition of breast milk varies depending on the needs of the baby's body. Scientists still cannot explain the mechanism of this phenomenon.

WHO strongly recommends exclusive breastfeeding until 4 months of age. With the right diet for a nursing mother, this almost completely eliminates problems such as constipation, colic or indigestion. In the future, children who grow up on breastfeeding suffer less from asthma and other diseases.

Reasons for switching to mixed or artificial feeding

All mothers try to give their child the very best, but it is not always possible to breastfeeding. Often in young mothers, milk disappears or an insufficient amount is produced due to stress or other negative factors. Therefore, parents are forced to switch to various infant formulas.

The main reasons for switching to mixed or artificial feeding:

  • far-fetched fear of young mothers before pain, cracked nipples, mastitis. The myth that breastfeeding spoils the beauty of the breast; unwillingness of a woman to follow a diet in the first 3 months of breastfeeding;
  • inability to feed every 2-3 hours (work, business trips);
  • unsatisfactory state of health of a young mother;
  • lack of milk.

Blend selection

Infant formula, whose rating is not the only true guide for parents, may be suitable for one child, but not at all suitable for another. The body of each baby is very individual, so you should carefully consider the choice of mixture, consult a pediatrician. The doctor can point out to parents possible allergic reactions, intolerance to certain components, or congenital eating disorders.

Composition of mixtures

You can not focus only on the rating of infant formula. Parents should definitely carefully study the composition of baby food. Most formulas are based on cow's milk, and some brands also make children food based on goat milk. Often it includes iodine, nucleotides, oligosaccharides, prebiotics, which are important for the intestinal microflora. Choline is needed to maintain the normal state of the liver, carnitine and taurine are beneficial for the health of the nervous system and vision of the child, starch is added to give the mixture the desired consistency, polyunsaturated fatty acids for nutrition. It is very useful for the child's body when the mixture is enriched with iron.

If the child is overweight, casein should be included in the diet.

What does the marking mean

Next, you should pay special attention to the labeling of infant formula. If the products are intended for children who are underweight or premature, then the packaging is usually marked with the prefix "PRE" or the number "0". For babies of the first half of the year (from 0 to 6 months) products are indicated by the number "1", for children of the second half of the year (from 6 to 12 months) - by the number "2".

Mix "Baby"

According to many surveys, the rating of baby formulas is headed by the food "Malyutka". The advantage of this mixture is that it contains such useful components as prebiotics and nucleotides, vitamins of groups B, A, E, K, D, C, PP, carnitine, many minerals - such as calcium, magnesium, iodine, selenium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, potassium and others. The mixture does not contain preservatives and dyes. Despite this, the price of food is quite reasonable. Among the minuses, the presence of palm oil in the composition of the mixture should be noted, it foams strongly and is very sweet. The mixture is a kind of compromise between quality and low price, proof that quality is not always expensive.


Infant formula, the 2014 rating of which is voiced by pediatricians, is headed by Nutrilon. This is an adapted mixture of Dutch production. It strengthens the baby's immunity, prevents increased gas formation and colic, maintains the normal state of the intestinal microflora. It contains such useful components as nucleotides that promote brain development and support vision, 29 vitamins, minerals, prebiotics.

Among the shortcomings, the presence of lecithin and palm oil should be noted, and the price is quite high, so the Nutrilon mixture, which, according to some reports, tops the rating of infant formulas, may not be affordable for many parents.


Experts consider Similak (Denmark) to be one of the best infant formulas. It contributes to the formation of a normal stool, prevents constipation, helps the body to better absorb calcium, which is very important for the development and strengthening of the bone tissue of a growing organism. There is no palm oil in the mixture, but there is coconut oil, which is no better. Therefore, parents should carefully monitor the reactions of the baby's body after feeding this mixture.


The described infant formulas, whose rating is high, take care of the health of the baby from the first days of life. Parents should do everything so that nothing bothers their child, so that the baby grows strong and enjoys every day. Therefore, we should not forget that a child's nutrition is one of the most important factors in his future health.

If a child is fed artificially, then the question becomes relevant - which mixture is best for a newborn? This is not an easy choice, because there are a lot of their varieties on the modern market. From the proposed variety, you need to choose exactly the one that suits a particular baby.

Classification: first of all, choose the type of mixture

Milk formula is not just a powder in a bright jar with a lot of vitamins in its composition. Mixtures differ from each other in features, which will be discussed below.

By consistency

They are divided into liquid and dry. The first are already ready for use, you just need to heat the food. Dry ones need to be diluted with water.

The Russian market is 90% dry, liquid can be found only in large cities. Liquid foods are stored for a short time, literally 2-3 days, so sellers prefer dry food, as it is easier to transport and store.

Zakharova D.I., pediatrician, Morozov Children's City Clinical Hospital, Moscow

Feeding a mixture of a newborn is a necessary measure.


Infant formulas for newborns are made on the basis of cow's milk. But it must enter the body in an altered form, since it is not as easily absorbed as mother's milk.

According to this feature, mixtures are divided into:

  1. Adapted. They add modified whey, which adapts cow protein. This contributes to easy absorption, approaching breast milk. It can be argued that this the best mix for newborns.
  2. Less adapted. The base is casein. They take longer to digest, but are more satisfying. The child remains full for 3-3.5 hours after ingestion. Such nutrition is prescribed to children who often.
  3. Partially adapted. Acceptable for children after six months. They resemble mother's milk a little, since they do not contain whey. The composition of such food often includes starch and sucrose.

According to the age

For a newborn baby and for a one-year-old child, the mixture will differ in composition. The main difference is in the amount of adapted protein. How older child, the more unadapted protein in the diet.

The age range is as follows:

  • 0 - this number on the box means that the product is suitable for newborns or children;
  • 1 - for babies from 0 to 6 months;
  • 2 - from 6 months to a year;
  • 3 - older than 1 year.

By destination

Milk mixtures for newborns not only play the role of a source of nutrition, but also have healing properties.

Regarding this sign, they are:

To choose the most suitable mixture, carefully study the packaging. There is information about the composition, useful components, preparation and the age of the children for whom the mixture is intended.
  1. Sour-milk. They are prescribed for digestive problems - frequent regurgitation, severe colic or constipation. Often they are recommended for treatment. The composition contains lactic acid and bifidobacteria.
  2. Hypoallergenic. They are used for babies with severe allergic reactions. Cow protein itself is a strong allergen, so it will be difficult to choose a mixture. As part of such a product, the protein is already partially digested with the help of special enzymes.
  3. lactose-free. They are suitable for those who have extreme intolerance to cow's milk, in which even it will not help. In this product, protein replaces soy.

Belova N.A., pediatrician, MD, Institute of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Mothers often ask the question - how much mixture should a newborn eat?

With mixed feeding, it is quite difficult to determine this portion, because it is not known how much breast milk the child received. You will find more answers.

Fermented milk formula for newborns and other listed types of therapeutic nutrition are slightly more expensive than standard adapted ones.

Specialized therapeutic mixtures should be introduced into the diet only after consultation with a pediatrician if there is evidence.

After the desired type is selected, you should familiarize yourself with each representative in the baby food market separately. All manufacturers use different formulas for the composition. Ingredients found in one brand may not be found in another.

With full artificial feeding, it is easier - on all food banks there is a table for feeding the newborn with a mixture.

When choosing milk formulas for newborns, reviews can be very different for each brand. You need to be guided by medical recommendations and the reaction of the baby.

Infant formula rating: top 10 brands


The formula for newborns, which has been leading the list for many years, more than one generation has grown up on it.

Moms prefer it, as it contains taurine, iodine, Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, as well as whey, which brings nutrition closer to breast milk.

An additional advantage is the affordable price.

Among the shortcomings, the presence of palm oil and soy lecithin among the components is distinguished.


A mixture for newborns, the main advantage of which is in a unique composition. It is adapted to the intestinal microflora, which helps to reduce colic and bloating.

It also helps to avoid problems with colic. The list of ingredients contains a complex of minerals and vitamins necessary for the normal development of the child. Among the shortcomings, the presence of palm oil and the high price of the product are noted.


Formula for newborns, produced by the Swiss company Nestle. It is produced both for healthy children and for those prone to allergies, in the form of a lactose-free and hypoallergenic product.

The composition includes bifidobacteria, nucleotides, taurine, iodine, iron, vitamin C, phosphorus and other useful vitamins and minerals. The disadvantage is similar to the previous types - the presence of palm oil.


The Swiss manufacturer is also available on the baby food market with this brand. Available for healthy children at 5 different types, differing in age.

Prebiotics restore digestion, and only lactose gives the sweetness to the product. Has an affordable price. Of the shortcomings - skimmed milk powder and soy lecithin in the composition. The iodine in the product is slightly less than in previous brands.

What is the difference between probiotics and prebiotics, as well as for the intestines of all family members, read in a separate review.


Another local product. The composition contains 50 useful substances, which contributes to the normal development of children. Produced for various age categories healthy babies, as well as for those prone to allergies. Consumers note the affordable price of the product.


Mix for newborns from a German manufacturer. The composition contains omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, which contributes to mental development child. There are no nucleotides in the list of ingredients. Sucrose, dyes and flavors are absent, although this product is distinguished for its good taste.

The most tangible drawback is the high price, not every parent will be able to purchase Humana. It is closest to breast milk enriched with vitamins and prebiotics.


Another representative from a German manufacturer. The composition contains all the necessary ingredients, including taurine, vegetable oils, iron and lactobacilli. Among the shortcomings, the presence of potato starch, low iodine content are distinguished.


This is a palm oil free formula for newborns.
. This is important for those parents who are opponents of this component.

Replaced with coconut oil. Nucleotides and prebiotics contribute to the reduction of colic, and fatty acids - to the development of the brain.


popular product Russian production. In addition to nucleotides and taurine, it is rich in vitamins and minerals. Among the shortcomings, a low iodine content is distinguished, as well as excessive sweetness, which, on the contrary, children like.


This is another answer to the question: what mixture to choose for a newborn with mixed feeding. It contains slightly less iron, calcium and potassium than in previous brands, but when fed with breast milk, this is quite enough.

Name (manufacturer), cost / rub.

1 Nutrilon (Holland),
Strengthening the immune system, improving digestion. 0 months to 2 years
2 NAS (Switzerland),
Strengthening the immune system, varieties for those prone to allergies. 0 months to 2 years
3 Nestozhen (Switzerland),
For healthy children from birth. 0 months to 2 years
4 Nutrilak (Russia),
There is a hypoallergenic series. 0 months to 2 years
5 Humana (Germany),
For premature and little gaining weight children prone to allergies. Cow's milk, with vitamins and minerals. 0 months to 1 year
6 Hipp (Germany),
For babies from 2 weeks to 10 months, on cow's milk, contains prebiotics
7 Agusha (Russia),
Sour-milk and fresh, based on cow's milk. From 0 months to 2 years.
8 Semilac (Spain),
Contains nucleides, prebiotics, fatty acids, no palm oil. 0 months to 1 year
9 Malyutka (Ukraine),
Contains nucleides and prebiotics, iodine, taurine. 0 months to 2 years
10 Friso (Netherlands),
For premature and small babies, suitable for mixed feeding. 0 months to 1 year

The final decision on which mixture is best for the newborn should be made by the mother together with the doctor.

How to make the right choice

Watching your baby, you will understand if the mixture is suitable for him. If he eats and there are no allergic manifestations, you are on the right track.

In order to choose food, you need to evaluate the following criteria:

  1. Baby's age.
  2. The degree of adaptability of the mixture.
  3. type of feeding.
  4. individual tolerance.

If everything is clear with the first three points, what about the last criterion?

This can be understood only by trying a particular product.

It is not suitable for a child if:

  • allergic rashes appeared;
  • the stool became more liquid and frequent;
  • even after feeding, the baby shows signs of hunger;
  • sleep is disturbed;
  • marked weight loss.

Sokolova L.G., pediatrician, S-Profi clinic, Moscow:

The best formula for newborns is the one that suits a particular child.

Any baby requires an individual approach, especially in matters of nutrition.

What mixture to choose for a newborn in this case? The product should be replaced with another one, taking into account which symptom has appeared.

With low weight, you need to choose - with a higher protein content, with anemia - with an increased iron content, with allergies - a hypoallergenic series. You can read about the symptoms of allergies in a child.

Just like that, for the sake of testing, the mixture is not worth changing. There must be good reasons for this.

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 19 minutes


No one objects to the usefulness and ideality of mother's milk for feeding small child. But there are times when a baby from birth or a little later has to breastfeed with artificial milk formulas. To date, this type of baby food is represented by a wide range of products of various companies, types, compositions, price categories, etc. Sometimes even sophisticated parents find it very difficult to choose the right milk formula for their baby. What can we say about young and inexperienced mothers?

A wide range of milk formulas

Until recently in Russia only domestic mixtures were widely known "Baby", "Baby". But in the 1990s, the Russian market began to be rapidly filled with imported powdered milk formulas - substitutes for women's milk, as well as packaged cereals, mashed potatoes, canned meals for children that did not require long preparation, ready to eat. Staring attention of both pediatricians and parents riveted to mixtures for feeding babies of the first year, since at this age, dry milk formula is the main food for the baby, or the main complementary foods.

Today, milk formulas for young children made by manufacturers in America, France, Holland, Germany, England, Finland, Sweden, Austria, Japan, Israel, Yugoslavia, Switzerland, and India enter the Russian market. It is a pity that among the richest assortment of baby food products, Russian and Ukrainian milk formulas are represented by only a few items, and modestly lost against the background of almost 80 types of foreign mixtures .

Main types and their differences

All milk (dry and liquid) infant formulas are divided into two large groups:

  • adapted mixtures (close in composition to the breast milk of women);
  • partially adapted blends (remotely imitate the composition of breast milk).

The vast majority of infant formula is made from whole or skimmed cow's milk. Also known are infant formulas based on soy milk, goat milk. Infant milk formulas made from cow's milk are divided into two groups:

  • acidophilic (sour milk);
  • insipid milk mixtures.

According to the form of manufacture, infant formulas are:

  • dry (powder mixtures that must be diluted with water in the right proportions, or boiled, depending on the method of preparation);
  • in liquid form (ready-made mixtures for direct feeding of the baby, they only need to be heated).

Infant milk formulas, substitutes for women's breast milk, according to the quality and quantity of the protein component in them, are divided into:

  • whey (as close as possible to the composition of breast milk for whey protein);
  • casein (with the presence of cow's milk casein).

When choosing the right formula for their baby, parents should remember that human milk substitutes are

  • standard (adapted mixtures made from cow's milk, designed to feed babies);
  • specialized (these special formulas are designed for certain categories of babies - for example, children with food allergies, prematurity and underweight, babies with digestive difficulties, etc.).

Popular brands

Despite the fact that today in the domestic market milk infant formulas are represented by a very wide range of products, among them there are clear favorites , which are most in demand among caring parents, as the best food for their baby.

1. Nutrilon infant formula (Nutricia Company, Holland) is intended for a healthy child from birth . These mixtures are capable normalize the microflora baby intestines, prevent and eliminate intestinal colic , regurgitation and , boost immunity baby. The Nutricia company produces special formulas (Lactose-free, Pepti-gastro, Soya, Pepti Allergy, Amino acids, formulas for premature babies, low birth weight babies) for babies with special nutritional and other needs, as well as sour-milk, adapted formulas for baby food for healthy children from birth (Nutrilon@Comfort, Hypoallergenic, Sour-milk).

Price mixtures "Nutrilon" in Russia varies from 270 before 850 rubles per can, depending on the form of release, the type of mixture.


  • The availability of the mixture - it can be bought in different regions of the country.
  • A wide range of products for children with various disabilities, as well as for healthy children.
  • Mixtures are designed to feed babies from birth.
  • Many mothers note an improvement in the baby's digestion as a result of feeding this mixture.


  • Some parents do not like the smell and taste of formula.
  • It dissolves poorly, with lumps.
  • High price.

Infant formula is a type of special food designed to artificially feed a baby or to supplement a mother's breast milk. It consists of whey, milk powder, protein hydrolyzate and many other components. Thanks to her, the baby receives all the necessary substances for normal development. True, this becomes possible only when choosing the best milk formula for newborns, which can be fed to the baby, depending on the manufacturer, from the very first month. In the rating, we tried to collect just such options, among which there are hypoallergenic, and adapted, and ordinary ones.

Which brand of milk formula is better to buy for a newborn

The baby food market is very extensive, hundreds of companies work there, including Russian ones. However, only a few of them actually create safe, high-quality, healthy and tasty products. We studied the most popular offers and as a result, the rating included food from the following six leaders:

  • Nutricia is a recognized European leader in the baby food market. The company has over 120 years of history. Its peculiarity is the provision of advice from pediatricians to mothers through a hotline. The main goal of the company is to improve the health of babies through high-quality food products made from safe ingredients, including plant origin. They are produced taking into account the age of children, usually have a normal taste and smell, and are easily digested. There are 3 series in the assortment of the company: Malysh, Nutricia and Milupa.
  • Nestle- the company was founded in 1866, and since then it has held a leading position in the food products market, including those intended for children. A special place in its assortment is occupied by mixtures produced under the NAN trademark. When releasing products, Nestle experts took into account everything - the need for protein, bifidobacteria for the normal functioning of the digestive tract, "smart" lipids for healthy bones and tissues. The manufacturer has hypoallergenic masses available that do not cause side effects in infants and are well tolerated by the body.
  • Nutrilak- under this trademark, baby food for babies from birth is supplied to the market. It can be used as a primary source of milk or as a complement to breastfeeding. The company's assortment includes options designed for babies up to 6 months and older than six months. It also offers adapted mixtures that are designed for newborns with a high risk of developing allergies. Particular attention is paid to the production of therapeutic milk formulas for newborns that eliminate colic.
  • Similac- it's wide famous brand, under which baby food is produced without the content of GMOs and other hazardous substances that can harm the health of the child. Its products contribute to the formation of a normal stool, densifies bone tissue, eliminates colic and constipation, and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. There are, among other things, hypoallergenic formulations suitable even for children with sensitive digestion. They are affordable and good quality not inferior to premium blends.
  • Friso is one of the few firms on the market that has its own farms with its own cows. Animals are fed only with organic food and are grazed in open areas. This allows you to guarantee the high quality and safety of the milk used to create mixtures. The company tries to preserve its value in the production of products, which minimizes the loss of nutrients and makes nutrition as useful as possible for babies. No less important is the fact that it has its own production for the manufacture of lactose, milk calcium, protein hydrolysates and a number of other auxiliary components.
  • Humana- this company supplies the market with some of the best baby milk formulas, juices, cereals, teas, puddings. In its range, all products are made from the most natural ingredients and this process is carefully controlled at all stages. After cooking, technologists check the quality and safety of food, which eliminates harm to the health of babies. She has products available in both cans and cartons. They have a high energy value, quickly satisfy hunger and saturate the child's body with everything necessary for normal development.

Rating of the best milk formulas for newborns

There were several criteria for selecting products:

  • Safety of use, no side effects;
  • Ease of preparation - proportions, whether lumps appear, whether it is possible to pour into a bottle;
  • Admission efficiency;
  • Composition - the presence of vitamins, minerals, etc.;
  • Availability on the market, including price;
  • Versatility, whether suitable for both artificial and partial feeding;
  • Type - adapted, lactose-free, palm oil-free or hypoallergenic;
  • The absence of artificial components in the composition;
  • Taste and smell;
  • Calorie content, the amount of carbohydrates, fats, proteins;
  • Best before date;
  • The presence of foam
  • dissolution rate in water.

A special selection criterion was the reaction of children to the use of the mixture, with what appetite they eat it and whether they are capricious at the same time. To study the behavior of babies, product testing was carried out.

The best infant formulas

Such formulations can be used both for artificial feeding and in addition to mother's milk. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that in composition they are very similar to breast milk, therefore, allow you to provide the children's body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals for growth and development. When compiling the rating of the best milk formulas for newborns, we selected 10 options with an adapted composition, but only two were included in the TOP, recognized as the most delicious, safe, satisfying and reliable.

Baby Nutricia 1 from birth

... I fed the child with this mixture after childbirth, when breast milk was gone, and he reacted well to it, ate with appetite, normally gained weight ...

Expert opinion

This food is specially designed for children aged from birth to six months. High quality and safety - that's how you can characterize it. This is the undisputed leader in terms of price-quality ratio. It is guaranteed by the absence of sugar, GMOs and artificial additives in the composition, which harm the health of babies and often cause allergies. This is one of the few formulas that contain prebiotics, reminiscent of those found in mom's breast milk. It is made from selected cow's milk, enriched with vitamins and does not require cooking.


  • The child quickly eats up due to the high energy value - 66 kcal per 100 g;
  • Included fish fat, useful for the "thyroid gland" and not only;
  • Made with non-fat milk;
  • Easily digestible;
  • Can be stored for more than 1.5 years;
  • Ease of preparation.


  • The coconut oil in the formula can be difficult for toddlers with digestive problems;
  • Does not contain probiotics.

In terms of composition and price, this infant formula is very similar to the previous best product rating. She could have been given first place in the TOP if the reviews did not complain about the risk of fixing the stool with prolonged use. It is very easy to prepare and does not cause trouble, for this it is simply dissolved in boiling water. The mass is soft, without lumps, but it still needs to be stirred well. She can both feed the baby, and introduce it into the diet as the main food. The kid eats it with appetite, but in a small amount, and this can be attributed to the high calorie content of the product.


  • economical consumption;
  • Does not contain soy and artificial additives;
  • Rarely causes allergies;
  • Shelf life up to 18 months;
  • Not very sweet;
  • After use, the child does not develop a rash.


  • Foaming.

According to mothers, cardboard packaging is not very convenient, since the mixture can get wet and deteriorate. To avoid this, it is recommended to pour it into a tin or glass jar.

The best milk formulas for newborns without palm oil

Palm oil in large quantities is considered a harmful additive that can lead to the development of obesity and adversely affect the work of the heart. Without it, it is very difficult to find a food product, but we have selected for you the 3 best infant formulas, which are recognized as such due to their safety and health benefits.

This is a hypoallergenic mixture, which reduces the likelihood of redness and rash in a child to almost zero. It not only allows children to get enough, but also improves their well-being. With its help, colic is eliminated, immunity is strengthened, intestinal microflora is normalized. Because of this, the baby is less naughty and crying. Food is sold in a tin, which is very convenient for long-term storage. The products are suitable for both mixed and artificial feeding, and it can be used from birth. The package sells 800 g of mass, which is enough for a fairly long time.


  • Does not contain dangerous ingredients: preservatives, dyes and flavors;
  • Not greasy and not heavy on the stomach;
  • The composition includes vitamins;
  • High-calorie, quickly satisfies hunger;
  • It dissolves well in water;
  • Nice smell;
  • Natural taste.


  • High price.

This mixture is as close as possible in composition to the mother's breast milk, so the child with the use of porridge based on it receives all the necessary substances for normal development. It contains natural ingredients, including milk powder, whey, milk fat. The composition also includes many vitamins - ascorbic acid, tocopherol acetate, folates and many others. etc. Due to this, such nutrition is good for immunity and helps protect the child from colds. It can be given to infants up to 6 months of age.


  • Not much foam
  • Just getting divorced;
  • Does not cause diarrhea or harden stools;
  • Children eat well porridge based on it;
  • Does not form lumps when mixed;
  • Pleasant taste and aroma.


  • Not very convenient cardboard packaging;
  • Not the largest volume at 350 g.

The reviews note that children improve bowel function after including Nutrilak InfaPrim Premium 1 in the diet. This is due to the presence of prebiotics in the composition.

This powdered infant formula was the best of the 5 options. She bypassed them in terms of safety and effect of the application. It is a versatile food product adapted to the needs of active developing organism kids. Its peculiarity lies in the absence of palm oil, which is a source of saturated fats and, with frequent use, can impair health. Similac Abbott 1 can be given to children under 6 months of age. The mixture gently affects the walls of the stomach and intestines, softens the stool and helps to eliminate constipation.


  • Calcium in the composition is well absorbed;
  • Strengthens nails and bones;
  • Excellent digestion;
  • Increases the protective properties of the body;
  • Sold in bags packed in cardboard containers.


  • More unsaturated fatty acids could be added to the composition;
  • 57.92 g of carbohydrates in 100 g of powder for a newborn can be a lot.

When analyzing Similac Abbott 1, the lower content of minerals compared to vitamins catches the eye.

The best hypoallergenic milk formulas for newborns

Such food is recommended to choose if the child has digestive problems and when he is predisposed to allergies. If you use conventional products, you may experience a rash, redness and itching of the tissues. To avoid this, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of the 3 best milk formulas for newborns with a hypoallergenic composition.

This milk formula is intended for newborns who have a predisposition to an allergic reaction to animal protein. Against the background of other products, it is favorably distinguished by the possibility of using it before the baby reaches the age of one. This allows us to conclude that it is suitable for both mixed and pure feeding. The advantage over other options is that it is curative. Its saturation with vitamins and minerals contributes to the rapid growth of teeth, helps in maintaining a healthy microflora and allows you to maintain normal stools.


  • Optimal content of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids;
  • It turns out not very thick and not too liquid;
  • Easy to dilute with water;
  • Shelf life up to 24 months;
  • Fine grinding;
  • Easily soluble in liquid.


  • Bitter taste;
  • Pronounced odor.

The best therapeutic milk formulas for newborns

So can only be called food that improves the health of babies. It should strengthen the immune system, increase the protective properties of the body, normalize the functioning of the intestines, put in order its microflora. As such a milk formula for newborns, we can recommend the one that is included in our rating just on the basis of these parameters.

This is the best milk formula for newborns because of its benefits for the sensitive digestive system. It improves due to the content of prebiotics here, which also eliminate colic, which often occurs in children under the age of one year. The composition here is also unique in that it includes LC PUFA - polyunsaturated fatty acids that contribute to the normal development of the retina and brain. This food is recommended by pediatricians for the prevention of dysbacteriosis, and it is relevant both for fully artificial feeding and for partial consumption. The package contains 300 g, from which it turns out to cook about 2.2 liters of porridge.


  • Gluten free;
  • Does not contain sugar;
  • Easily digestible protein;
  • German production;
  • Delicious;
  • Nice smell.


  • Not enough vitamins in the composition.

From the mixture of "Anticolic" with LC-PUFA Humana, a slurry is obtained, which can be easily filled into a bottle and taken with you for a walk.

What is the best milk formula for a newborn

There is simply no better nutrition for a baby than mother's milk. But adapted milk formulas help to reproduce it as accurately as possible and not deprive the child of the necessary substances. They will be indispensable for those who for some reason have lost breast milk and urgently need to transfer the baby to artificial feeding. If the crumbs have digestive problems, it is recommended to choose hypoallergenic and therapeutic formulations.

With lactose intolerance, the mixture should not contain animal milk at all, which can cause an allergy attack at any time. In this case, alternative options based on plant analogues are chosen. In the case of dysbacteriosis, nutrition with a high concentration of prebiotics will be relevant. To restore metabolism, give products containing fatty acids.

Here is what food is better to choose depending on the situation:

  • In case of problems with the intestines, "Baby Nutricia 1" can be introduced into the child's diet.
  • In case of frequent diarrhea, a mixture of Malysh Istra Nutricia 1 is relevant.
  • Children with digestive problems are best given NAN Nestle 1 Optipro.
  • Babies who are on artificial feeding, suits Nutrilak InfaPrim Premium 1.
  • To strengthen immunity and improve metabolism, it will not be a mistake to choose Similac Abbott 1 nutrition.
  • To normalize stool good choice will be Friso Frisopep AS.
  • With colic, a mixture of Anticolic with LC-PUFA Humana helps a lot.

By choosing the best milk formula for newborns from this rating, you can be sure of its quality, safety, and great benefits. Naturally, good food cannot be very cheap, so the savings here must be smart. We hope our TOP will help you make the right purchase!